Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 315: Do you want to have some excitement before marriage?

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Chapter 315: Do you want to have some excitement before marriage?

Song Ci had just finished saying this, Gu Ninghuan tapped her forehead with her finger: "The law is imprisoned, and you may also hurt Su Muzhe."

Song Ci reached out and rubbed his forehead, and did not continue to answer the call.

During this lunch, Song Ci was absent-minded, and she couldn't help looking at Su Muzhe's position.

Su Muzhe didn't look at her at a glance.

When Song Ci's lunch was about the same, Su Muzhe and the girl eating together got up and left.

Just as Su Muzhe passed by Song Ci, Song Ci who had been absent-minded couldn't help but say: "Su Muzhe."

Su Muzhe heard the words and stopped for three seconds.

After not hearing Song Ci's next words, step up and leave.

When Song Ci called Su Muzhe out loud, she didn't really think about what she should say to her.

Therefore, she will be silent.

After the silence, she did not expect that Su Muzhe would leave without saying a word.

"Su Muzhe, really changed, he no longer spoiled me." Song Ci lowered his head and lay on the table.

She usually likes to eat ice cream on weekdays, and at this time she has no interest in even taking a second look.

"Now he must have you in his heart, but his footsteps will slowly stop for you.

You must think clearly about whether you can accept the engagement with him. If not, letting go of this paragraph only shows that you are not suitable, which is nothing.

But while you want to get Su Muzhe's favor, and you don't want to give him the place you want, this will surely hurt both sides. Gu Ninghuan comforted softly.

Song Ci didn't speak, but Gu Ninghuan believed that Song Ci's feelings for Su Muzhe would certainly teach her what to do.

Because Song Ci's spirit was not very good, Gu Ninghuan accompanied her to finish the class in the afternoon, and after she sent her home, she was ready to drive home.

Just after she activated the throttle, she saw the time on the display in the car and found that forty minutes later was Fu Xishen's off-duty time.

In this case, it is better to go to Fu Xishen.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan couldn't help raising his lips slowly.

She stepped on the accelerator and pressed the number of Assistant Fu Xishen.

"Mrs. President."

"Excuse me, is Fu Xishen in the company now?"

"Yes, is there anything for the president's wife to find the president?"

"It's okay, it's just that I'm going to the company to find him soon, and I want to make sure he is in the company."

"Okay, I will inform the front desk of the news that you are coming over now. It will be fine if you go directly into the elevator for the president."

"Well, thank you."

Gu Ninghuan finished talking and hung up the phone.

Twenty minutes later.

Gu Ninghuan drove downstairs to Fuxishen Company.

She parked the car, walked to the front desk and said her name, she was directly invited into the elevator.

After she entered the presidential elevator.

The front desk service employee turned to his colleague and said, "Is that our future president's wife? She looks pretty good too long."

"After all, it is the wife of the president. If the appearance is not good, our president will not like it.

In other words, the wife of the president really saved the galaxy, otherwise how could she be so beautiful and still marry our president. "The colleagues at the front desk were full of envy.

Gu Ninghuan did not know that at this time she had gained a lot of envy.

She was standing in the elevator, holding a mobile phone in her hand, and constantly looking at Weibo.

Song Ci's apparent emotions were very unstable, with three Weibos per minute even more.

But there is no content, more emotional venting.

Seeing Song Ci like this, Gu Ninghuan felt relieved.

The sadness that can be vented is better than the gloom buried deep in my heart.

She put away her cell phone, the elevator just opened, and Gu Ninghuan looked up and saw the indifferent man face to face.

The assistant beside Fu Xishen saw Gu Ninghuan said: "Mrs. President."

"Long time no see, Ji Bai." Gu Ning said with a smile.

After Gu Ninghuan finished talking, his eyes fell on the frosty man's face, and the smile on his eyes was more intense: "No surprises! No surprises! I have no class this afternoon, so I will pick you up!"

"Go." Fu Xishen replied concisely.

After talking, Fu Xi went into the elevator.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Ji Bai: "Don't you come in together?"

Ji Bai replied with a smile: "No, I still haven't finished my work."

Although the assistant said this, what he thought was that his president and his wife were in the same elevator.

Obviously it was the sweet time of the husband and wife. Where did he have the courage to get together without knowing it?

Moreover, didn't the wife of the president realize how ugly the president's face was when she greeted him first?

Gu Ninghuan didn't know that Ji Bai had so many psychological activities. After hearing that he still has work, he didn't have any problems with the strongman: "See you then."

After talking, Gu Ninghuan reached out and pressed the elevator door closing key.

The elevator doors closed slowly.

Facing the assistant's seriousness, Gu Ninghuan disappeared in an instant.

"Mr. Fu, I heard that you are about to get married, so I don't know if you want to play something exciting before marriage." Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen's eyes, and he became charming and hooked.

Fu Xi hooked his lips deeply and his eyes moved slightly: "Miss Gu, I am a family member, and my wife is very fierce."

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen's answer, which meant he was willing to accompany her to play this game.

I don't know why, obviously this is just a role-playing game she wants to play on a whim.

But Gu Ninghuan, who received Fu Xishen's response, felt that his whole body of blood had become a little hot.

She looked at Fu Xishen, who was in formal attire and full of noble abstinence.

Some can't wait to seduce him to bed, and then bullied him fiercely.

But at this time, after all, it was in the elevator, no matter how much Gu Ninghuan wanted to play role-playing games.

You must restrain your heart so that you cannot be too impulsive.

The elevator door opened, and Gu Ninghuan stretched out the man's hand and walked out of the elevator.

The staff at the front desk saw the president who had always been as cold as the flower of Kaolin, and they and Gu Ninghuan walked out of the elevator holding hands.

Don't mention how shocked it is, is this true? Are they really blind?

They both rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

When I saw the president, the boss did leave the company hand in hand with his wife.

Going out of the company's door, Gu Ninghuan's soft fingertips gently slipped over the man's palm, with a three-point tease in his voice: "Mr. Fu, don't you say your wife is fierce? Then why do you still hold my hand. "

"Is there? Why didn't I feel it." The man's voice was low.

Gu Ninghuan lifted the hands they held together, Fu Xishen's fingers were slender and the joints were distinct, and Gu Ninghuan's fingers were slender and fair.

The two equally distinguished fingers are intertwined and look so matched, especially the ring finger of the two also carries a pair of the same style ring.

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