Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 334: I heard he especially likes you

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334   I heard that he likes you very much

Ji Zixing drew a dagger and patted Gu Ninghuan's cheek with the back of his knife: "When you drove me out of Gu's house, didn't you feel unforgettable? How can you, a bitch, talk to me now?"

Do you want to live? Then beg me! As long as you beg me, I will let you go. "

Gu Ninghuan's tied hands slowly tightened.

If she could move now, she would have acted against Kiko directly.

Ji Zixing and Gu Shi's previous life assault on Gu's property was originally the object of her revenge.

But because Gu Shi was too devilish, Ji Zixing seemed insignificant.

Gu Ninghuan was naturally focused on dealing with the difficult Gu Shi first, but did not want her to be negligent for a while, but gave Ji Zixing an opportunity.

She froze her face: "If you don't mention the past, what is the purpose of Ji Zixing in bringing me here. You can say it straight, I don't believe you are mixing into the venue by your own strength, I know you don't have this skill.

In this case, there is no need to waste time, let the people who help you out, let me talk to him. "

"Your shameless and shameful face, I threw me out of Gu's house like a dog. Now you are a prince and you dare to be so arrogant.

It seems that I must have you cut off one of your ears before you know that the clothes are soft! "Ji Zixing didn't like Gu Ninghuan's disdain for him at this time.

She shouldn't have been like this, she should have been humbled in front of him, and should have been asking him to love her without dignity.

Ji Zixing never thought about what went wrong.

He has always treated Gu Ninghuan in the same way as taking care of poetry, and he clearly should have used Gu Ninghuan's money to become rich and expensive all his life!

But Gu Ninghuan suspended his glory and wealth, making him even worse than Gu's lowest servant.

Ji Zixing looked irritably at the bright and moving Gu Ninghuan, with a deep hatred in his heart.

It was all Gu Ninghuan's fault. It was all this **** who changed her mind. She knew that she would satisfy him no matter what he asked.

But now, she is so unsympathetic, even she has no mercy against Gu Shi and him.

Thinking of this, Ji Zixing suddenly lifted the dagger in his hand and wanted to give Gu Ninghuan a little color.

Let her never dare to underestimate him so much, let her continue to humble plea before him like before.

Gu Ninghuan flashed in front of her eyes, she closed her eyes and waited for the pain to come.

She is now falling in front of Ji Zixing, no matter how she looks, she should come to ask for forgiveness to protect herself.

But Gu Ninghuan was partial. She was born again, not for beggars like Ji Zixing.

She did not ask for forgiveness. She had to gamble. She had to gamble Jizixing for such waste. She had no ability to take her away.

Those who instructed Ji Zixing in the back must not want her to die, otherwise she would not be brought here from the venue.

When the blade of Ji Zixing's hand was half an inch from Gu Ninghuan's body, a clear male voice came out: "Stop!"

Ji Zi Xingyan said, some reluctantly stopped his hand, withdrew the knife.

"Miss Gu is really different from other Gu family members, smart enough and cruel enough, it really makes Bianmou look at me." Bian also slowly walked in front of Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan looked at him, his eyes calm, it was the man's simple appearance that deceived her and brought her here.

As for the identity of this man, it is also one of the reasons why Gu Ninghuan believed him.

After all, how did the mayor of Mayor An's wife treat her.

But she did not expect that there will always be one or two unpredictable accidents in her life.

"Mr. Bian, if the reason why Ji Zixing took me away, I can still guess a little, then I don’t know the reason why you took me away.

You clearly know who my husband is and what kind of wrists you have, but you still did such a thing. Are you really not afraid that your husband will take action against the Bian family? "In the face of Bian Yi, Gu Ninghuan's tone was obviously much softer.

Ji Zixing stood aside and looked at Gu Ninghuan's obviously better attitude towards Bian, so angry that he looked so blue.

Bian Yi smiled slightly: "Of course I know Mr. Fu's ability. Of course, Mr. Fu can easily take my brother-in-law out of office so that he can't be the mayor.

But don't forget, Qiao Jin'er is about to marry Ancheng. If Mr. Fu strikes An's family, then Qiao Jin'er will be destroyed like us.

I believe that even if Mr. Fu is cold-hearted and merciless, he should not harm his own cousin! "

Gu Ninghuan bit her lip, and Mrs. Fu was very concerned about Qiao Jin'er. Of course, she was not willing to marry Qiao Jin'er and settle down.

If Qiao Jin'er is dismissed as soon as his family loses power, he will be scolded for being too snobbish.

A person like Qiao Jin'er who is pure and offensive, of course, is unwilling to bear such a reputation. In this way, Mrs. Fu will of course try her best to prevent Fu Xishen from taking action against Anjia.

"Then what do you want?" Gu Ninghuan paled, not understanding Bian Yi's intention.

Bian also took out a tube of transparent ampoule from his pocket and said to Gu Ninghuan, "There is no other intention to bring you out.

I'm just curious. I heard that Mr. Fu particularly likes you, so I want to know if he will still like you if you get sick. "

Gu Ninghuan's eyes fell on Bian Yi's hands, and the whole person was nervous.

She is not scared of money-ridden waste like Ji Zixing, but she is afraid of Bian also such an undesirable perversion.

Gu Ninghuan doesn't know why, and Bian Yi would rather risk her life and bring her out.

Is it really like what he said, just want to try how much Fu Xishen likes her?

This statement by Bian Yi is simply absurd!

"Bian Yi, you have to think about it. You are taking the risk of your family's life! And I swear, no matter what virus is in your needle.

I won't let you go, I will let your whole family bury me! "Gu Ninghuan's eyes were fierce.

Bian Yi listened, his eyes hesitated for a moment, but he stepped forward and slammed the needle in his hand into Gu Ninghuan's body.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened because of the sudden pain. She couldn't believe it. Bian Yi, the lunatic, actually did.


The door of the basement was kicked open, and Bian also pulled out the needle to escape, but was shot dead by the bodyguard.

Ji Zixing was also shot through the heart by Fu Xishen's bodyguard, and he was unwilling to die.

When Gu Ninghuan saw Fu Xishen, his eyes burst into tears.

Fu Xishen stepped forward, untied the rope on her wrist and hugged her in her arms.

Gu Ninghuan's tears stained the man's suit, and she was given such an injection by Bian Yi, was she about to die?

But she didn't want to die. She was finally with Fu Xishen. She hadn't lived enough and she couldn't bear to die.

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