Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 335: Who seldom makes your cheap apology

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335  Who is rare, your cheap apology

Gu Ninghuan's breath was breathless, her eyelids were getting heavier, and Bian also injected the injection into her body, as if she had begun to react.

She fainted in Fu Xishen's arms, and when she woke up again, she was as uncomfortable as a needle.

Gu Ninghuan was so painful in the bed that she curled up hard. She felt very uncomfortable, her arms uncomfortable, her waist uncomfortable, and her legs uncomfortable.

She seemed to be entangled in a delicate pain, no matter how struggling she could not get rid of that pain.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't help but whispered and suddenly felt a coolness slowly rubbing her skin.

Let her body that was originally painful because of the heat get a little relieved.

Gu Ninghuan wants to open her eyes, but when she thinks she needs to face the fact that she is infected with an unknown virus, she suddenly doesn't want to wake up.

If she had to wake up, she had to face the reality that she could not accept it.

She did not want to wake up.

"Are you sure she's okay?" Fu Xi reached out his hand and wiped away the transparent tears that Gu Ninghuan's eyes slipped.

The doctor standing next to Fu Xishen replied: "Yes, we have done a full body examination for Mrs. Shao to make sure she is fine."

"Bian Yi also injected something into her body." Fu Xi asked deeply.

The doctor's respectful answer: "We have tested the medicine left in the needle and found that it was only a sleeping pill.

The reason why Mrs. Shao is a little uneasy now is that she was suddenly injected with such a drug under violent fright, and she unconsciously developed panic and resistance to sleeping pills from the bottom of her heart. "

Fu Xishen frowned slightly, he knew that Gu Ninghuan had always been afraid of disinfecting water and any medicine.

But he also did not understand, Bian also spent so much effort to take Gu Ninghuan away from the wedding venue, is it to inject Gu Ninghuan with sleeping pills.

He reached out and hugged Gu Ninghuan: "Since it's okay, I took her out of the hospital, and today I'm in trouble."

"Mr. Fu doesn't have to be so polite, if the young lady has any discomfort, you can call me at any time." said the doctor.


When Gu Ninghuan woke up again, it was already 9 o'clock the next morning.

She stood up and kept her maid walking forward, leaned over and said, "You are awake, Madam, are you uncomfortable, or do you want to eat something?"

Gu Ninghuan shook her head gently, she opened the quilt, walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

She looked at herself in the mirror and finally made up her mind. She reached out and unbuttoned her jacket, and looked down at a small pinhole that had healed above her arm.

Sure enough, there is no miracle in the world. She was really injected with an unknown virus.

And ironically, she doesn't even know what she got into now.

Gu Ninghuan blinked, and the cool tears hit the back of her hand. She stretched out her hands to dry her tears, and crying was useless now.

She is going to check, she is going to know what she was injected with.

Gu Ninghuan opened the bathroom door, walked pale into the dressing room, put on a casual outfit, and was ready to go out.

"Mrs. Shao, you are now in a weak state, and your husband told you not to let you go out." The maid saw Gu Ninghuan going out, and was anxiously stopped in front of her.

Gu Ninghuan froze his face for the first time: "Keep off, otherwise I will let you pack your bags and leave here."

The maid looked at the young lady in front of her, a little stunned.

She didn't quite understand why the young lady who always smiled on weekdays would suddenly have a cold face.

"Young... young lady..." The maid was at a loss.

Gu Ninghuan also regretted her attitude towards the maid.

But at this time she felt that the whole person was wrapped in a feeling of near death, which made her start to be irritable for no reason.

"I'm sorry, I'm not in a good mood, but if you don't let go, I will really fire you." Gu Ninghuan only felt the tingling pain that tortured her in her sleep, and struck again, making her a little impatient frown.

If the maid stopped in front of her again, she might really be unable to support fainting.

Hearing Gu Ninghuan saying this, the maid did not dare to continue to stand in front of Gu Ninghuan, but walked aside very well.

Gu Ninghuan went downstairs and saw a group of uninvited guests standing in the living room.

She just glanced at them lightly, and then, as if she hadn't seen it, she returned her gaze and went on.

"Young lady, breakfast is ready for you. May I ask if you are using it now?" The maid, who specializes in cooking, asked Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan said lightly: "No, I just go out for breakfast."

"Gu Ninghuan! I know Bian also scared you, but can you not treat us like air?"

We came here today to specifically apologize to you. "Qiao Jin'er's voice was gentle and gentle, and there was a delicate expression.

Gu Ninghuan sneered and stopped, looking sideways at Qiao Jin'er: "Apology? Who needs your funny and cheap apology?

Do you know what I experienced after being taken away by Bian Yi? If you don’t know, what qualifications do you have to stand here and ask me not to treat you as air.

I now treat you as air, which is my greatest kindness to you. "

The words in Gu Ninghuan's words are not polite at all, and Qiao Jin'er is also embarrassed.

Ancheng pulled Qiao Jin'er behind him, persuading him gracefully: "I know and understand that Mrs. Fu Shao was robbed by my uncle at her wedding, and my heart was somewhat unhappy.

But my uncle also paid the price of his life, and my mother was very sad, but even so, my mother still insisted that I and Jin'er both visit and apologize to you. "

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Ancheng.

Upon hearing Ancheng say this, she also realized something was wrong.

If Bian was also Mrs. Ann’s brother and Ancheng’s uncle, it shouldn’t have happened that Ancheng would apologize to her so calmly after his death.

Even if they are afraid that Fu Xishen and Bian will also move to their house, their loved ones' feelings are always higher than fears.

"Mr. Ann, I have always been curious. Since Bian Yi is the younger brother of Mrs. Ann, why did she not appear at the engagement ceremony between you and Qiao Jin'er.

In other words, your engagement with Qiao Jin'er was not valued by An's family at all, so Bian didn't even bother to attend. Gu Ninghuan asked.

Qiao Jiner heard the words, and looked at Ancheng with doubts in his eyes.

What Gu Ninghuan said was very much like provocation.

But Qiao Jin'er had never heard of Mrs. Ann and his younger brother.

Ancheng reached out and took Qiao Jin'er's hand: "My uncle had been abroad before, and I just returned to China recently. I didn't participate in Jin's wedding with Jin Er, not because he didn't take it seriously.

It was because he was too busy working abroad and could not return home. "

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