Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 326: Just feel chilled

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Chapter 326

"But if I broke up with Qi Shixin and they still can't recover Gu Ninghuan, what should I do?

Gu Ninghuan didn't forgive me for so many years because of his father's death, she was a total hatred of me. Chu Nian had a headache.

She didn't think of it herself. She never encountered any setback in her career and life.

But for Gu Ninghuan, she repeatedly frustrated her.

Chu Dongshu put his hands in the hot water called by the maid, and washed away the blood stains on his hands because of holding Yuan Yuan: "I don't know about this. The sin you made yourself, you try to make up for it yourself!

Whoever asked you to do things in the past did not stay in the slightest room, two children, you just throw it.

But speaking of it, isn't Gu Yan's attitude to you good enough? How come Gu Ninghuan hates you so much. "

"I don't know, but I sent someone to investigate Gu Ninghuan.

I realized that she actually looked harmless to humans and animals on the surface, but privately she had dealt with many people quietly.

Among them, including the Meng family who had an excellent relationship with the Fu family, was also forced to die by Gu Ninghuan. "Thinking of this, Chu Nian can't help but feel that Gu Ninghuan's treatment of the enemy is a bit like Grandpa Chu.

Could it be that this is the reason that Grandpa Chu will have a green eye on Gu Ninghuan?

"Chu Nian, do you think Dad will hand Chu family to Gu Ninghuan's hand?" Chu Dongshu picked up a soft towel and wiped his hands, and there was a worry in his voice.

Chu Nian shook his head: "I don't think that Gu Ninghuan is Gu, and he is not the Chu family. How can he get the Chu's property."

"It's hard to tell. Dad's mind has always been unpredictable. For example, we used to think that Dad was very grateful to Gu Ninghuan for transplanting bone marrow.

But you have seen it now too. In order to protect Gu Ninghuan, Dad spared no effort to warn us with Yuan Yuan proofing.

Where does this seem to be used, is clearly pampered. "Chu Dongshu was not as optimistic as Chu Nian thought.

Tonight, Dad's reaction was really abnormal.

Moreover, Chu Dongshu found sadly that even if his father wanted to hand over the Chu family to a foreigner, Gu Ninghuan, he had no way to stop it.

The people in the Chu family who really hold power believe in the elderly, not the juniors.

And Father Chu is suspicious by nature, even if he delegates authority to them, every decision they make will be told to Father Chu.

They seem to be free, but often they don't have a little freedom.

"In short, you have to think about this matter, whether Dad will hand over the company to Gu Ninghuan in the future.

You and Gu Ninghuan will have a good relationship and you will never lose money. As long as Gu Ninghuan is willing to help you, Dad will give you whatever you want. Chu Dongshu continued to remind his sister.

The relationship between him and Chu Nian was originally good. In the company, he even helped each other.

Before Gu Ninghuan, Chu Nian and he were the most favored children in front of dad.

After Gu Ninghuan appeared, even if the situation had changed a little, Chu Dongshu believed that they should be able to remedy from now on.

Chu Nian nodded, but didn't know what he was thinking.

It was too late now, Yuan Yuan was in a coma again, and it was not convenient for Chu Nian to stay in Chu Dongshu's room.

Can only leave first, and wait to see Yuan Yuan when tomorrow is in the day.

After she walked out, the mentally and physically exhausted Chu Nian planned to return to the room to rest.

But in the room, there were already two people waiting for her.

Qi Shixin and Chu Hua, the two people she used to love and love the most.

Before Chu Nian saw them, the heart was full of joy, but after seeing it now, she felt reflexively headache.

"Is there something?" Chu Nian closed the door and sat on the sofa.

In her mind at this time, she kept thinking about the scene of Yuan Yuan being beaten in the living room just now.

Even if it wasn't Gu Ninghuan who asked Yuan Yuan to go.

But now Yuan Yuan feels sorry for her because of her injury.

Qi Shixin saw Yuan Yuan's face was a little poor, and she was very clever and didn't mention their intentions. Instead, she said softly, "What happened? How do you feel that your face is so bad? Isn't Mr. Chu blaming you for Gu Ninghuan's affairs?" ?"

When Chu Nian heard Qi Shixin's gentle voice, his heart's irritability for them also disappeared a little bit: "It's okay, Yuan Yuan went to Gu Ninghuan, and then his father taught him a meal."

Qi Shi News said his eyes became worried.

Father Chu likes Gu Ninghuan more than they thought.

This is definitely not a good thing for them.

"Gu Ninghuan! Gu Ninghuan again! Why the name is so annoying?

It was not enough for her to hurt us, but now she has to deal with the Chu family again. Does Chu Master have to endure? "Chu Hua is not as smart as Qi Shixin.

He unequivocally accused Gu Ninghuan, if at ordinary times, Chu Nian may also follow, Chu Hua said later that the mistress is not.

But now, when she heard this, she only felt abnormally impatient.

Even she remembered what Chu Dongshu said to her.

If not for the father and son in front of her, the relationship between her and Gu Ninghuan would not be as bad as it is now.

If it weren't for their cleverness, how could she be out of work.

Chu Nian frowned tightly, looking at Chu Hua's eyes without the kindness of the past: "Shut up! What the **** are you doing today, just say it now, and don't say useless nonsense here!"

When Chu Hua saw that Chu Nian was in a bad mood, she also gathered her anger on her face: "Mom, I don't know why my credit card limit was stopped. Can you give me another card?"

Chu Nian closed her eyes: "OK, I know, you go back first. Tomorrow I will ask the next person to solve this problem for you."

"Mom, this matter has been resolved, but I still have a little thing to trouble you.

Didn’t Gu Ninghuan burn my dad’s villa last time? You know, that is the only real estate in Kyoto under our name.

Now that we have no place to stay in Kyoto, it will be inconvenient for you to go to Kyoto in the future. I don’t know..." Chu Hua said halfway, and stopped, waiting for Chu Nian to answer.

Chu Nian is not a harsh person. She has always been generous with money.

There is no need to embarrass Chu Hua in this matter, but do not know why, at this time Chu Nian feels uncomfortable.

Why did she feel that she used to coax her Chu Hua before, and she had kept children around her for so many years, and she didn't know how to distress her at all.

Obviously, she can afford a little money in the Kyoto Villa, but inexplicably feel a little uncomfortable.

Qi Shixin was keenly aware of Chu Nian's emotional changes, and glared at Chu Hua who wanted to continue asking for something.

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