Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 327: Is it born again?

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Chapter 327   Is it born again?

Chu Hua didn't understand Qi Shixin's pains at this time.

But he understood his hint.

"I know. I will let someone give you a credit card together with the money to buy the villa. Is there anything else?" Chu Nian reached out his hand and squeezed his brow, and replied.

"thanks Mom."

Chu Hua didn't continue the lion's big opening, but thankfully cleverly thanked him.

Chu Nian does not want to see them for the time being, and is planning to let them out.

But when she opened her eyes, she felt a moderate pressure from the temple. She turned her head slightly and saw Qi Shixin standing behind her and pressing for her.

"You! Always like to be brave. Since you are not feeling well, go out and relax. Anyway, your position in the company has also been suspended. It is better to take a good rest during this time.

Don’t resist yourself when you are in trouble. Both me and Chu Hua are your umbrellas. As long as you say something, we are always ready to work hard for you. Qi Shixin's voice was gentle, and Chu Nian's nose was sour with his words.

The original boredom of them was replaced by tenderness at this time.

The reason why Chu Nian likes Qi Shixin so much is because no matter how she loses her temper, he always coaxes her with little emotion.

There are of course many men who like her and are willing to coax her for a while.

But only Qi Shixin had coaxed her for so many years.

Because of this, after Chu Nian has spent so many years, the men around him have changed several times, but the only one who can stay with her for a long time is Qi Shixin.

"Brother said, if you want to please Gu Ninghuan, you have to break with both of you. What do you think of this?" Chu Nian closed her eyes and asked Qi Shixin for a massage.

Qi Shi’s novice work has not stopped, but his thoughts have already been turned back and forth: "If you can really make the relationship between your mother and daughter better, let alone break the relationship with us.

Even if we died, both Chu Hua and I were willing, but afraid of being afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

Qi Shixin continued: "I'm afraid according to Ning Huan's personality, even if you go back everywhere, there is still no way to save anything.

On the contrary, the more backward you are, the more she will hold you, and even the entire Chu family will swallow it. "

"She dare! The Chu family is the hard work of so many of us. Even if one day my dad didn't want to hand it to me, it should be for the elder brother, not for a surname Gu!"

At this time, Chu Hua finally got his IQ online. He continued following Qi Shixin’s words: “But it’s hard to say, if Gu Ninghuan asked the old man Chu to give her the Chu family with her life-saving grace, what should I do?

What's more, Gu Ninghuan is standing behind the Fu family. She was already not good enough to get along. Now if the Fu family is added, the Chu family will be renamed when she enters her hand. "

"Then what do you think is the best way to do it?" Chu Nian asked, rubbing his ring finger on the big diamond ring.

"In my opinion, the Fu family should thoroughly disgust Gu Ninghuan, which is the best." Chu Hua's lips and corners are slightly hooked, and a vicious scheme is formed in an instant.


Fu Family Villa.

"You mean, Grandpa taught Yuan Yuan a good lesson? But I didn't tell Grandpa that Yuan Yuan came to me." Gu Ninghuan didn't expect that she had let Yuan Yuan go, but Grandpa But already helped her to teach Yuan Yuan.

Dana smiled faintly: "The old man was always worried that the people of the Chu family would disturb the young lady, so he kept us staring.

Where else does Miss Gu have to say anything, but the purpose of the old man let me make this call is to tell him that he has set rules at the Chu family tonight.

But it is not enough, there may be some unwilling people who want to offend you, Gu.

If you really encounter the disrespect of other Chu family members, please tell me immediately, and I will deal with it for you immediately. "

Gu Ninghuan lowered her eyes. She had planned to deal with Yuan Yuan herself instead of relying on her grandfather.

But now that Grandpa has dealt with it, then this matter can only be passed in this way.

I don't know how Grandpa dealt with Yuan Yuan. I have heard that Grandpa was cruel when he was young.

Anyway, Yuan Yuan is also the grandfather's daughter-in-law, he should not be ruthless.

"Dana, do you know how grandpa punishes Yuan Yuan?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Dana was silent for a while, and the Chu family has always been a rule of ugliness.

But Miss Gu had half of the Chu family's blood, which should not be considered an outsider anyway.

But if he told Miss Gu, it made Miss Gu feel scared, how could this be good.

"Miss Gu, you know the character of the old man, but anyone who makes him angry will not get away easily." Dana thought about it, or chose a euphemistic statement.

Gu Ninghuan is not stupid. Hearing Dana's words, there is nothing in the bottom of his heart that he does not understand.

"Miss Gu, I know you were born innocent and have not experienced any **** storms, so you may not be used to the style of the Chu family.

But please believe that most of our Chu family are not malicious to you. Dana explained hurriedly.

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "I know, thank you. The time is not early, I will rest first, and you go to bed earlier."

"Good night, Miss Gu."

"good night."

Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone and came out after taking a bath. Her wedding is almost there.

After the wedding is held, her identity will be officially announced to the wealthy circles, then the grandfather will also know that she married Fu Xishen.

If Grandpa knew, she had been concealing him all the time, would she be angry at that time?

Gu Ninghuan was not worried that her grandfather would shoot her. Even if her grandfather wanted to break her leg, she should bear it.

But if the Chu family should do something to Fu Xishen, she can't accept it, others hurt her lover.

Gu Ninghuan felt more and more headaches, Fu Xishen recently worked overtime for their honeymoon after marriage.

It was getting late, and she missed him very much. She also had to worry about what would happen if her grandfather knew the truth.

Today, Gu Ninghuan is thinking about the day Fu Xi fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she opened her eyes and saw the quiet sleeping face of the man next to her.

Gu Ninghuan was stunned for a while. It was this time. After she woke up for the first time, Fu Xishen was still lying beside her.

Thinking of this, she was not only ashamed, but also blamed her for being too sleepy.

She leaned over and kissed the man's eyebrows, then gently lifted the quilt and walked forward.

Gu Ninghuan didn't realize that something was wrong at first, until she approached the bathroom, squeezed the toothpaste on the electric toothbrush, looked around, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

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