Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 311: Do it only once, eh?

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Chapter 311   Do it only once, eh?

Lin Que felt very strange, like Fu Xishen and Gu Ninghuan, the two most common business marriages, where did they come to trust each other so much?

No matter what Fu Xishen thinks, he doesn't believe Gu Ninghuan.

Women are the most elusive people in the world.

If Gu Ninghuan really intends to draw a line with the Chus.

She would not go to Chu's house with Gu Yan.

As for the grudge between the Chu family and the Fu family, it is not as simple as it seems.

Nor is it easy to heal a wound by simply getting married.

It was only when Lin Que planned to continue to persuade Fu Xishen that he was no longer in the office.

Lin Que was somewhat depressed and drank the red wine from the glass.

Gu Ninghuan returned home, but Fu Xishen had not returned yet. After a few hours of flying, she felt a little tired.

She walked upstairs at a cheerful pace, put her luggage in the corner, and walked into the bathroom with her clothes changed.

Gu Ninghuan felt that if he didn't go out, he didn't really know that his family was so comfortable.

Suddenly, there was a slight noise outside the door, and Gu Ninghuan only thought of it as a maid pushing the door in to pack things, and didn't care.

Sure enough, the slight noise soon became quiet.

Gu Ninghuan felt that it was almost soaking up, got up from the bathtub, wiped his body and wrapped his bathrobe and walked outside.

Fu Xishen should be back soon, she didn't want to face him naked in the bathtub.

Such a scene is enough to make people feel shy just thinking about it.

She stretched her hand to open the bathroom door and walked outside. The soles of her feet that had not been dried on the good wooden floor only took one step. She felt the soles slip, and the whole person fell backwards.

Just when Gu Ninghuan thought that today must be the back of the head, when he fell terribly, Fu Xishen pulled his wrist.

The man dragged her back with thin cocoon fingers.

Gu Ninghuan slammed into the man's chest fiercely, and the soft cheeks were attached to the man's hard muscles, making her feel a little pain.

"Are you going to wrestle even when you walk away?" A low voice came from her small head.

In the face of a man's behavior that significantly depreciated her IQ, Gu Ninghuan was dissatisfied from the bottom of her heart.

She reached out to push the man in front of her, but she couldn't push it anyway.

"You let me go, I'm going to sleep." Gu Ninghuan's cheeks bulged, and she chose Fu Xishen in front of her brother.

But Fu Xishen bullied her, this man is too much!

"It's only eight o'clock now." Fu Xi raised his hand and glanced at the time.

Gu Ninghuan was right and confident: "I was going to go to bed so early, wouldn't it?"

"Do some exercise before going to bed, it's easier to fall asleep." Fu Xi said faintly.

Gu Ninghuan looked up, and in an instant, he ran into the dark eyes of the man.

His good-looking eyes, not the usual coldness, but with a touch of desire, made people feel baffled baffling inexplicably.

Gu Ninghuan did not understand why Fu Xishen suddenly became like this.

But it wasn't until she lowered her head that she realized how exposed her dress was now.

Originally, the rope of her bathrobe was not tight. After experiencing the trouble just now, it became even looser.

The dark bathrobe hung loosely on her.

All the places that should be covered are not covered at all, but her body is more tempting.

From Fu Xishen's perspective, Gu Ninghuan's unintentionalness is equivalent to standing naked in front of him.

The bright lights in the room shone on her now, as if she was covered with a pure white tulle.

Recently, most of Gu Ninghuan's thoughts were on the wedding and the Chu family. The two of them have not been intimate for a long time.

At this time Wen Xiangneoyu was pregnant, and Fu Xi's deep and thin eyes were full of Gu Ninghuan's secret desire to love and fear.

Gu Ning Huan did not resist getting close to Fu Xishen, but she still had to take classes tomorrow, and the man's ability was too strong.

If she let the man succeed this evening, then tomorrow she should not wish to get up early.

"Fu Xishen...I have to get up early tomorrow for class...you can restrain yourself." Gu Ninghuan's arm pressed against the man's chest.

"Do it only once." The man's voice was a little low, like the devil's temptation.

Gu Ninghuan was about to believe him, but then he felt that it was impossible. According to the man's ability, how could he only do it once.

But Fu Xishen didn't give Gu Ninghuan too much time to think, leaned over and kissed her lips directly.

All of Gu Ninghuan's refusals were prevented by the man, and even when she had not responded, he was already pressed on the bed by him.

By the next day, Gu Ninghuan, who had backache, was awakened by the alarm clock, and his arm holding the mobile phone was covered with blue and purple kiss marks.

She looked at the traces of that body and only felt that what she had said in bed before was unbelievable.

But now I know that what a man said before going to bed is not credible.

Gu Ninghuan changed clothes and went out to go to class alone.

After the class ended, she glanced at the time and felt that she was preparing to go to Fu Xishen for a meal.

But when I walked to the parking lot, I saw a fleshy object squatting beside her car.

Gu Ninghuan approached and saw Song Ci, a little surprised.

"Song Ci, what are you doing here?" Gu Ninghuan was not very clear.

If Song Ci really finds her, she should call directly instead of crouching here.

Song Ci raised his head, his eyes were red, and his words were a little choked: "Ning Huan, my phone is out of power, there is no way to call you, I can only wait for you here."

After he finished speaking, Song Ci wanted to stand up, but because he squatted for too long, he suddenly stood up and planted his head uncontrollably.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward and grabbed her: "What's wrong?"

"Su Muzhe, cheating on my back!" Song Ci finished, with obvious anger on his face.

If, at the beginning, she was sad when she heard the news.

Even a kind of sadness that she hadn't experienced. She didn't even know that it turned out that Su Muzhe was so uncomfortable with other people.

After seeing Gu Ninghuan, Song Ci suddenly seemed to have the backbone.

What if the man is cheating, she still has good girlfriends.

I believe that no matter how much Su Muzhe did to her, she will follow Gu Ninghuan to get justice for herself!

"What! Do you know where Su Muzhe is now? I'll accompany you to find the account with him!" Gu Ninghuan heard Song Ci say this, and immediately became more angry than Song Ci.

She always felt that Su Muzhe had a deep affection for Song Ci, but if Su Muzhe really did what Song Ci should not do.

So no matter what, she will not miss Su Muzhe.

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