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Chapter 322: Just look

Yuan Yuan wanted to shake off Chu Dongshu's hand almost immediately, but could not get rid of it anyway.

Yuan Yuan was really angry now, she screamed: "Chu Dongshu, what the **** are you doing!"

"Did you go to Gu Ninghuan today? Let me tell you!

Gu Ninghuan has already told the old man about your visit to Fu's house.

The old man had a fresh tantrum at dinner, did you know? "Chu Dongshu's face was full of terror.

Yuan Yuan didn't even think that Gu Ninghuan's cheap girl dared to sue her. Did she not want to live?

"I'm going to Gu Ninghuan now. I'm going to ask the cheap girl, why did it hurt me so much!" Yuan Yuan was just mad.

Chu Dongshu, who has always been accustomed to Yuan Yuan, has not given her a chance to let her temper down at all.

He dragged Yuan Yuan to the door of Master Chu's room. Yuan Yuan, who was still making a lot of noise, became very quiet after getting closer and closer to Master Chu.

Everyone in the Chu family knows that Grandpa Chu is the absolute master of the Chu family, and likewise the preferences of Grandpa Chu, each of them remembers it well.

For example, Grandpa Chu hates the noise of others, so everyone who walks around Grandpa Chu’s room will become very quiet and careful.

Chu Dongshu grabbed Yuan Yuan with one hand, and said to the bodyguard standing outside the room of Grandpa Chu: "Tell me if you have any trouble, saying that Dongshu came to apologize to Grandpa with his undisputed wife."

"Please, Master and Young Lady, etc." After that, the bodyguard pushed open the door and went in.

Chu Dongshu didn't wait long with Yuan Yuan and the bodyguard let them in.

Yuan Yuan and Chu Dongshu walked to the hall in the room and saw Grandpa Chu sitting in a high position, holding a string of beautiful blue beads in their hands.

Chu Dongshu glanced at Yuan Yuan, and Bi Gong said respectfully: "Dad, I'm taking Yuan Yuan to apologize to you."

Grandpa Chu didn't talk, he looked at Chu Dongshu, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Master Chu didn't speak, and Chu Dongshu and Yuan Yuan were absolutely afraid to speak anyway.

In the hall, Chu Dongshu and Yuan Yuan were both standing. No one asked them to sit down, and they absolutely dared not sit down.

After waiting for a while, Master Chu seemed to carelessly ask: "I heard, Yuan Yuan, you went to Ning Huan today. I don't know what you have to do with her. Tell me and tell me."

Yuan Yuan heard that there was no sign of anger in the tone of the old man, and guessed that it should be Gu Ninghuan's incomplete complaint to the old man.

Besides, this time she went to Gu Ninghuan for the sake of Chu Nian.

Old man, on weekdays, isn't the junior who likes the Chu family the most, help each other together?

Couldn't get it right, Master Chu is not angry at all today, it was Chu Dongshu who thought nothing of what happened.

Yuan Yuan pursed her lips, and after thinking about it again, she said, "Dad, you know, my relationship with Chu Nian has always been very good.

Recently, I heard that Chu Nian was divorced. The daughter she didn’t take away had grown up. Then, as a friend of Chu Nian, I should naturally go and see, but...

"Just what? Did Gu Ninghuan look at you." Chu Nian's voice suddenly came from the quiet hall.

Yuan Yuan did not expect that Chu Nian actually came over.

Of course Chu Nian had to come over, and since her position in the company was suspended, her time was empty.

The thing she can do every day is to go to the luxury jewelry store to buy things.

At least one million dollars must be bought in a day to dissipate the stagnation in her heart a little.

But she just came back today, and heard that Dad was angry at the dinner because Yuan Yuan went to Gu Ninghuan.

It's that **** Gu Ninghuan again, that beast! After harming her, she now wants to harm her friend.

"Dad, I know your baby Gu Ninghuan, but you can't want to hurt us in order to protect her!" Chu Nian stood beside Yuan Yuan, with some dissatisfaction.

Grandpa Chu ignored her and looked at Yuan Yuan and asked, "What is it?"

After Yuan Yuan saw Chu Nian, his originally uneasy heart had become completely calm, and he was even more confident: "Ning Huan still hated the Chu family very much, and he didn't even let me go into the villa.

I think Ning Huan is so hostile to the Chu family, it is not a way, otherwise I will move to Kyoto to live for a while, and then persuade Ning Huan every day, I believe she will be moved by my sincerity. "

"Are you crazy! You are the elder of Gu Ninghuan anyway, she is so disrespectful to you, why don't you take care of her.

I really regret it now. I knew Gu Ninghuan had grown up so disloyal and filial. When she was a baby, I should have strangled her! "Chu Nian will now be reflective of anger as soon as he hears these three words.

Yuan Yuan stretched out La Chunian's hand, even though Chu Nian was telling the truth, but now he is in front of Master Chu.

Moreover, if Chu Nian really strangled Gu Ninghuan when she was a baby, what would happen to Grandpa Chu's illness at this time.

Clearly speaking, they are usually calm, but when they encounter Gu Ninghuan, they become so impulsive.

But fortunately, even if Chu Nian said so much, the old man didn't look irritated at all, and he still had such a calm expression.

This gave Yuan Yuan a sigh of relief. It seemed that Father Chu didn't know what she and Gu Ninghuan specifically said.

Chu Dongshu has been observing the expression of Grandpa Chu, seeing that his dad has no signs of anger. This is the tentative opening: "Actually, Ning Huan has always disliked us because of his long history of being outside.

Yuan Yuan's visit to Ning Huan was also kind. He might have used the wrong method to make Ning Huan's child unhappy. We will pay attention next time. "

"Yes, Dad, I really know that I am wrong. I will not dare next time, or I will go to Kyoto now to apologize to Ning Huan.

In any case, even if I kneel down to beg for Ning Huan, I must let her down, otherwise if I let Ning Huan and our Chu family have a gap, I am a sinner. Yuan Yuan continued, deliberately putting his posture extremely low.

In this way, Mr. Chu will understand how such a humble Yuan Yuan can offend Gu Ninghuan.

It must be Gu Ning who is celebrating his identity to save Chu's life, so he deliberately embarrassed them, the Chu family.

Listening to Yuan Yuan’s words, Chu Nian was of course ten thousand unhappy: “What the **** are you talking about, you are Gu Ninghuan’s elders, how can you kneel and apologize to her!”

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