Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 330: Can't help but bow my head and kiss

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Chapter 330: Can't help but bow my head and kiss

Fu Xi reached out and unbuttoned the top button of the white shirt.

To make Gu Ninghuan retreat more courageously, she is not disliked to do things between husband and wife with Fu Xishen, but can you not be so frequent.

She is just an ordinary little woman, really does not have the perverted physical strength of Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan reached up and picked up the towel, covering his bare upper body: "Your portion has been done today, and you should rest at night."

"Isn't it uncomfortable to put your underwear wet on your body? Wouldn't it help me to take it off?" Fu Xishen said kindly.

Gu Ninghuan hurriedly shook his head: "No need, I can take it off myself, this little thing will not trouble you."

"But I like being troubled by you." The man stepped forward and kissed Gu Ninghuan with his head down.

She wanted to struggle, but just after her wrist moved, Fu Xishen held it in her palm.

Gu Ninghuan could feel that the cold touch from his legs, the underwear that had been wet, was pulled down inch by inch by the man.

She widened her eyes and didn't quite understand how the man who was normally able to control himself suddenly had a big beast.

It wasn't until she saw the condom that the man was holding that made her feel very familiar.

Fu Xishen must have opened the wooden box before he could see the condom inside.

Gu Ninghuan regretted it now, knowing that the wooden box would be opened by a man, she should throw the broken box into the trash can with a little heart.

Fu Xishen, who was pressing Gu Ninghuan and kissing her, was keenly aware of her distraction.

Some dissatisfied even more kissed her, and acted fiercely, with a bit of punishment.

A slight pain came from his lips, making Gu Ninghuan frown uncomfortably.

The closer the two were, the higher the temperature on Gu Ninghuan's body.


After the end, Gu Ninghuan was taken out of the villa by Fu Xishen.

Fu Xishen placed Gu Ninghuan on the bed, looked at her little red face, couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed.

Gu Ninghuan was tired of kissing him, and no matter what Fu Xishen did to her, she would not have any resistance.

Because the previous work in the bathroom was too intense, more than half of Gu Ninghuan's hair was wet.

In her current state, there should be no way to blow her hair.

Fu Xishen had no intention of letting her hair dry.

He took a dry towel, wiped Gu Ninghuan's hair without any dyeing to a semi-dry, and then picked up a hair dryer to help her dry her hair completely.

Gu Ninghuan, who was originally lying on the bed, heard a slight sound of the hair dryer in her ear. She raised her head slightly and looked at the man sitting on her side blowing her hair for her.

His slender slender fingers interspersed in her hair, her face clear and gentle.

If you are a top rich man like Fu Xishen, you can look good and make money even if you are young, but you can do such good things as help women blow their hair.

Gu Ninghuan felt that she was so blind in her last life that she would push such a decathlon husband out of the door.

It's really stupid to want to pursue Jizixing like that.

Gu Ninghuan lay back on the pillow again. Should she be fortunate that she had normal vision in her life and did not miss Fu Xishen.

It was probably the wind blowing her hair. The warmth was so comfortable that she couldn't help falling asleep.

Fu Xishen helped Gu Ninghuan dry her hair, carefully covered her with a quilt, and got up to put the hair dryer back.

They did not stay in the Pink Sea Australia for long. After Gu Ninghuan was reborn, he was not able to feel the beauty of the sea.

She used to like it because the pink line accounted for a large proportion. Now that she is not as popular as the video, she feels that there is no need to look forward to it.

Gu Ninghuan wanted to go to Fu Xishen before the wedding to go to a few more countries and take a look at the beauty of the world with the people around him.

Happy time always passes so fast, the wedding date is near, Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen have to temporarily end their trip and rush back to Kyoto.

At this time Gu Ninghuan, all thoughts were weddings.

The day before the wedding, Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen arrived in Kyoto.

Fu Xi deepened the plane and was surrounded by the company's senior management team.

Gu Ninghuan was very sensible and did not disturb, but walked towards Song Ci of the airport pick-up.

"You actually know to come back! I thought you had played so far that you don't remember that you still need a wedding." Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan and said.

Gu Ninghuan took Song Ci's hand: "I just forgot my wedding and I will not forget such a beautiful bridesmaid around me!

Moreover, every time I go to a country, I have to buy gifts for you, and wait for the maid to send you to your house, because there are too many things, I think you may not be able to take it. "

"Gu Ninghuan! It's still a bit of conscience, and you don't forget your sisters when you are immersed in men!" Song Ci said with a smile, holding Gu Ninghuan's arm.

Gu Ninghuan asked with a chuckle: "What happened to you and Su Muzhe's parents, and Mrs. Su did not embarrass you."

"No, when Su Muzhe and I visited the Su family, Mrs. Su smiled all the way, but I still saw a lot of unhappiness in her eyes.

Do you say that I think too much, or is there really such a thing? "Song Ci was afraid when she thought of Mrs. Su."

Gu Ninghuan didn't know how to answer Song Ci's questions.

Because Song Ci was not brave, she was still afraid that Mrs. Su would not like her.

But if you don’t tell her the truth, will Song Ci always be immersed in self-doubt? If so, it seems that it is even worse for her.

"Ning Huan, do you think I didn't guess wrong? In fact, Mrs. Su just didn't like me, right?" Song Ci lowered her head, thinking that she was not liked by Mrs. Su, she felt very frustrated.

Gu Ninghuan comforted: "It doesn't matter. In fact, Mrs. Fu doesn't like me, but she won't embarrass me.

I was also sad at first that Mrs. Fu did not like me. Later, I felt that there was nothing. Maybe it was because of Mrs. Fu’s expectation of her future daughter-in-law in her heart, it was not like me.

But it doesn't matter. I still respect her very much. You can do the same. If Mrs. Su doesn't like you, you don't have to appear in front of her often. "

"I think so too. After all, I married Su Muzhe, not the Su family. But I don't understand, since Mrs. Su doesn't like me, why did she so readily agree to my Su Muzhe's engagement." This one Things have always troubled Song Ci, and she doesn't even know why.

Gu Ning smiled: "Because Su Muzhe likes you, and Su Muzhe must have said something to his mother in advance, so Sufu talents are not embarrassing you."

"It's pretty good to see Su Muzhe like this, right, do you know Ning Huan? I'm going to help you see the meeting place. It's really beautiful!

And as long as the switch is pressed, the whole audience will be starlight, and I really want to get engaged in your meeting place.

But unfortunately, the meeting place you used for marriage was specially built for you by Mr. Fu, and he did not accept the entrustment of outsiders at all. "

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