Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 324: A favorite of Gu Ninghuan

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Chapter 324   Dedicated to Gu Ninghuan

Isn't it equal to everything she just quibbled for herself?

It seems like a joke in the eyes of Grandpa Chu.

Chu Dongshu shuddered abruptly in his heart, and now no amount of explanation is useful, and he can only let this old master Chu die.

Chu Dongshu felt that today he really ate a huge loss.

I knew I wouldn't mess with these women's families, but now I haven't pulled Yuan Yuan out, and I might even get myself into it.

Just thinking of this, Chu Dongshu wanted to immediately turn around and run away.

"You said in the recording that you are the elder of Gu Ninghuan, so she deserves to respect you. It is ironic to think about this sentence now.

Chu Nian is the reason for the divorce, and **** Ning Huan's father, you should know better than anyone else.

Chu Nian has done the kind of shameless things, you actually dare to shy his face, in Gu Ninghuan's face to presume your elder status, it is simply not known. Old Master Chu narrowed his fierce eyes and looked at Yuan Yuan as if he were looking at a stupid dog.

People like Grandpa Chu have spent a lot of time in a **** storm since they were young.

He values ​​morality and morality, but the only thing he doesn't pay attention to is the rules of the elders.

Grandpa Chu always believed that whether a person is worthy of respect should be based on the person’s own behavior, not her seniority, her identity, or her age.

And Yuan Yuan went to other people's houses to be disgraceful, and wanton arrogance was undoubtedly a taboo against Mr. Chu's behavior.

Even Chu Nian was lifted by Chu Chu's words.

Before, Chu Nian always thought that she did nothing wrong. What was wrong with her derailment for true love?

Is it right to tie her to someone she doesn't love?

And for so many years, her identity as Miss Chu family made others dare not blame her in front of her.

But did not expect that things have passed so many years, she was actually scolded by her father because of Gu Ninghuan's beast.

Yuan Yuan opened his mouth to ask for forgiveness, but Grandpa Chu didn't want to listen anymore.

He waved his hands impatiently, and the maid stepped forward to cover Yuan Yuan's mouth and dragged it down.

When Chu Dongshu saw this, he no longer dared to sit back and ignore it.

He admitted that Yuan Yuan’s actions today were indeed stupid.

However, if Yuan Yuan punishes Yuan Yuan according to his temper, Yuan Yuan is likely to become disabled tonight.

Even though Yuan Yuan was wrong, he should not be punished so heavily.

"Dad, I know that Yuan Yuan did something wrong today, but I beg you to give her a chance to make up for the crime.

Anyway, over the years, she has also paid a lot to this family. "Chu Dongshu begged Mr. Chu and hoped that Mr. Chu would let Yuan Yuan live a life."

Grandpa Chu glanced at Chu Dongshu: "Reassure that Yuan Yuan's life will not be killed. She is dead. How can I kill the chicken and the monkey?

Throw Yuan Yuan into the living room. Today, I will use Yuan Yuan to set rules for them. "

After talking, Grandpa Chu stood up and walked out.

The servants in the room did not dare to slack off, and hurriedly followed out. Chu Dongshu and Chu Nian glanced at each other, and also followed the old man Chu.

When I walked to the living room, it was not early. Most Chu family members fell asleep.

But Grandpa Chu wanted to see someone, who would dare to sleep in bed, but most of Chu's family did not know what was going on.

It was only at dinner that Master Chu was very angry because Chu Dongshu's wife went to Gu Ninghuan without permission.

Now I see Yuan Yuan kneeling in the living room crying and crying.

A little IQ, you should know what's going on.

Chu Dongshu's younger brother Chu Xifeng has always dealt with his elder brother, and now seeing Yuan Yuan makes Grandpa Chu unhappy, so he naturally rushed to the ground.

"I said there are some people. I don't know what kind of heart An is. I know that Gu Ninghuan is the only person who can save Dad.

Actually went to provoke the other party, I don't know if I wanted to let my dad not transplant Gu Ninghuan's bone marrow, so that my elder brother could take over. "

Chu Xifeng's wife lazily yawned: "Some people are so used to the wind and water all these years that they can't even lose their last thoughts.

She thought that her husband had taken an early birth opportunity, and everything in the Chu family would be hers.

But I do not know, the old man is not the people of the old era, but now is an era of standing virtuous. "

The onlookers, when they saw Chu Xifeng, they all spoke, and you said it in a word.

Those who can live in the Chu family mansion in all these things are those who can compete for the inheritance of the Chu family owner.

When nothing happened, they were close family members.

But as soon as something goes wrong, they can step on a few, they will step on a few.

They are all future competitors. No matter who they are, they will never let anyone go.

Yuan Yuan listened to their cynicism and sneered at her until her tears stopped, but when the maid dragged her out, she was afraid that she would disturb the quietness of Father Chu's side, and her mouth would have been blocked.

If you want to speak, you have to wait for Master Chu to come and see if he agrees or disagrees.

Grandpa Chu walked to the living room before taking another step. The originally noisy living room suddenly became very quiet.

Everyone gathered up their meanness to Yuan Yuan, and everyone stood upright, and no one dared to be arrogant.

Grandpa Chu was sitting in the middle of the hall, holding Yuanzhu’s finger and pointing to Yuan Yuan kneeling in the middle of the hall: "I know, you may have a slight contempt for Ning Huan.

Perhaps I feel that I have loved Ning Huan too much, and I have been holding back all the time. I want to wait for Ning Huan to give me the bone marrow all the time.

Then use the rights given to you by the Chu family to bully her.

But I tell you, as long as I live a day, whether Ning Huan transplanted her bone marrow or not, you are not allowed to offend her.

As for the people who offended her, they ranged from forty to four, and broke their legs and drove out of the Chu family!

Do you understand? ? "

"Understood!" All the people in the Chu family answered in unison.

But they also had the same fear in their hearts.

They have always known that if someone can successfully match with Master Chu, then that person will be able to get supreme wealth.

Therefore, after Master Chu became ill, everyone rushed to match the type, and even used all the resources at hand to find someone who could match the type successfully.

But no one thought that the only person who could be a successful match with Master Chu.

It was actually the daughter Chu Nian hadn't wanted for years.

They didn't even think that Chu Chu was so fond of Gu Ninghuan.

If Gu Ninghuan entered the Chu family in the future, wouldn’t Grandpa Chu give her more.

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