Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 331: Marriage is more trouble than she thought

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331   Marriage is more trouble than she imagined

"Huh? I haven't heard about it. But since you like it, I'll tell Fu Xishen later and let him lend you the venue to get engaged." Gu Ning said with a smile.

Song Ci said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, Ning Huan. I seem to use your design from the wedding dress to the venue.

But I have no way, who made Mr. Fu do too perfect, I saw so perfect, there is no way to persuade myself to make up with a bad make-up. "

"It doesn't matter, if you are too late, I especially want to get married with you.

Holding a wedding ceremony with your best friend makes you happy just thinking about it. Gu Ning laughed softer.

Of course, she hopes that Song Ci is happy, not to eat the bitterness of previous generations.

Gu Ninghuan went out traveling for so long, Song Ci missed her very much, and the two spent a whole day together.

It was not until the evening that Su Muzhe could not bear the indifference of Song Ci and came to the door to catch people, and Song Ci was reluctant to go away with Su Muzhi.

However, before leaving, Song Ci had not forgotten to let Su Mujie remove the gift brought by Gu Ninghuan.

"Song Ci, you'd better take your reluctant gaze from Fu Jia Villa now, otherwise I might actually include Gu Ninghuan in my love rival category." Su Muzhe looked at the car window Looking at Song Ci outside the window, I was a little unhappy.

Song Ci stared at Su Muzhe, who was helping him to fasten his seatbelt: "You still say! I can obviously spend the night at Ning Huan's house tonight, but you want to take me away.

You don’t know how boring I was during Ning Huan’s travel. I accumulated so much gossip and wanted to talk to her.

The result was only halfway through and you pulled me away. What do you mean. "

Su Muzhe glanced at the excited Song Ci: "Ning Huan is getting married tomorrow. As a girlfriend, you not only did not give her enough rest time, but disturbed her rest time.

Do you want Ning Huan to appear at the wedding tomorrow with a lack of energy? "

Song Ci dissatisfied with some dissatisfaction: "Ning Huan is not as weak as you said, did you forget that after I and Ning Huan watched the show all night.

She can still go to class as usual without staying up late, and she will get married tomorrow. In the face of such a grand wedding, I think Ning Huan must not fall asleep. "

"What you said makes sense." Su Muzhe did not argue with Song Ci and nodded in agreement.

Song Ci's childish eyes turned to look at him: "If you understand this, why don't you turn the front of the car and send me back to Ning Huan's house."

"For my evening welfare." Su Muze stared at the front of the car with light eyes.

The hints in Su Muzhe's words made Song Ci's eyes stare more fiercely.

The brain is full of unspeakable bullshit, and see how she will tidy him up.

After Song Ci left, the villa also became very quiet.

Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It is now past eight o'clock in the evening. It should be late to see Fu Xishen's condition.

"Young lady, you need to get up and dress at five o'clock tomorrow. Now let's go to rest early." The maid said to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan stunned slightly: "What are you talking about? Five o'clock! Why did you get up so early."

If she remembered correctly, her wedding should start at 9am.

"Mrs. Marriage, this is the same for wedding ceremonies. You need to get up early and change your dress and make-up..."

Gu Ninghuan sat on the sofa, listening to everything the maid said, and now the whole person felt dizzy.

It turned out that marriage is such a troublesome thing.

"The Song Ci, as a bridesmaid, will you get up with me almost the same time." Gu Ninghuan suddenly thought of a particularly serious question.

The maid smiled and said, "Of course, and Miss Song will come to the villa to meet you at six."

When Gu Ninghuan thought that Song Ci was about to get up with her, she couldn't help but think that Song Ci was even worse than her.

Because Song Ci will never go to bed so early, when she appears in front of her tomorrow, she will definitely be in a state of mental distress.

Gu Ninghuan went upstairs and picked up his phone to send Fu Xishen a message.

It can be thought that Fu Xishen should be still busy. After thinking about it, he still doesn't want to disturb his work.

She put the phone on the bedside table and went to bed quietly with her eyes closed to sleep.

Gu Ninghuan thought that, anyway, she was going to hold a wedding ceremony tomorrow, which should be a particularly nervous thing that even made her unable to sleep tonight.

Surprisingly, she slept faster than she thought.

When he woke up, Gu Ninghuan was forcibly awakened by the maid.

Before her eyes were fully opened, she was pushed into the bathroom by the maid.

Gu Ninghuan looked at his sleepy self in the mirror, and then thought to herself that she was going to get married today.

After taking a bath, she rinsed quickly.

When she finished taking care of herself, she went downstairs and saw that Song Ci had sat in the living room and put on makeup.

And as soon as she appeared, she was taken to the mirror by the hair stylist to set her hair.

Gu Ninghuan was the absolute protagonist on the wedding day, and the people who followed her were several times as usual.

Moreover, the guests from the wedding are all the rich ones, and her behavior can never be wrong.

She is also supported with great psychological pressure.

When Gu Ninghuan finished her makeup, the maid walked to Gu Ninghuan with her mobile phone: "Mrs. Young, the Chu family called."

Gu Ninghuan thought of the Chu family, and the haze in his heart was one more point.

She hadn't figured out how to tell the Chu family that she married Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan took the phone and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Ning Huan, I'm a mother. I know that you are going to marry Fu Xishen today. I also know that you will never want me to attend the wedding, so I called to congratulate you." Chu Nian's voice came to make Gu Ninghuan reflect Sexual frown.

Gu Ninghuan replied with no expression: "Is it? Then thank you, I still have something here, I will hang up first."

"But Ning Huan, I'm your mother anyway, don't you really want me to go to the ceremony?" Chu Nian said with some regrets.

Gu Ninghuan looked at himself in the mirror without any feeling of Chu Nian: "The two of us are not in a particularly close relationship, so you don't have to work so hard and deliberately take the time to attend my wedding."

"Since you insist on this, then I can only wish you a happy marriage." Chu Nian did not force it.

After a brief conversation between the two, Gu Ninghuan handed over the phone to the maid.

Gu Ninghuan thought Chu Nian's reaction was strange.

Because Chu Nian is too good to talk.

Could it be said that her purpose is really as simple as what she said on the phone?

"How about it, mother. Gu Ninghuan didn't doubt you."

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