Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 307: She will be more cruel to others

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307   She will be more cruel to others

What Gu Yan said made everyone present stunned.

None of them thought that Grandpa would eventually agree to help Uncle repay the debt.

Old rivers and lakes like Uncle were also made speechless by Grandpa Gu for such a sudden change.

"Dad, how could you help me pay the debt?" Uncle looked at Gu Yan, his eyes full of disbelief.

Gu Yanshen smiled faintly: "Because the company helped the uncle to pay off the debt, neither you nor Gu Nana can stay in the head office anymore."

"Why!" Gu Nana was not convinced.

Gu Yan's tone was so flat that there was no slight ups and downs: "It's up to you to frame the company in the front and steal the family's belongings in the back.

And this is just a notification. If you are not convinced of this result, we will call the police directly. "

After that, Gu Yan went out.

Both Uncle and Gu Nana looked as if they were earthy, but there was no other way but to listen.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yifei was filled with joy and pride.

Even for the first time, Gu Yan felt so pleasing.

Now Gu Qian and Gu Nana have been expelled from the company.

Gu Yan is not enough to fight against their family.

In this way, Gu family is now in their pocket.

Gu Ninghuan has been sitting on the swing in Gu's garden, looking at the setting sun in the distance, his heart is empty.

She actually did not expect that Grandpa would give money to let Uncle repay the gambling debts.

"What do you do here alone, are you thinking about Uncle's things?" The shaking swing was held by Gu Yan's hand.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes, glanced at his brother, and said nothing, then lowered his head again.

"Ning Huan, do you know? No matter how bad Uncle is, we are always a family.

Grandpa has no way to watch his uncle forced to death by gambling debts. "Gu Yan was sitting next to Gu Ninghuan, and he was very gentle with her.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his head to play with the jade bracelet on his wrist, and said nothing.

In order to catch the handle of her uncle, she spent so much effort and even owed the favor of the Chu family.

But I didn't expect that they only drove them out of the company.

Gu Ninghuan showed no mercy to Uncle because they knew how much they had done to hurt them.

"Grandpa already knows that you intend to donate bone marrow to Grandpa Chu, and also knows your rejection of the Chu family." Gu Yan's gentle tone did not change at all.

Gu Ninghuan heard the words from the Chu family, and then raised his head: "Are you going to help the Chu family again?"

Don't forget how Chu Nian was cruel to us. Besides, it was not because she sent that kind of news to her father.

Dad, he won’t get on the plane, he won’t be with his stepmother..."

For the rest, Gu Ninghuan did not continue.

She didn't want to wake up that heavy memory again.

"Then do you know? In fact, on the third day that Chu Nian left Gu's house, Master Chu personally apologized.

He wanted to be able to visit us often in the future, but Grandpa refused. Grandpa even asked that the Chu family should not be allowed to appear in front of us from today on.

At that time, Grandpa Chu knew what Chu Nian had done, and he had no stand to fight with Grandpa again, so he could only give up. "Gu Yan is a gentle person.

Even whether it is Gu Yan or Grandpa Gu, they have always been very kind.

Otherwise, Gu Ninghuan before rebirth will not be stupid and sweet and careless about that kind of situation.

A very good little girl who was protected from childhood has no ability to protect herself.

She is like a rose growing in a glass cover, beautiful, but delicate and weak.

After rebirth, Gu Ninghuan showed all her strength, and she would be more cruel to others.

She didn't think it was bad.

If it wasn't because she died once, she understood these truths.

The Gu family had long been destroyed in Gu Shi's hands. The brother who was sitting next to her and talking softly was also burnt to death by Gu Shi.

"I don't like the Chu family too, but now Chu's grandfather is already ill. Anyway, the Chu family also helped us this time with his uncle.

Should you personally thank Master Chu? "Gu Yan continued to be patient."

Hearing what his brother said, Gu Ninghuan only nodded gently.

As her brother said, she owed her thanks to Mr. Chu.

"I really owe Master Chu a thank you, but I don't want to see him alone." Gu Ninghuan was reluctant.

The blood relationship seems to be very intimate, but if there is no time to get along together, it is not as good as a stranger.

Even if Gu Ninghuan now knows that Grandpa Chu has treated them for more than a decade, it is not that they are not indifferent.

But this alone is not enough to make two grandfathers who haven't seen each other for more than ten years meet up.

"Okay, my brother will accompany you to thank Master Chu?" Gu Yanyuan touched Gu Ninghuan's head.

Gu Ninghuan nodded when he heard this from his brother.

Uncle Zhang heard the news that Gu Ninghuan agreed with Master Chu.

The old man, who had always been calm, became excited for the first time.

He hurriedly sent someone to take over Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan.

Grandpa Gu knew that the two of them were going to Chu's house, and there was no objection.

Instead, the housekeeper prepared a gift for Gu Ninghuan and asked her to give it to Grandpa Chu.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the unfamiliar housekeeper in front of her, only to think of it at this moment, it seemed that she had not seen cold for a long time.

"Where did Leng Han go?" Gu Ninghuan was puzzled when he took the things from the housekeeper.

The housekeeper replied: "The cold housekeeper has something to do recently, and the old man gave him a long vacation to let him deal with his own affairs."

Gu Ninghuan thought about it for a while, what would happen to Leng Han, wasn't he an orphan who was adopted by his grandfather when he was a child?

"Ms. is there something to do with the cold butler? If you have something, do you need me to contact the cold butler?" the butler asked.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head: "No, thank you. Let the cold steward handle his own business."

Having finished speaking, Gu Ninghuan carried the things in the car.

Gu Ninghuan was a little nervous throughout, but Gu Yan seemed very relaxed.

The distance between the two cities is not far away, but Uncle Zhang dispatched the Chu family's private jet for Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan to arrive earlier.

After arriving in Suzhou City, Gu Ninghuan got off the plane and was personally taken to the Chus by Uncle Zhang.

When the door opened, the Chu family was close at hand, and Gu Ninghuan was also a rich man.

When I saw the house in front of me, I was still a little surprised.

Both the villa where she lived at this time and the Gu family are modern houses.

For the first time, she saw such a good address preserved in the late Qing style.

"Miss Gu, Master Gu, please." Uncle Zhang treated them with respect.

Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan glanced at each other and walked into Chu's house.

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