Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 309: You don't deserve to be a mother

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Chapter 309: You Are Not Worthy of Being a Mother

Gu Ninghuan just wanted to say Fu Xishen's name, and felt that the sleeve of the sleeve was pulled by Gu Yan who was standing beside him.

Because of Gu Yan's actions, her words paused unconsciously.

Gu Yanqing laughed and answered instead of Gu Ninghuan: "It is an ordinary person, although it looks a little ordinary, but it is very good.

Being able to tolerate Ning Huan's small temper, my grandfather and I are very satisfied with Ning Huan's future husband. "

Gu Ninghuan was surprised when Gu Yan actually used ordinary words to describe Fu Xishen.

No matter how he sees it, Fu Xishen can't match the ordinary words.

Gu Yan opened his eyes and talked nonsense, wouldn't his conscience hurt?

Mr. Chu nodded: "That's fine. People who are close to their family are more comfortable.

If in the days to come, he has to bully you, he must tell his grandfather, he will help you out. "

Gu Ninghuan nodded.

Since the Chu family and the Fu family dislike each other.

Then she didn't need to say it to make grandpa unhappy.

He waited until he was well ill to explain.

Grandpa Chu treats his juniors, even Chu Nian, who is most favored by the Chu family, has a nonchalant attitude.

But he showed an unprecedented like for Gu Ninghuan, pulling her to ask every detail of her life over the years.

Uncle Zhang also had some surprises that Old Master Chu liked Gu Ninghuan, but then he thought about it and understood.

Gu Ninghuan has not stayed with Mr. Chu for more than ten years.

Chu Nian did such a ridiculous thing, Gu Ninghuan did not say anything, but was willing to donate bone marrow to rescue Chu Chu.

From a young age, Grandpa Chu was the iron-hearted style, his hands covered with blood.

But even if he was cruel, Mr. Chu had never failed anyone who was kind to him.

Now, Master Chu is so good to Gu Ninghuan, not only because he has owed more than ten years of care, but also a life-saving grace.

Under such accumulation, what is waiting for Gu Ninghuan belongs to Chu's grand favorite for the juniors.

Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan planned to leave after seeing Grandpa Chu.

But Grandpa Chu insisted on keeping them for dinner. Gu Ninghuan didn't want to make Grandpa Chu unhappy, and he could only promise.

Uncle Zhang let people take Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan around and get familiar with the environment here.

Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan walked out of Grandpa Chu's room and saw Chu Nian and Chu Hua still standing outside the door.

Gu Yan and Gu Ninghuan did not look at them at a glance, and went directly with the servants of the Chu family.

Chu Nian stood on the spot, the whole person was cold.

Uncle Zhang did not follow Gu Ninghuan. He stayed and spoke to Chu Nian and Chu Hua: "Miss, Grandpa please invite you in."

Chu Nian's eyes are happy because Gu Ninghuan is here, so does Dad plan to reinstate her?

What Chu Hua thought was similar to Chu Nian.

Even if they had kidnapped Gu Ninghuan, they had already apologized to her.

Besides, if they were not kidnapped, Gu Ninghuan.

I don't know when I knew Gu Ninghuan actually matched the bone marrow of Father Chu.

From this point of view, they still excelled.

And Grandpa Chu had hung them for so many days before, presumably just to show them to others.

Now that Gu Ning had a good chat, I decided to give them a reward for merit.

Chu Nian and Chu Hua entered the room.

Grandpa Chu no longer has the gentleness to face Gu Ninghuan.


"Master Chu."

Chu Nian and Chu Hua cried out in unison.

Old Master Chu glanced at Chu Nian and landed on Chu Hua: "Chu Hua, how many years have you been blessed by the Chu family?"

When Chu Hua saw the first sentence of Grandpa Chu, he actually told him that the whole person seemed flattered.

He hurriedly answered, "I have been blessed by the Chu family since I was born.

Even though I am not yet qualified to enter the Chu family, I think that as long as I work hard, I will be able to enter the Chu family one day.

I also hope that one day I will be able to call you grandpa and serve you. "

Hearing the words, Mr. Chu's weak eyes crossed a shadow, and he continued to ask: "How have the Chu's family treated you all these years?"

"It can be said that it is very good, if there is no Chu family, where can I feel at ease to study.

Moreover, just because Master Chu treats me well, I have been concerned about your body after knowing that you are sick.

This was the only difference, and I did something inappropriate to Gu Ninghuan, but I have already apologized to Gu Ninghuan for this matter.

But anyway, I still caused damage to Gu Ninghuan and caused you trouble, so I didn't have a good body, so I immediately discharged to apologize to you. "

Chu Nian stood beside Chu Hua, listening to the conversation between Chu Hua and Chu Chu.

I don't know why, I feel a little uneasy.

Chu Hua didn't notice Chu Nian's worries. He also thought he answered very well.

It can be said that what he said just now shows his loyalty to Master Chu.

Another thing is that Grandpa Chu did not like him to kidnap Gu Ninghuan, and did everything cleanly.

"Since the Chu family treats you well, what qualifications do you have for the guests I invited.

Or, because I am sick now, do you think the Chu family is now yours? "Every word said by Master Chu has a light tone.

But Chu Hua was so shocked that he didn't dare to take a word or even refute the words.

Chu Nian didn't dare to help Chu Hua with a word, for fear that Father Chu would blame her even with her.

"Uncle Zhang, take Chu Hua down and teach him a good rule." Master Chu said lightly.

"Yes, old man." Uncle Zhang finished, reaching for Chuhua's arm and taking him off forcibly.

When Chu Hua was caught by Uncle Zhang, he struggled subconsciously.

But he couldn't get rid of an old man who appeared to be old.

Chu Hua turned his attention to Chu Nian, but Chu Nian did not look at him at a glance.

After Chu Hua was taken down by Uncle Zhang, Master Chu looked at Chu Nian: "At that time, you don't care about Gu, the face of Chu's two families.

Willfulness conceived Qi Shixin's child in the marriage and gave birth to Chu Hua, an insignificant waste.

After more than ten years, your temperament has not changed. The deeds you have done are not only unworthy of being mothers, but even unworthy of being humans. "

Listening, Chu Nian raised her head, and there was dissatisfaction in her speech: "I wanted to compensate Ning Huan at first, but do you know how hard her heart is?

I admit that Chu Hua did wrong, but they also did something right.

In order to help Ning Huan get angry, he stopped my job and let Uncle Zhang teach Chu Hua even more. Is this not enough? "

"So, even now, you still don't think you have done something wrong." Master Chu said slowly.

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