Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 314: Like imprisoning him

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Chapter 314: Such as imprisoning him

A trace of loss fell across his eyes, reaching for the door and leaving.

The sound of the door closed by him was not heavy, but it seemed to hit Song Ci's heart, making her feel painful.

Gu Ninghuan was a little ugly after seeing Su Mu covering up.

I was almost sure that the communication between Su Muzhe and Song Ci should not be very pleasant.

But the relationship between the two of them, even if something went wrong.

Gu Ninghuan felt that it was not convenient for her to ask Su Muzhe.

She should still go to see the state of Song Ci first.

Gu Ninghuan stood up, and as soon as he was about to enter the room, he heard Su Muzhe called her.

"Ning Huan, can you do me a favor?"


Gu Ninghuan stopped and asked back.

Ten minutes later.

Gu Ninghuan walked into the room and saw Song Ci sitting on the bed with his arms folded.

"Song Ci, are you okay?" Gu Ninghuan saw Song Ci, his eyes were clean, and even his eyes were not red.

But Gu Ninghuan felt that Song Ci at this time was far more sad than she who was crying next to her sports car today.

"Ning Huan, Su Muzhe just broke up with me just now, and I seemed to be dumped by him." Song's words were aggrieved.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and touched her head: "So what are you going to do next?"

"I don't know, but I don't understand. I just didn't agree to his proposal, why is he angry." Song Ci now feels uncomfortable.

But she didn't know why, why she was so uncomfortable.

She used to watch a movie before, but the protagonist was sad because of a broken relationship. At that time, she could not understand this emotion.

She thinks there are so many good boys in the world, but only one is missing, since it is better to find the next one.

What's so good about crying for love, now she can still use such words to comfort herself, but her heart can't stop the pain.

"Song Ci, what kind of feelings do you have for Su Muzhe?" Gu Ninghuan sat beside her, intending to talk to Song Ci seriously.

Otherwise, she worried that Song Ci would really miss Su Muzhe, a good man.

Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan: "I like him, but I don't want to marry him, and his mother won't like me, and my personality is simply not suitable for marriage."

"I believe that Su Muzhe will not dislike you because of family relations, and I believe that as long as you agree to his proposal.

Then no matter what difficulties you encounter in your marriage, he will help you solve it.

He has been doing this for almost 20 years to protect you, so why don't you believe that he will do it in the future. Gu Ninghuan helped Song Ci patiently to clear the fog in front of him.

Song Ci wanted to refute Gu Ninghuan's words, just on his lips.

She wanted to tell Gu Ninghuan, that was not the case. In fact, Su Muzhe was not good to her.

But Song Ci didn't know what Su Muzhe did to her.

It seems that from the time Su Xiaozhao let her, she was with her.

No matter when or what she needs, as long as she speaks to Su Muzhe.

Then Su Muzhe will appear, arrange everything for her.

Gu Ninghuan: "Su Muzhe likes you, this is not false. But love is born to be strong but fragile.

If you don't cherish him well, other girls will come to him and slowly replace your position in his heart. "

Song Ci heard that a subconscious emerged in her mind, and a girl reached out to hold Su Muzhe's picture.

I don't know why, such a picture is just imagination, it will make Song Ci feel sincerely angry.

"You think about it carefully. Anyway, at one and a half moments, I think that Su Muzhe should not have other girls around you, you still have time." Gu Ninghuan finished looking at his watch.

I found out that it's been a long time now for lunch, but the two of them haven't eaten yet.

She took Song Ci decisively and went down to dinner together.

San Loro is a famous couple hotel, and of course the open-air terrace of their restaurant is also very romantic.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci walked there and just sat down. The waiter came with two menus.

Gu Ninghuan took the menu and said thank you, then opened the menu and ordered.

After she had ordered her meal, she saw Song Ci looking at her right with a stiff expression.

She followed Song Ci's gaze and saw Su Muzheng sitting with a girl for a meal.

The girl is facing away from them, but there is a beauty, even if you just look at the back, it is pleasing to the eye.

Gu Ninghuan knew that Song Ci had no idea of ​​eating after seeing this scene, and took the menu in her hand.

She helped Song Ci order a few of the foods she usually likes to eat, and then she handed the menu to the waiter.

"Ning Huan, watching Su Muzhe can't eat me anymore. We broke up. He actually ate with other women. Is this too much?" Song Ci said angrily.

Gu Ninghuan took a sip of the milk tea in front of him: "Don't forget, you now break up, he is now free no matter which girl he is with.

Either, you let go of your spoiled temper and think about what you will do in the future, or you will learn to let go. "

I remember in my last life, Song Ci was pretty good with that man.

It doesn't look like the waywardness of Su Muzhe at all. Gu Ninghuan didn't understand why.

But now she understands, that's because, people only lose their temper to those who are within their sense of security.

But it was because Su Muzhe was good enough for Song Ci that she hoped Song Ci learned to cherish it.

Sometimes, after ruining someone who is really good to her, she won't meet the next one.

Song Ci is lying on the table, she knows that Gu Ninghuan is for her good.

She also didn't want to miss Su Muzhe.

But Su Muzhe's man offered to break up with her. If she took the initiative to talk to Su Muzhe, wouldn't she be too faceless?

"I just don't understand. He's used to so many of my stinks. Why is it that I'm not allowed to be engaged in the engagement." Song Ci didn't understand.

Gu Ninghuan rested his chin on one hand: "Actually, I don't quite understand it, but I think it's probably the possessiveness unique to boys.

Su Muzhe has liked you for more than ten years. Of course, he likes to be able to marry you, and if you do not want it, it means that you may not like him that much.

In other words, you may just play with him, not intending to be responsible.

With such suspicion, of course, he felt that instead of having no results, it would be better to withdraw earlier. "

The more Song Ci listened to Gu Ninghuan's analysis, I wonder why the more I felt like a scumbag.

"Ning Huan, if I only want to enjoy Su Muzhe's favor, want to fall in love with him for a lifetime, and don't want to marry him, is this a scumbag?" Song Ci asked unnaturally.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head: "I don't think it's bad, but I think Su Muzhe won't agree."

"Is there any way to force him to agree, such as imprisoning him!"

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