Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 321: Can't let people bully

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Chapter 321

"What are you laughing at?" Yuan Yuan frowned, her eyes full of dissatisfaction with Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan gathered his smile on his lips, picked up a blue and white porcelain teacup, took a sip and put it in his hand to play: "I'm laughing at you!"

"What do you mean! Gu Ninghuan, you don't know yet! I am Chu Dongshu's wife Yuan Yuan, but I am your elder!" Yuan Yuan was at Chu's house, but no one dared to disrespect her.

Now coming to Kyoto, I was bullied by a little girl who grew up in a small and rich place like Gu family.

How could she swallow this breath, even the slightest disguise on the surface was too lazy to pretend, and directly press the identity with others.

But for Gu Ninghuan, no matter who is Yuan Yuan or the Chu family, what has to do with her.

She never wanted to provoke the Chu family, but the Chu family kept coming to harass her.

"So?" Gu Ninghuan asked back.

The words are simple, there is no flattering Yuan Yuan imagined her.

Even in the dull, even with a little disgust, this recognition made Yuan Yuan feel very dissatisfied.

Yuan Yuan's eyes narrowed: "Gu Ninghuan, I know you are so worried about your mother's abandonment of you at that time, and you are so grumpy that you don't want to forgive her until now.

But do you know? Chu Nian has paid the price, and her position in the company was removed by Mr. Chu.

Do you know how desperate it is for her girl, who is very ambitious, to have no job? "Yuan Yuan's words were full of distress for Chu Nian."

Gu Ninghuan rubbed his finger on the cup of blue and white porcelain: "Desperate? Even if Chu Nian was removed from his post, he was also the Miss Chu family.

Still living a day where the wind is going to rain and the rain is going to rain. If her life is called despair, how many people in this world must be desperate. "

Yuan Yuan saw that no matter what she said, Gu Ninghuan was still uncomfortable and stood upright.

"What kind of cold-blooded monster are you, your biological mother because you have no job, you can still say such a thing.

I really don't know what kind of family will bring you a bitch! It’s no wonder that people like you don’t have feelings. "Yuan Yuan continued to attack Gu Ninghuan maliciously."

If it was Gu Ninghuan before rebirth, he would be so angry that he would cry directly when he heard these words.

But this kind of words, when she was imprisoned by Gu Shi, she heard more.

Now she no longer resented Grandpa Chu. Although she did not plan to get close to Grandpa Chu, she could treat his family at least not so harshly.

"Have you finished? After I finished, I will let the maid deliver the guests." Gu Ninghuan took a sip of tea, and the lips and teeth were full of the fragrance of tea.

Yuan Yuan saw her scolding Gu Ninghuan like this, but Gu Ninghuan didn't respond at all.

Let her simply do nothing.

Gu Ninghuan is the one who is about to do a bone marrow transplant to Mr. Chu. It is impossible to fight, and it is impossible to find someone to assassinate her.

As for scolding, Gu Ninghuan didn't care, but instead she seemed like a shrew now.

Yuan Yuan forced himself to calm down, reached for the bag on the coffee table, and turned away with reluctance.

Song Ci ran out of lunch and came to the villa to find Gu Ninghuan. When she saw a woman with a limited amount of high-profile, she walked out of Gu Ninghuan's villa.

She just glanced at the woman, and she was almost certainly from the Chu family.

Because the air on his face is too obvious, this is a feeling that can't be concealed no matter how many luxury goods.

Seeing that the coming person was the Chu family, Song Ci didn't want to go up, and some evaded stood aside, trying to wait until the person came out and then went in.

After Yuan Yuan walked out of the villa, she saw a girl about the age of Gu Ninghuan standing next to her.

Needless to say, it must be Gu Ninghuan's friend.

The friend of the little **** must also be a bitch. Yuan Yuan glared at Song Ci fiercely before he got on the bus and left.

Song Ci was frightened by Yuan Yuan's eyes. She felt that she was just standing on the side of the road, and should not have blamed her.

What is the reason, let her glance for no reason.

Song Ci waited until Yuan Yuan's car drove away, and then reached out to press the doorbell, reported his name, and entered the Fu family smoothly.

Gu Ninghuan saw Song Ci coming and reached for the teapot and poured water for her.

Song Ci put the bag on his knees and looked at Gu Ninghuan's words.

"Say what you want to say." Gu Ninghuan said.

Song Ci: "When I came, I saw a guest who had just walked from you. Was she the Chu family?"

Gu Ninghuan didn't expect that Song Ci would meet Yuan Yuan, and nodded gently.

After receiving affirmative answer from Gu Ninghuan, Song Ci was deeply worried: "Just now I guessed that she might be the Chu family, so I stood outside the iron gate and wanted to wait until she went out before entering the villa.

But I didn't expect that I was just standing, and she was kicked hard by her.

The people of the Chu family are so fierce. How will you get along with them in the future? Was the woman coming just now, did you bully you? "

Gu Ning smiled and said, "Relax, I will return all the things she bullied me later."

"Yes! We can't let others bully anyway, no matter what." Song Ci said of the woman, she felt angry.

Gu Ninghuan smiled softly and took a plate of dim sum in front of Song Ci: "Okay, don't be angry, eat dim sum."

When Yuan Yuan returned to the Chu's house, it was already very late.

Even if she flew in a row today, she even sent home to be humiliated by Gu Ninghuan.

Oh, Gu Ninghuan dared to show up in front of her now. After Gu Ninghuan transplanted the bone marrow to Master Chu, see how she cleans up the cheap girl who doesn’t know how high and thick.

Yuan Yuan walked outside the door of his room, and put the door handle on his hand. Without force, the door was pulled open from inside.

Chu Dongshu looked at her somberly and asked roughly: "How come you are back now, where did you go today?"

Yuan Yuan has been married to Chu Dongshu for more than 20 years, and this is the first time he has seen his face so ugly.

She subconsciously dared not say that she went to Kyoto to find Gu Ninghuan.

"Where else can I go, I am not very happy that Chu Nian was exempted, so I went to a few friends to go shopping." Yuan Yuan lied a little guilty.

Chu Dongshu stared at her, his eyes didn't look like his wife who had been married for many years, but like an enemy.

Yuan Yuan was a little uncomfortable by Chu Dongshu. She frowned, and wanted to cover up the incident by getting angry.

But before she was too angry, Chu Dongshu took her arm and dragged her whole body forward.

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