Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 328: Husband I love you.

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Chapter 328: Husband, I Love You.

What she felt was wrong was that it was not a Fujia villa at all.

But how could it be like this.

Gu Ninghuan took a step back and looked at himself in the mirror.

She was wearing the pajamas she put on last night, but the place she was standing at this time was not the Fujia Villa.

Is she born again?

Gu Ninghuan held the electric toothbrush tightly in her hand, and she was completely overwhelmed by the huge panic.

She could clearly feel the stiffness of her body, and even she did not want to accept the fact that she was born again.


The man's voice was low and mute. Because he was awake, there was a lot of usual indifference in his eyes.

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen's voice and took a few steps back.

She didn't know when this was Fu Xishen before she was reborn.

Gu Ninghuan doesn't even remember when Fu Xishen would greet her before rebirth.

Fu Xishen stepped forward, reached out and put the stiff Gu Ninghuan in his arms. He extended his fingers to support her jaw, lowered her head and kissed her directly.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened when Fu Xi kissed her deeply.

She did not expect that Fu Xishen would kiss her.

It was also because of this kiss that Gu Ninghuan's tight nerves became relaxed.

She reached out her arm and hooked Fu Xishen's neck to match his kiss.

The mirror in the bathroom clearly shows a passionate kiss of a pair of men and women in the right shape.

When the kiss was over, Gu Ninghuan's lips were slightly swollen, and the whole person was leaning against the bathroom sink. Slender fingers crossed the man's collarbone: "Mr. Fu, should you explain to me why I will suddenly appear In this strange place."

"Our honeymoon started early, are you upset?" the man asked.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened, he walked to the bathroom window and looked out, he saw the endless pink beach.

She reached over and covered her lips, of course she knew where it was.

This is the most famous pink beach in Australia. As for why the ocean is pink instead of blue, she has no idea.

But she knew how excited she was when she saw the video about the pink ocean.

If she had to take classes, she wished to fly here with Song Ci directly for a vacation.

By the way, class!

She seems to have classes.

"Fu Xishen, how could you take me here while I was sleeping? Do you know that I opened my eyes in the morning and saw myself in a strange place, and almost thought I was kidnapped by an alien." Gu Ning Huan felt that this surprise was not fun at all.

She almost thought she was born again, but now she thinks about it and thinks that she has this idea, she should think too much.

"You slept too much and can only pick you up and walk away." Fu Xishen squeezed out the toothpaste and was ready to wash.

When Gu Ninghuan saw Fu Xishen washing, he remembered that she was holding a toothbrush in her hand.

She decided to wait until after washing, and then ask Fu Xishen about the class.

Gu Ninghuan stood next to Fu Xishen, and the two shared a washstand, inexplicably feeling that washing with men was particularly good.

In the past, Gu Ninghuan always got up late. Basically, three hours after Fu Xishen left home, she would get up slowly.

Even if they get up together, they will not wash together, but this is the first time today.

After washing, Gu Ninghuan sat in front of the dressing table and applied makeup while asking: "Fu Xishen, did you take my leave from my school?"

The man was sitting on the sofa beside him, looking at the English financial magazine in his hand and hooked his lips: "I said no, would you go back?"

"Of course I will go back. I only learn in my heart, and I won't be easily tempted by the male color!" Gu Ninghuan replied very justly and awesomely.

The man looked at her and smiled softly without saying a word.

Gu Ninghuan looked at him slightly, raised his chin, and looked arrogant: "I know you must help me take time off.

Because you know, if I abstain from school without asking for leave, I will be scolded when I return to school when the honeymoon is over. "

Fu Xishen heard the words "husband" and closed the magazine. There was suddenly a different kind of dark light in his eyes: "Scream again."

"Ah?" Gu Ninghuan finished applying lip glaze, and some did not understand what Fu Xishen said.

Then, after a little thought, she understood.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand, closed the lip glaze in his hand, walked over to the man, and sat directly in the man's arms.

"Do you want me to call you husband?" Gu Ning smiled and laughed.

Fu Xi let out a deep hum.

After getting married, Gu Ninghuan called Fu Xishen her husband for a while, and even Fu Xishen liked it very much. The little woman called her husband's voice delicately and softly.

But slowly, I don't know when, Gu Ninghuan changed his tongue and didn't call it again until today.

In fact, Gu Ninghuan is not wrong to call Fu Xishen, but calling her husband always makes people feel more intimate.

Gu Ninghuan sold Guanzi: "It's okay to let me call again, but you have to tell me, how do you know I want to come here?"

"Last time I heard you and Song Ci said." Fu Xishen replied.

Gu Ninghuan tried hard to remember exactly what time it was, but he couldn't remember it.

She seems to have discussed with Song Ci several times, but not all husbands will keep in mind the topics discussed by their wives and girlfriends.

Even, many men feel that when their wives and girlfriends talk about irrelevant matters, their voices are unusually noisy.

But Fu Xishen listened to her seriously and remembered it firmly. This is really how cute it looks.

Gu Ninghuan kissed the man's ear with a soft tone: "My husband, I love you."

In a word, the five words easily aroused Fu Xishen's desire.

It's already 1 pm when the man's movements are over.

Gu Ninghuan picked up the mobile phone she threw on the bedside table and picked it up. There were several missed calls on it.

She dialed back, and Song Ci second answered: "Gu Ninghuan! Why didn't you come to class today, the teacher said you took leave, what happened to you?"

"My husband took the leave for me, now I am in Australia and enjoy my honeymoon."

"Honeymoon... Didn't the honeymoon start after getting married? I rely on! You actually started the honeymoon ahead of time! Mr. Fu is so busy, I was surprised when I was free to spend the honeymoon.

But I did not expect that you actually asked him to extend his honeymoon. You said, did you use any disgraceful means! Say it quickly and let me learn. "Song Ci took out the paper and pen and planned to learn Gu Ninghuan's experience."

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