Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 312: Dare to grab a man in Tai Sui

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312  Dare to **** a man in Tai Sui

Song Ci raised his hand and wiped the tears from his eyes: "I know, he is now lingering with the woman at the San Lo Hotel!"

"Get in the car, catch the traitor!"

Gu Ninghuan bypassed the front and pulled the door open.

Song Ci also stretched out the door of the co-pilot and sat up.

Of course, Gu Ninghuan knows the Shrine Hotel, which is the most famous couple hotel in Kyoto. The couple suites in it are famous for their fun, tricks and props.

If a man and a woman go to the San Loro Hotel, 80% are couples.

"How do you know that Su Muzhe and the woman are at the San Lo Hotel?" Gu Ninghuan asked while driving.

Song Ci has now recovered a bit of reason, but when she talks about Su Muzhe, she feels angry.

"The woman told me, and she also sent pictures of her and Su Muzhe wearing bathrobes in the hotel room.

Even in the photo, neither of them showed their faces, but Su Muzhe and I grew up together, even if he didn't show his face, I could recognize him.

Moreover, the bathrobe he wore was the one I gave him! It was still a couple's nightgown! "Song Ci gritted his teeth."

Gu Ninghuan put his hand on the steering wheel: "Did you throw away that bathrobe?"

"I burned before I went out to find you, but the time was tight, so I didn't have time to throw away other things he gave me.

But it's okay. After I confirm that he is derailed, I will go home and throw it away slowly! "Song Ci clenched his fists in both hands, as if there was a picture of Su Curtain derailing in front of his eyes."

Gu Ninghuan said nothing, but the speed of the car accelerated.

After arriving at the Shengluo Hotel, Gu Ninghuan stopped the car and walked in with Song Ci.

It is impossible for high-end hotels like San Loren to let people who are not their guests enter.

Gu Ninghuan did not want to affect the normal work of the hotel even if they came to catch the adulterer.

They walked to the front desk, the hotel's front desk did not know them.

From the perspective of their valuable wear, Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci are also known as big customers.

"Hello, I want to open a presidential suite." Gu Ninghuan took out his credit card and ID from his wallet and said to the hotel reception.

The hotel reception was slightly stunned. Her eyes looked at Song Ci's face from Gu Ninghuan's face, and then there was a bit of distress in her eyes.

She never imagined that the two beautiful girls in front of her actually had that kind of relationship in private.

"Are you sure you only need one?" The front desk was unwilling to believe, and could not help but confirm again.

Song Ci raised his hand and glanced at the time, anxiously: "Yes, yes, please help us quickly, we still have something to do."

The girl at the front desk was so anxious to see the girl in front of her, it seems that the relationship between them should be real.

It's a pity to bear the bottom of my heart and help them open a room.

Gu Ninghuan took the room card at the front desk and whispered, then the two entered the elevator.

Song Ci knew the room number of Su Muzhe. At that time, Xiao Xiao sent the photo to her, and also gave her the room number of the hotel.

Gu Ninghuan, as someone who has experienced this kind of thing, of course knows the purpose of Xiao Sanfa Hotel’s name and address for Song Ci.

Isn't it just for Qi Song?

As a result, Song Ci lost his gaze when he caught the rape, and made Su Muzhe even more disgusted with her.

Such careful thinking, who would not see through.

What Xiao San didn't understand was that a man who was derailed was originally a waste product for Song Ci.

So what if Song Ci lost his gaze in front of Su Muzhe.

Anyway, it's just an unimportant man.

Whether or not the matter of catching **** makes Su Muzhe hate Song Ci, Song Ci doesn't care.

Now Song Ci only cares how to teach Su Muzhe the derailed man!

Song Ci took Gu Ninghuan to the house number in her memory, and she reached out and calmly pressed the doorbell.

Then, a dumb and gentle male voice came from the door: "Who?"

When he heard this voice, Song Ci felt that his whole heart was immersed in the ice because it was indeed Su Muzhe's voice.

"Roomservice." (Room Service) Song Ci rationally suppressed her temper, so that she did not anger when she heard Su Muzhe's voice.

After hearing room service, the hotel door that was originally closed was quickly opened.

Song Ci only opened a gap in the hotel room door, and the power of the flood broke out, holding the door handle and pushing the hotel room door open, and the whole person rushed in.

Su Muzhe saw Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan suddenly appearing, and there was no slight surprise on her face. The smile on her lips was still with a gentle gentleness: "What's wrong?"

"Su Muzhe! You bastard!" Song Ci raised his hand and gave Su Muzhe a slap in the face.

Su Muzhe couldn't avoid shining, and she accepted her slap in the face stiffly, her tongue pointed to the cheek that was numbed by Song Ci: "Did you get angry?"

"No!" Song Ci finished, raising his hand and wanted to slap Su Mu on the other side.

But this time, her hand was covered by Su Mu.

"You can beat me, but what is your reason?" Su Muzhe's face was calm.

Song Ci was so angry that his chest kept rising and falling: "Isn't it obvious? Because you are cheating!"

"Derailed? When did I derail?" Su Muzhe asked with a chuckle.

When Song Ci saw that Su Muzhe was still dead, he didn't admit it. This made him even more angry. He pulled his wrist back from Su Muzhe's palm.

Then take out the phone from his pocket and desperately press and hold the power button.

Gu Ninghuan watched Song Ci's movements and reminded in a low voice: "Song Ci, have you forgotten? Your phone is dead."

Song Ci, who had been so angry, was reflected by Gu Ninghuan's reminder.

"My phone is out of power, but there is a woman who came to this hotel with you! She also sent me photos, and you clearly derailed me!

Where is that little three! Dare to grab a man in Tai Sui's head, I think she doesn't want to live! After Song Ci finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and opened Su Muzhe directly in front of him, and walked towards the room.

Su Muzhe asked Song Ci to rummage through the big hotel room. Gu Ninghuan was worried about Song Ci’s loss and had been with her.

But Song Ci has turned the hotel room upside down, and haven't found that little three.

Slowly, Gu Ninghuan felt something was not right.

Su Muzhe's performance is too calm, so cool that there is no half-heartedness.

"Song Ci, I think Su Muzhe should not be derailed." Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and wanted to turn the song again for the second time.

Song Ci stopped and looked at Gu Ninghuan incredulously: "Ning Huan, don't you believe me?

I really received that message, I did not lie. "

"I don't mean this, but don't you think Su Muze is too calm?" Gu Ninghuan looked at Su Muze not far from them.

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