Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 310: But I only have Fu Xishen

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Chapter 310: But I Only Fu Xishen

Chu Nian: "I don't understand what I did wrong.

After you became ill, I not only kept things in the company organized, but also helped you find the right bone marrow all over the world.

I don't understand why I plan for you wholeheartedly, and will end this suspension. "

"Since you have so many dissatisfaction in your heart, from today, you don't need to be suspended..."

Chu Nianwen's lips twitched slightly, and indeed Dad still hurt her.

But what Grandpa Chu said afterwards made her completely desperate.

"From today, you don’t need to go to the company anymore. I will let someone take over your original position."

After Chu Nian heard what Chu said, he froze on the spot.

The words of Grandpa Chu meant to drive her out of the company completely.

Just thinking of this, Chu Nian felt like he was immersed in the ice cave.

She didn't know how to get out of Grandpa Chu's room, only that her position had been destroyed, or because of her own daughter.

Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan walked around and came back from the door of Grandpa Chu, but they never saw Chu Nian's mother and son again.

Grandpa Chu should have forgiven them before they left.

Gu Ninghuan was forgiven by Grandpa Chu and did not have any great emotional fluctuations.

For her, they are a complete outsider.

But the maid took Gu Ninghuan back to her room.

Gu Ninghuan met Chu Hua who stumbled.

She had planned to let the maid bypass Chu Hua, but before she opened her mouth, she saw a red and swollen face on Chu Hua's face.

On the lips, he was beaten with blood, and suddenly saw such a cruel scene, Gu Ninghuan could not help frowning.

Chu Hua leaned back to Chu Nian. It stands to reason that the Chu family should walk sideways. How could it be beaten like this?

Chu Hua felt Gu Ninghuan’s eyes and looked up. After seeing her, her bloodshot eyes were redder, and she looked forward to eating her directly.

Gu Ninghuan was somewhat unclear and hated by Chu Hua. I don't know where she provokes Chu Hua.

"What's wrong with him? No one at Chu's house should be able to beat him casually." When Chu Hua left, Gu Ninghuan asked the maid.

The maid looked around with her eyes and saw no one around her. Then she whispered: "At Chu's house, you should be able to call Chu Hua such a person. It should be only Master Chu and Uncle Zhang."

Gu Ninghuan heard it and understood.

It seems that the reason why Chu Hua and Chu Nian did not continue to stand outside the door of Grandpa Chu apologized.

It turned out not to be forgiven but to be taught a lesson.

The lunch and dinner at Chu's house were used by Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan together with Grandpa Chu.

Gu Ninghuan still has classes tomorrow, and Gu Yan is also going to the company.

So there is no way to stay here overnight, only to leave.

Grandpa Chu is not in good health, so he cannot send Gu Ninghuan, only to let Uncle Zhang do the work.

Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan walked out of the Chu's house accompanied by Uncle Zhang and boarded a private jet.

"Brother, if my grandfather knew that the man I married was Fu Xishen, would he be very angry?" Gu Ninghuan didn't care about Mr. Chu at first, and of course he didn't care what he thought.

But now it is different.

Gu Yan looked at the business magazine in his hand: "According to my grandfather's temper, Uncle Zhang should be escorted to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"You only had two meals with your grandfather, did you know his temper?" Gu Ning panicked.

Gu Yanchang turned a page of the magazine: "Look at the way Chu Hua was beaten, you should be able to guess the temper of half of your grandfather."

"However, if between grandpa and husband, you can only choose one, who would you choose?" Gu Yan asked suddenly.

Gu Ninghuan tilted his head for a while and answered very seriously: "I chose Fu Xishen."

Gu Yan faced Gu Ninghuan's answer without any surprises.

Instead, he closed the magazine in his hand and smiled elegantly: "So between me and Mr. Fu, if you were asked to choose one, who would you choose?"

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She never imagined that people like Gu Yan who were very mature from childhood to the majority would actually struggle with this problem.

"Choose my husband." Gu Ninghuan still answered this.

Before Gu Yan might be angry, Gu Ninghuan added an explanation: "Which is Fu Xishen who will spend the rest of my life with me.

As for whether you or your grandfather, there will be someone around to accompany you, but I only have Fu Xishen. "

Gu Yanzhang rubbed Gu Ninghuan's hair: "No, brother will always be with you."

Gu Ninghuan said that his face was full of disbelief, and now Gu Yan is single, of course.

Once he has a girlfriend he likes, it is definitely the kind of person who loves his sister.


Kyoto, Fu's company villa.

Fu Xishen sat behind his desk, his slender and sharp fingers flicked across the black gun body on the table, his expression indifferent.

Lin Que was sitting on the sofa run by the president, with a long smile on his young face: "I really did not expect that your wife was actually the granddaughter of the Chu family.

No wonder she was so merciless when she started with Gu Shi Meng Jingwen, it turned out that half of the Chu family's genes! "

"You brought this gun to me just to tell me this?" Fu Xishen looked calm, not surprised at Gu Ninghuan's identity.

Lin Que raised his hand and picked up a bottle of red wine of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and slowly poured it into the goblet in front of him: "Of course, I received the news that your wife will be back soon.

What if she was brainwashed by someone from the Chu family and came back into your heart with a dagger?

After all, she was very repulsive to your marriage. "

Lin Que is really very worried about his brother, who is the Chu family.

Not to mention Grandpa Chu, even if it is the four sons of Grandpa Chu, which one is not the murderer who does not blink.

Even if they are whitewashed now, it's just for the outsiders to see.

After all, there are so many businesses that the Chu family can't see the light.


Just when Lin Que kept saying that Fu Xishen should pay attention to guard against Gu Ninghuan.

A short message prompt interrupted his thoughts.

Lin Que immediately stood up: "Did Gu Ninghuan send you a message? Has she returned from the Chu family?

Xishen, I think it's safer for you not to go home tonight. It will be better to wait for Gu Ninghuan to investigate with my people before spending time with her. "

After returning a message to Gu Ninghuan, Fu Xishen stood up and put the gun in the drawer: "Remove your men."

Lin Que's eyes widened, and some could not believe it: "What are you saying? Do you really have to believe Gu Ninghuan?"

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