Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 325: You can't miss the palm forty-one times

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Chapter 325

Just thinking of this, the Chu family is a bit worried.

But none of them now dare to raise any objections.

Yuan Yuan was desperate to the extreme, if she knew.

Her momentary impulse would bring such serious consequences to her, so no matter what she said, she would not go to Gu Ninghuan to trouble.

When Grandpa Chu saw that they understood it, they didn't want to spend much time talking about it. No matter how they were warned, it was far more severe than the punishment they saw.

Father Chu looked at Dana.

Dana took the maid to Yuan Yuan.

The maid was holding a wooden board for the palm.

When Master Chu was young, he was indifferent and vicious, and even more sand was not rubbed in his eyes.

As long as the Chu family makes mistakes, they will never be punished with soft hands.

Therefore, all kinds of punishment tools used by the Chu family can be described as readily available.

But in the past 20 years, Grandpa Chu may have been killed too much when he was young.

In old age, he began to believe in Buddhism, and gradually, the whole person became more peaceful.

And the torture tools of the Chu family were also taken away by the servants, almost never used.

Yuan Yuan has heard of these things.

But Yuan Yuan didn't expect that the torture tool that had been dusted all the time would one day see her again because of her.

Yuan Yuan watched the maid gradually approaching her, scared to keep going back.

Of course, the Chu's bodyguard could not allow Yuan Yuan to flee, stepped forward and pressed his shoulders, not letting her move.

The maid stepped forward and quickly ripped off what closed Yuan Yuan's mouth. Then, before Yuan Yuan wanted to scream, the board directly hit her lips.

The maid didn't leave any emotion at all, and the board hit, causing Yuan Yuan's tears to fall uncontrollably.

But the maid seemed to be unable to see Yuan Yuan’s tears, and beat them down one by one, leaving Yuan Yuan without the courage to scream.

Soon Yuan Yuan's pain became numb afterwards, and the blood from his lips was continuously poured out.

Chu Nian stood aside, closed his eyes, and dared not look at the miserable state of his girlfriend.

She knew that her father was always cold-hearted and merciless, even if she treated her loved ones, she would not be so gentle.

But for more than 20 years, this father has not made such a **** move at home.

Even the juniors of the Chu family gradually forgot how the father Chu obtained the Chu family's inheritance right on a **** wrist when he was young.

Yuan Yuan has been spoiled since marrying the Chu family, and has never mentioned heavy objects.

She couldn't bear the penalty of 40 under the palm of her hand. When the maid hit the 15th, she already passed out.

When Chu Dongshu saw Yuan Yuan dizzy, he walked anxiously in front of Grandpa Chu: "Dad, I know you haven't gotten rid of it yet, but Yuan Yuan is already dizzy.

The lesson you want to give has also been given. Can you raise your hand and let her go. "

"When she was arrogant in front of Gu Ninghuan, why didn't she act so coquettishly and continued to fight.

Say forty minutes, no less than one. "Master Chu has no signs of letting go."

Chu Nian opened her lips and wanted to say something, but Chu Dongshu stared at her and shook her head gently.

Now, Grandpa Chu is already under anger. If Chu Nian says anything to anger Grandpa Chu, Yuan Yuan's situation will only get worse.

The appalling palm is finally over. Chu Xifeng's family watched the show from the beginning.

Now that I have looked at it in full, I feel a little uncomfortable.

The only one who actually killed people in the Chu family was the old man Chu. Most of the others sent their men to do some unclean things.

Now seeing people around you being beaten like this, even if there is hatred on weekdays, the joy of starting has become a shock.

Even they would inevitably think too much. If today, they accidentally offended Gu Ninghuan, Master Chu would teach them so mercilessly.

"Dad, you see you hit this fight too, can I take Yuan Yuan to heal." Chu Dongshu, who was in the majestic Chu family in the past, seemed to be taken away from the main heart at this time, and began to change. It's languishing.

This time they lost enough face in front of the crowd. This time they lost their majesty, and I don't know when they will be recovered.

Since the lesson was learned, Master Chu didn't want to say anything more. After waving his hand, Chu Dongshu brought Yuan Yuan down, and at the same time let everyone in the Chu family disperse.

Yuan Yuan Chu Dongshu took him to his room.

Chu Nian always followed Chu Dongshu because he was worried. At the same time, he ordered the next person to call his family doctor to cure Yuan Yuan.

The family doctor also heard about Yuan Yuan.

But when he rushed to Yuan Yuan's room, he was shocked to see the degree of Yuan Yuan's lip injury.

The doctor thought that no matter what, Yuan Yuan was the daughter-in-law of Grandpa Chu, and Grandpa Chu always valued Chu Dongshu.

How much should be sentiment, but never imagined.

The wound looked so terrible, it didn't seem to be merciful at all.

"Why are you rushing to treat her!" Chu Nian shouted at the doctor.

Fang Cai, her depressed temper in front of Grandpa Chu, had all been sent out at this time.

Family doctors have long been used to the tempers of these young ladies.

Without speaking, he went to check on Yuan Yuan's injury.

After the doctor finished the bandage, he explained how the people in the big room took care of Yuan Yuan and then left.

Chu Nian looked at Yuan Yuan's tightly wrapped lips, and was deeply distressed at the heart.

The relationship between the two of them is really very good, otherwise Yuan Yuan will not go to Gu Ninghuan for her.

"Brother, I went to Gu Ninghuan originally. I wanted to use her bone marrow to stabilize my position in the Chu family.

But I really did not expect that Gu Ninghuan was such a cold-blooded monster.

Now she has not helped me stabilize my status in the Chu family. Even my dad is angry with me because of the little things more than ten years ago. What can I do now? "Chu Nian has no idea.

She wanted to avenge Yuan Yuan, but it is obviously not practical to move Gu Ninghuan.

But she couldn't draw Gu Ninghuan together, and what Qi Shixin had done, they had pushed Gu Ninghuan farther away from her.

Chu Dongshu hated that iron was incompetent: "What should I do! How do I know what to do!"

What a good plan was not because your **** was ruined.

I tell you, if you really want to recall Ning Huan, it is better to break it off with Qi Shixin and Chu Hua. "

Chu Nian bowed his head, did not want to admit, but had to admit that Chu Dongshu was right.

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