Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 320: Not to seduce but to please

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320   is not to seduce but to be happy

Gu Ninghuan squatted in front of him and put his hands on the man's knee. "I ask you, if Song Ci is a man, would you still rest assured that I am so close to her?"

Fu Xishen replied: "No."

The man's answer was in Gu Ninghuan's expectation.

Sure enough, a man like Fu Xishen could not ask any tricky answer.

Gu Ninghuan chose to give up and stood up and was ready to go back to Song Ci news.

But she had just taken a step, her waist was held by the man, and she was directly pulled into her arms.

Gu Ninghuan leaned his back on the man’s chest, his arms hooked his neck, and his red lips were close to his ears: "Mr. Fu, don’t you have to work? Or, do you have a hobby of holding girls?" "

What came back to her was the man's low-pitched smile: "Don't you seduce me first?"

Compared with Song Ci, Gu Ninghuan was much bolder and did not have any shyness. His long straight legs gently rubbed against the man: "I am not seduce, I just beg... Huan..."

When she finished, she bowed her head and kissed the collar of the man, leaving a prominent red lip mark on the white shirt.

Raising his head again, the lips flicked deliberately and unintentionally across Fu Xi's deep-cut jaw.

Fu Xi looked down at her, hooked her lips, and kissed her directly.

Different from the man's tough style in the past, this is an extremely gentle kiss, so gentle that Gu Ninghuan wondered whether the man who was kissing her in front of him was Fu Xishen.

But the gentleness of the man was only on the kiss, after waiting on the bed.

The gentleness of the man disappeared almost, and as before, he walked in and out of her body strongly, so that Gu Ninghuan could only accept it passively.

When Gu Ninghuan replied to Song Ci again, it was already 9 o'clock the next morning.

Song Ci was also a man who experienced men and women. Gu Ninghuan said last night that he was going to ask Fu Xishen, but he didn't reply any news to her overnight.

This made her almost guess what Gu Ninghuan did with Fu Xishen.

She couldn't help but wonder: "You did another night with Mr. Fu? Ning Huan, does your waist hurt?"

Gu Ninghuan sighed deeply: "That's why I got up late after I got married."

The two also spoke a little bit of meat, talking about the time for lunch, and then each put away their phones to eat.

Chu family house.

Chu Dongshu, the eldest son of Chu, is looking at the company's report. His wife Yuan Yuan pushes in the door and sees that her husband is still reading the report.

"I said, Chu Nian was driven out of the company by Dad. Don't you have to do nothing, just let the incident go on?" Yuan Yuan said with anxiety.

She and Chu Nian have a very good relationship. They have been girlfriends for many years. Now Chu Nian has lost her job because of a wretched girl who is outside. Of course, she is dissatisfied.

Chu Dongshu looked at Yuan Yuan with some helplessness: "The fact that Chu Nian's work was dismissed was simply caused by her own. It really can't blame others.

I told her long ago, don't take Qi Shixin as one thing. A man who eats soft rice is enough to have fun.

However, in recent years, her relationship with Qi Shixin and that illegitimate child has become better and better, and now she is in trouble and can only bear it herself. "

Yuan Yuan was a little reluctant: "Then let the cheap girl from outside ride on Chu Nian's head?"

"Otherwise, you know what Dad's character is. If we try to persuade him when he is not angry, we will all be implicated." Chu Dongshu is not distressed by his sister.

But now Gu Ninghuan is getting the eyes of the old man. Even if they want to be angry for Chu Nian, they have to wait for Gu Ninghuan and Mr. Chu to have surgery.

Chu Dongshu said it was reasonable and well-founded, but Yuan Yuan was still unwilling.

"Okay, I know. You should still read your report. None of your men are reliable!" Yuan Yuan fired at Chu Dongshu and then turned and walked out of the room.

Chu Dongshu was only as if Yuan Yuan was grievous for her sister, and she didn't even go to her heart.

Anyway, the temper of the woman's family came and went quickly. When he went to buy a small jewelry for Yuan Yuan tomorrow, she should be able to let her down.

But what Chu Dongshu didn't think of was that Yuan Yuan's anger was not so easy to eliminate.

To help Chu Nian, she even took the Chu family's private plane and went directly to Kyoto.

Yuan Yuan wore a high-profile coat by a well-known French designer, got into the car, and found Gu Ninghuan's house according to the address of the previous investigation.

Gu Ninghuan was having lunch in the room, and the doorbell suddenly rang.

The maid went to open the door, then walked to Gu Ninghuan and said, "Mrs. Shao, a person from outside claiming to be the Chu family came to visit."

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, but since the last time I saw Grandpa Chu, her hostility towards the Chu family has not been so strong.

She picked up the wet towel she had on hand and wiped her lips: "Let her come in."

When Yuan Yuan walked into Fu's house, he looked around the corner of his eyes quietly, but everything he saw was not ordinary.

There are even a few decorations that she wanted at first, but she couldn't get what she wanted.

I have heard for a long time that the principal of the Fu family is not ordinary people.

If Fu Xishen had not enough wrists, how could Mr. Chu keep suppressing Fu's family all these years.

Oh, so the **** Gu Ninghuan, relying on Fu Xishen, dare to force his mother to be unemployed?

Yuan Yuan thought of Chu Nian's pale face and couldn't help but dislike Gu Ninghuan by another three points.

"Madam, please here." The maid looked at Yuan Yuan with a bad face, and felt a little strange in her heart.

During this time, the Chu family visited the house not many times, but everyone who came did not come with a smile.

Only the lady who came this time, although her face seemed normal, but why her eyes were so fierce.

When Yuan Yuan walked to the living room, Gu Ninghuan sat on the sofa in the distance.

Her long black hair was spread over her shoulders, her skin was extremely white, her face was not powdered but it was amazingly beautiful.

Especially when she just sat there, Yuan Yuan, who was accustomed to the beauty of the celebrities, couldn't help but marvel at her beauty.

But immediately, when Yuan Yuan remembered what Gu Ninghuan did, his eyes quickly flashed with disdain.

A person who does not know how to respect his mother, no matter how good-looking and useful.

Gu Ninghuan raised his head, looked at the completely strange woman in front of him, and said, "Is there anything you want from me?"

"I want to ask you to apologize to Chu Nian." Yuan Yuan placed the world-restricted bag on the coffee table, and made a sound.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't help laughing, probably because he saw too many Chu family members who were kind to her.

So it was a bit unexpected to see someone so unkind to her for the first time.

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