Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 318: The girl he loved for many years

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Chapter 318: The Girl He Loved for Many Years

Before Su Muzhe told her to marry him.

Song Ci was not able to confirm that Su Muzhe still liked her.

She will unconsciously gather the willfulness in front of Su Muzhe, because she knows clearly how cruel it will be after a man does not love you.

But Su Muzhe still wanted Song Ci to marry him, so it was time for her to oppose the guest.

Su Muzhe has loved Song Ci for more than ten years. Of course, he knows what kind of abacus is in his heart at this time.

He reached up and picked up the phone, his finger pressed the alarm number on the screen.

Song Ci, who was not far from Su Muzhe, saw the truth very much. She reached forward and grabbed Su Muzhi's cell phone directly, hiding behind her: "Su Muzhe, you really want to call the police."

Su Muzhe glanced at Song Ci, stretched out her hand to buckle her arm, and dragged her very hard and threw it directly on the bed.

Song Ci was sacked by Su Muzhe, and she hadn't waited until she got up from the bed.

Su Muzhe's tall body pressed down on her.

Song Ci looked at Su Muzhe, who was close at hand, and the tip of his nose was surrounded by the faint smell of cologne.

This is her favorite taste, because she likes it, so she forced to use the Su curtain that never used fragrance.

She did not expect that the two of them broke up, but Su Muzhe continued to use the bottle of perfume.

"You...you...what exactly do you want to do." Song Ci's voice was very low.

Su Muzhe said: "Song Ci, I have liked it for more than a decade. It is true that I still like you at this moment.

But if you don’t want to give me what you want, don’t show up in front of me, please? "

Song Ci looked at Su Muzhe, blushing, and lost his rhythm even more: "It is my fault to kidnap you. But you gave me the chance."

"If you didn't jealous because of Tiffany, even if I gave you 10,000 opportunities, you would not kidnap me.

Song Ci, you like me, but what you like about me is the cheapest one.

You enjoy my goodness to you, but you are not willing to be responsible for this relationship, don't you think you want too much? Su Muzhe reached out and raised the jaw of Song Ci, the tone was very cold.

Song Ci looked at him at a loss. Was it really like Su Muzhe said, did she want too much?

Is it really her who made the mistake in this relationship?

Song Ci had a mess in her mind, and she reached up to Su Muzhe's chest, trying to push him away.

But Su Muzhe seemed to be fixed, no matter how hard she tried, she was still.

"Su Muzhe, I'll give you your mobile phone. If you want to call the police, report it. It's a big deal. I've been a prison for a few years, and I'm a good guy after I come out!

Su Muqian covered her calm eyes and heard a cold voice: "Oh, okay!"

After finishing speaking, Su Mu covered himself and confronted Song Ci with a completely strange gesture: "Give me the phone."

Song Ci bit his lip and stood up and handed Su Muzhe's mobile phone to him.

Su Muzhe took the phone back: "I will give you three days to find a lawyer to defend you."

After talking, Su Muzhe turned and left.

Song Ci looked at his back and suddenly felt weak, and the whole person fell on the bed.

She had never thought of it, and would be in court with Su Muzhe.


Fu Family Villa.

"So, do you really want to fight this case with Su Muzhe?" Gu Ninghuan lay in the beauty room inside the villa, and two professional beauty rooms were standing by her.

Song Ci was lying on the bed not far from Gu Ninghuan, with a helpless tone: "Otherwise, what else can I do? As soon as I think about it, my grandpa knows that I have been involved in the lawsuit again, and I want to cry."

"In fact, it is not without a solution." Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and glanced at the manicure that he had just finished.

Song Ci's eyes lit up. If it weren't for her now with a mask on her face, she would immediately run to Gu Ninghuan.

But now she had a mask on her face, and there were many inconveniences in her actions. She could only ask aloud.

Gu Ninghuan: "You pretend to promise Su Muzhe not to be engaged. It will not take a while for him to prepare for the engagement. And you can also think about what you really want during this time."

Song Ci frowned: "But if Su Muzhe is ready to get engaged, I'm not ready to get engaged, what should I do?"

"Then you will sue Su Muzhe. Su's company has a complete video of your kidnapping Su Muzhe. Basically, you must be in prison for several years.

And after you go to prison, Su Muzhe may be sad for you for a year or two, but with his ability and net worth, he must be surrounded by beautiful women.

It won't take long for you to be completely forgotten. After you are released from prison, he may even have children even if he is soon. "Gu Ninghuan, one by one, outlined the future of Song Ci."

Song Ci's hand tightened slowly, and she couldn't accept it.

She could not accept Su Muzhe, who originally belonged to her, and would marry another woman.

Ning Huan was right. Before she went to prison, as long as she nodded, she would have an 80% chance of marrying Su Muzhe.

Even Su Muzhe's mother didn't like her, but her family was innocent and people were innocent.

As long as they work hard, they can still hide with Su Mu.

But if she goes to prison, which mother will be willing to marry a kidnapper.

Thinking of this, Song Ci reached out and directly removed the mask on his face, and then took up the wipes and wiped away the essence of the mask on the face.

"Ning Huan, I know what I should do, thank you!"

After Song Ci finished, he couldn't even wear slippers and rushed out.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Song Ci's back, his lips slightly raised, and Song Ci's death in his last life was really miserable.

But in this life, she had Su Muzhe who really treated her and should have a good ending.

She hopes her best friend will have a good ending.


When Song Ci rushed to the Su's house, he looked at the brightly lit villa in front of him and dared not walk in.

She took out her mobile phone and did several psychological constructions before she pressed Su Muzhe's number.

Song Ci’s outgoing phone rang for a long time, and when she thought Su Muzhe would not be connected, a familiar voice suddenly came from the phone.

"Has the lawyer found it?"

"No, I didn't find a lawyer."


"Because I plan to marry you, Su Muzhe, I want to get engaged to you, and your name must appear on my household registration book!"

Su Muzhe was sitting in the study at this time, looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw Song Ci's petite body standing under the street lamp.

The distance between them was so far that he could not see her face clearly, but he heard every word she said clearly on the phone.

He heard that the girl he had loved for many years said he would marry him.

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