Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 332: Gu Ninghuan, don’t blame me

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Chapter 332 Gu Ninghuan, Don’t Blame Me

Chu Hua has always stood by Chu Nian.

Today is the day when they separated Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen and planned to start.

What they worry most is not that the plan failed, but before the start of the plan, Gu Ninghuan, who had always been smart, might see through their plan.

Chu Nian put the phone in the same place: "Today is her wedding day, she has no time to speak with us.

In a few words, what can Gu Ninghuan doubt?

But who is Gu Ninghuan's unsympathetic character? Gu family is the oldest one, and Gu Yan is better than Gu Ninghuan.

If today, Gu Yan’s bone marrow matches his dad, where else do we need to dismantle Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen so much expense? "

Chu Nian was sitting in position, thinking of Gu Ninghuan, and felt a burst of pain from his temple.

Over the years, she has hardly seen anyone who makes her difficult to grasp, but the person she needs most now is so cold and unwilling to approach her.

"Never minded mother, Gu Ninghuan can be as proud as today, no matter how proud.

After today, Gu Ninghuan was nothing if he lost the protection of the Fu family. "Chu Hua is very confident in his plan today.

Chu Nian's index finger knocked the wooden handrail under his hand for a while: "Today's thing, you must do it, if it fails.

From now on, the Chu family will not have your half-point position. "

Chu Hua nodded: "I see."

Chu Nian closed his eyes slightly: "Then I will wait for your good news."

Chu Hua's footsteps drifted away in Chu Nian's ear.

Gu Ninghuan, after today, you will have a very painful time.

But you must not blame me, I am all for your own good, only the Chu family can give you eternal glory and wealth.

As for the Fu family, it was originally the peak you were not qualified to climb.


At twelve noon in Kyoto, Gu Ninghuan, who was already paralyzed, finally took off his wedding dress, and the whole person fell on the bed like a dying fish.

She doesn't want to move once now.

"Ning Huan, isn't it very hard?" Song Ci sat on the sofa and looked at Ning Huan with fruit.

In addition to getting up early today, Song Ci basically has no hard feelings.

But Ning Huan is not as relaxed as Song Ci. You must know that the crown she wears on her head is actually real jewelry. It looks really good on her head, but the weight is also a bit difficult.

What's more, Gu Ninghuan likes wedding dresses with long skirts. At the time, the designer did it according to the requirements of taking care of Ning Huan.

What Gu Ninghuan did not expect was that the wedding dress of the long skirt looked so beautiful, so fairy, but it had to be paired with such high shoes.

She usually walks in high heels, but wearing high heels and adding weightless jewelry to her body is a torment for her.

"Song Ci, your wedding dress, remember to choose light, don't be like me." Gu Ninghuan lying on the bed, murmured.

Song Ci nodded: "But do you know how beautiful you are when you are photographed? In order to be as beautiful as you at the wedding, I decided to have the same wedding dress as you."

Gu Ninghuan wore a dress that she put on and sat up: "Song Ci, then I wish you good luck!"

Song Ci didn't answer, there was a rhythmic knock on the door outside the door.

"Boom Boom Boom"

Song Ci got up to open the door and saw a girl about their age standing outside the door.

She recalled that the girl in front of her had seen it at a wedding reception before. It seemed to be a distant relative of the Fu family, named Fu Pingjun.

Because the name is full of handsome spirit, and Fu Pingjun's appearance is a kind of weak girl like Jiangnan beauty.

This obvious contrast made Song Ci remember the girl at once.

"Excuse me, do you have anything?" Song Ci asked.

Fu Pingjun looked at her a little bit: "Today is the young lady's wedding. I personally wore a string of beads and wanted to give her."

"Oh, come in now. What do you want to drink, I'll help you." Song Ci asked Fu Pingjun to come into the lounge and greeted her very enthusiastically.

Fu Pingjun seemed a little embarrassed. She shook her head hurriedly: "Thank you, but no longer. I gave the gift to the young lady and left."

"Oh, then I won't force it." Song Ci still smiled in the teacup.

When Gu Ninghuan heard that someone knocked on the door, he was already sitting upright, and he definitely did not show any undesirable behavior in front of outsiders.

Fu Pingjun walked in front of Gu Ninghuan and handed her the black box in her hand: "Young lady, I wish you a happy wedding."

Gu Ninghuan smiled and took the box in her hand: "Thank you, but you don’t have to be so polite to call me Young Lady, just call me Ninghuan."

"No... no... dare." Fu Pingjun said.

Gu Ninghuan said that he couldn't help but think that Fu Pingjun had been brought to them by Fu's housekeeper before.

The housekeeper told her that her parents died in a car accident some time ago, and the relatives were not willing to accept her.

Can only go to the Fu family, Mrs. Fu is kind, but agreed to leave her.

But after all, Fu Pingjun is only a distant relative of the Fu family. Even if he lives in the Fu family, it is impossible to compare with Gu Ninghuan, the wife of the Fu family.

"Young lady, if everything is fine, I will go first." Fu Pingjun finished, just preparing to leave.

"Sorry, please wait, I also have something to give you." Gu Ninghuan saw Fu Pingjun going, and subconsciously reached out and stopped her.

But Fu Pingjun seemed to be extremely afraid of Gu Ninghuan's touch, and the whole person shrank.

Gu Ninghuan did not expect that she actually scared Fu Pingjun, and took out a box of a certain luxury product with apology: "Sorry, I did not deliberately scare you. This is for you. What difficulties will you encounter in the Fu family in the future, You can come to me."

"This is too expensive, I can't accept it." Fu Pingjun shook his head and refused.

Gu Ninghuan put the box in her hand: "It doesn't matter, you give me a gift, I send you back, this is the rule."

"If you don't want Ning Huan's things, she will also feel ashamed of receiving your gift." Song Ci also persuaded.

Fu Pingjun had no choice but to accept it and whisper.

When Song Ci sent Fu Pingjun out, he came back again, with a smirk on his face: "Ning Huan! I didn't expect that Pingjun looked so reserved, but he was as crazy as me in private."

"What do you mean?" Gu Ninghuan was looking at the gown at the evening banquet, somewhat confused.

Song Ci’s smile was more obvious: "When I sent Fu Pingjun out just now, I saw traces of handcuffs on her wrist.

I also like to handcuff Su curtain cover on the bed with handcuffs, so the cooked ones can't be cooked again. "

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