Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 313: If you don't want us to break up

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313   If you don't want us to break up

In any case, this is also the scene of catching adultery.

As a party, Su Muzhe should not be so calm even if she knew Song Ci would come in advance.

"Su Muzhe, did you send someone to inform me to catch the adultery?" Song Ci thought is relatively simple, and there is no slight disguise on his face.

But the thought is relatively simple, but it does not mean that she is stupid. After Gu Ninghuan reminded, she soon realized that something was wrong.

Instead of answering Song Ci’s questions, Su Muzhe looked at Gu Ninghuan and said, “Ning Huan, as a good friend of Song Ci, do you know what is the relationship between me and Song Ci?”

Gu Ninghuan was speechless for a while, and Song Ci always positioned her relationship with Su Muzhe as a bed partner.

In Gu Ninghuan's cognition, the two of them defaulted to being male and female friends.

Because there is no difference between the two, except that they have not officially told each other that they are in a relationship.

"You are Song Ci's boyfriend. With such an obvious relationship, do you want to deny it?" Gu Ninghuan reacted quickly.

Su Muzhe smiled: "I don't want to deny it, but I want a place, but Song Ci has been reluctant to give it to me.

Song Ci, we grew up together, I like you, so do you like me? "

Su Muzhe's sudden confession made Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan stunned.

It was not the first time Song Ci heard Su Mujie said she liked her.

But before Su Muzhe's confession, Song Ci never went to his heart.

She doesn't dislike Su Muzhe, but Su Muzhe may be too affectionate towards her.

Over time, Song Ci became accustomed to Su Muzhe's good treatment for her. It was because of this that he forgot to officially inform people around him of their relationship.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Song Ci and Su Muzhe asked for the identity of a boyfriend, she could understand.

But this is different from catching adultery. As an outsider, she has no right to interfere in the affairs between them.

"Since you are not with other people, let's just forget about this matter today. I still have classes in the afternoon, so I will go first." Song Ci was concealed by Su Mu, a few simple words, and forced him to a point where he could not be defeated.

She didn't know what to do with this matter, she was only able to avoid it habitually.

But since Su Muzhe specifically forced her out today, of course, she would not let her escape before he could get the result he wanted.

Song Ci had just turned around, and his arms were covered by Su Mu: "You can't leave until the matter between the two of us is resolved."

"You let me go! Ning Huan, call your bodyguard as soon as possible and let them come up to rescue us!" Song Ci couldn't shake Su Muqian's hand and could only ask Gu Ninghuan for help.

Gu Ninghuan felt very embarrassed while holding his mobile phone.

Song Ci is her good friend, but Su Muzhe and her are also friends.

Today's incident is very obvious. Su Muzhe deliberately used the non-existent Xiaosan to test Song Ci's reaction.

Su Muzhe wanted a name. She was not surprised, but the question was who she should help now.

"Song Ci, since you rushed over to see that message, it means you like me and care about me.

That proves that in our relationship, it is not my wishful thinking for you, then we should talk about the future. "Su Muzhe's calm face was half tough.

"Ning Huan, what the **** are you doing, call quickly!" Song Ci ignored Su Muzhe and hurriedly urged Gu Ninghuan.

Su Muzhe looked up to Gu Ninghuan's eyes calmly and gently: "Ning Huan, this is something between me and Song Ci, I hope you don't interfere."

"No! Ning Huan, you can't ignore me!"

"Song Ci, if you really regard Ning Huan as your best friend, you shouldn't embarrass her so much!" Su Muqian said lightly.

Song Ci heard it, but it was no more trouble.

She also understood that it was unfair to her to pull Gu Ninghuan in between the couple.

Gu Ninghuan saw that Song Ci bowed his head and stopped talking. He said, "Song Ci, I will wait for you in the living room. If something happens, you will call me."

"Well, thank you, Ning Huan."

"you are welcome."

Gu Ninghuan went out and closed the wide open door, but did not close it completely, but left a gap.

In this way, if Song Ci and Su Muzhe fail to communicate, she can also hear Song Ci's cry for help in time.

Su Muzhe saw Gu Ninghuan go out, and then released Song Ci's hand.

Song Ci turned to the bed and sat down directly, his round eyes looking at Su Muzhe: "What do you want to say to me, you can speak now."

"Song Ci, marry me."


The glass cup that Song Ci picked up slipped from the palm of his hand and fell straight on the floor, making a crisp sound.

The time seemed to stop at this second. Song Ci thought that Su Muzhe kept her here in order to let her agree to open his relationship with him.

Even she planned to agree, after all, it was just a matter of posting a circle of friends.

But Song Ci never thought that Su Muzhe wanted to marry her.

"You...you...are you crazy, why are we getting married so young?

Moreover, I haven't graduated from college, so I don't want to get married! "Song Ci refused without thinking.

Su Muzhe looked at her: "You can get engaged first and wait until you graduate to hold the wedding."

"No, I want to do my own business after graduation. And the type of daughter-in-law your mother likes is not me at all.

Even if we are together, we will encounter resistance from the family. This kind of marriage is too tired. I don't like it at all. Song Ci shook his head.

She is so young now that she never thought about getting married.

And marriage for her such a daily fear of marriage is undoubtedly a late, even an engagement will make her subconsciously resist.

"If you don't want to, we will break up." Su Muzhe's tone was very weak.

Song Ci widened her eyes and looked at the man who would gently coax her no matter what she used to do. At this time, the man she was familiar with became strange.

"Just because I don't get engaged to you, will you break up with me?" Song Ci didn't want to believe.

Su Muzhe looked at her seriously: "I want to marry you, but you do not want to marry, which shows that you have no confidence in me.

I feel that I will not be happy to marry me. In this case, we continue to be together and consume your time.

A girl’s youth is precious and should not be wasted on someone who has no confidence in spending the rest of his life with him. "

Su Muzhe finished speaking, stood up and left.

Song Ci sat blankly on the edge of the bed, only to feel that Su Muzhe had not exhausted what he had said, and then saw his back.

Su Muzhe walked to the door and paused for three seconds, but there was no sound in his ear that he wanted to hear.

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