Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 317: Use your second half of your life to compensate me

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317   Use your second half of life to compensate me

Thinking of this, Song Ci's fingers shook slightly.

When she dragged Su Muzhen from the back seat of the car, she also specially checked it, but did not find any wounds on his head.

It stands to reason that nothing should happen.

But not afraid of 10,000.

Song Ci stretched out his finger and placed it under Su Muzhe's nose. After feeling that he was still breathing, he was slightly relieved.

She stared blankly at Su Muzhe and held out her hand, trying to touch the man's face, but she dared not touch it.

Once the two of them had the most intimate entanglement on the bed, but after breaking up, even touching a corner of his body would be a harassment.

Because of this, Song Ci wanted to touch his face with his hand and retract it again.

In the silent room, the vibration of the mobile phone is very obvious. Song Ci picked up the mobile phone and pressed the answer button.

Knowing that Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen had arrived at the villa, she hurried downstairs to open the door.

Opening the door, Gu Ninghuan's face was as ugly as Song Ci thought: "What about Su Muzhe?"

"I don't know what happened, but Su Muzhe has been sleeping until now. I used to try to wake him up, but it didn't do anything." Song Ci cried anxiously.

Gu Ninghuan frowned deeply and followed Song Ci to the upper room.

Song Ci pushed open the door and saw Su Muze, who had been sleeping on the bed. At this time, she had sat up and reached out in a hurry to sort out the sleeves messed up by Song Ci.

Song Ci couldn't believe the scene she saw in front of her. Before she went downstairs, Su Muzhe was still tied tightly by the rope and was comatose in bed.

After she came downstairs and came back again, Su Muzhe actually woke up, and even the rope that tied Su Muzhe was gone.

"You...you...what the **** is going on with you!" Song Ci was so surprised that he said nothing.

As a bystander, Gu Ninghuan still has no idea at this time.

She said that such a weak silly white like Song Ci, where there is the ability to abduct Su Muzhe alone.

"Do you still understand? This is a game. Su Muzhe deliberately cooperated with you to make you kidnapped." Seeing Su Muzhe was fine, Gu Ninghuan was relieved.

Song Ci did not expect that Su Muzhe had always lied to her.

Su Muzhe looked at Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen: "Sorry, I just wanted to make a joke with Song Ci. I didn't expect that she would disturb you."

"So, what do you want to say next, I hope Fu Xishen and I will leave and give you two time alone?" Gu Ninghuan asked lightly.

Su Ninghuan's thoughts were seen through by Gu Ninghuan, but instead admitted very simply: "Yes."

Gu Ninghuan said that after taking a sympathetic glance at Song Ci, he pulled Fu Xishen away.

She thinks that Song Ci is a bit too miserable. Now Su Muzhe is already full of black belly. Song Ci is obviously not his opponent.

Song Ci saw that Gu Ninghuan was gone, and wanted to catch up immediately.

She had clearly felt that Su Muzhe was very dangerous at this time, and she was no longer the one who could allow her to bully.

"Ning Huan, you wait for me, and I want to go with you too!" Song Ci was anxious to stop Gu Ninghuan.

But her words had just been spoken, and she heard Su Muzhe's sober voice: "Miss Song, you entered my company without permission and kidnapped me here.

Shouldn’t you give me an explanation? In other words, I should call the police and let you explain to the police your intention to kidnap me. "

Song Ci heard the words, stopped and turned to look at him, some surviving: "You don't really want to call the police to catch me.

Can you not call the police, if my grandpa knows that I kidnapped you, he will drive me out of the Song family.

I don’t have you anymore. If there is no Song family, I...I...I really have nothing. "

Song Ci was obviously terrified. She never thought of hurting Su Muzhe.

She has always been a little cabbage who wants to be Pan Jinlian.

"Come here." Su Muzhe looked at her.

Song Ci looked at Su Muzhe's elusive expression, and she didn't dare to go at all. She stood still and didn't move.

Su Muzhe's eyes were cold, and of course he saw Song Ci's fear.

He didn't want Song Ci to be afraid of him, but he couldn't help it.

Song Ci's temperament has been spoiled by him, and he is the only one in his heart.

But Song Ci doesn't necessarily take him so seriously.

In fact, Song Ci doesn't love him, it's fine.

He is willing to spoil Song Ci who does not love him all his life.

But maybe one day, Song Ci who doesn't love him will fall in love with other men.

Su Muzhe couldn't allow it. He loved it for more than ten years, and the girl who loved it for more than ten years ran into the arms of another man.

Song Ci looked at the stairs secretly and saw that even Gu Ninghuan's back could not be seen. Of course, he understood.

Gu Ninghuan must have left with Mr. Fu, and left her here alone, letting her face the fierce Su Muzhe at this time.

At this time, Song Ci had no retreat, and when a person had no place to escape, he often also had great courage.

Song Ci walked into the room firmly and reached out to close the door. She sat across from Su Muzhe, and looked at him with black eyes: "What do you want, just say!

I kidnapped you, and I did something wrong. If you really want to call the police to catch me, I can accept it.

But I hope you can read on our past sentiments and don’t embarrass the Song family. "

Song Ci finished what he wanted to say and sat quietly waiting for Su Muzhe's sentence.

Su Muzhe's voice was very calm: "Regarding our past sentiments, I can kidnap me for you, no blame, but..."

Song Ci heard the words, his eyes lit up, his lips with a smile of pleasing: "But what? You can rest assured, as long as your request is not excessive, I will promise you all.

I knew Mumu was the best, and even if we can’t be a couple now, can we be friends? "

Su Muzhe looked at her lukewarmly and continued: "However, you will use your second half of life to compensate me."

Song Ci: "..."

"But didn't you all break up with me? If so, why would you marry me." Song Ci didn't understand.

She didn't even know if Su Muzhe really liked her now.

If Su Muzhe really likes her, how can she bear the bully like this and make her worried.

But if Su Muzhe doesn't like her, why should she spend so much attention to lure her to be fooled.

Song Ci stood up, she was timid, she was counseling, she was not Ning Huanhao.

But she wasn't stupid enough to know that she was trapped and jumped in.

"I disagree, you just call the police to catch me, this kidnapping you just deliberately attracted me." Song Ci said deliberately.

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