Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 337: It's nothing more than one person suffering

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Chapter 337: It's nothing more than one person suffering

It turned out that she was really not at home.

According to the address given by Song Ci, Gu Ninghuan drove outside the recently sold new villa in Kyoto.

She drove the car straight in and parked outside one of the villas.

After she stopped the car, Song Ci pushed open the door like pinching.

Gu Ninghuan got out of the car and looked at Song Ci with a bright smile on his face.

Song Ci saw that Gu Ning's smile was even uglier than crying, and finally realized that she was a bit wrong.

"Ning Huan, what's the matter with you?" Gu Ninghuan's relationship with the two people for many years sometimes doesn't even need to be said.

Song Ci can also feel it keenly.

Gu Ninghuan pursed her lips and shook her head without speaking. She was not used to exposing herself to the outside.

"Fast forward." Song Ci reached out and pulled Gu Ninghuan into the house.

The area of ​​this villa is not large, but the configuration of the villa is everything.

The decoration is also pink, and the layout inside is also very warm.

Gu Ninghuan sat in a chair in Song Ci's room, holding the hot cocoa that Song Ci soaked in her hand.

"Ning Huan, what's wrong with you, did you quarrel with Mr. Fu? Or did Qiao Jiner harass you for Bian Yi's business?" Song Ci never saw Gu Ninghuan like this.

Although she was sitting in front of Song Ci, her eyes were empty, without any focal length.

This is a reaction that only happens after a major blow.

Song Ci didn't even know what happened to Ning Huan.

Song Ci couldn't imagine, what was going to be Gu Ninghuan, who was always strong, and forced him into the field today.

"Song Ci, I originally planned to digest the news myself, but I found that I couldn't do it. I'm about to collapse now." Gu Ninghuan looked at Song Ci with sadness in his eyes.

"Ning Huan, don't be afraid. No matter what you encounter, you can tell me that I will protect you." Song Ci became more and more nervous.

Gu Ninghuan took a sip of the hot cocoa in her hand, and she clearly added a lot of sugar to her, but why she felt so bitter.

She told Song Ci completely about her infection with the virus.

Song Ci couldn’t believe it: "But why is it that Bian also has no grudges with you in the past, no hatred in recent days, and even at your wedding ceremony, this is also the first time you have met, why did he join Ji Zixing in such a vicious way to deal with it? you."

Song Ci knew before that Bian also took Gu Ninghuan, but because she didn't go to the scene, she didn't know what happened.

She wondered if Bian really did not know how serious the consequences of Gu Ninghuan’s injection of that virus were?

This is too illogical.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head vigorously: "I don't know. I also think that Bian Yi's identity is very strange. I have never heard of any relatives like Mrs. Ann's younger brother.

His sudden appearance seemed to be specifically designed to take me away, as if to inject that terrible virus specifically for me. "

Song Ci's heart suddenly filled with sadness that is difficult to describe in words: "Will the Chu family let Bian also take you away, inject MT virus into you, they want you to die, they don't want you to become a competitor of Chu's property ."

Gu Ninghuan rubbed his lips: "Maybe, but it doesn't make sense to track down who is now. I am sick. I still have an infectious disease that can be transmitted to children. I can't have children and need to take medicine for life.

I really don't know if I should tell Fu Xishen about the disease, and if I tell him, he will keep me by my side.

But this is unfair to him and unfair to the Fu family. Fu Xishen has the qualifications of children and grandchildren. Why should he give up for me? "

Gu Ninghuan bit his lip, tears could not help but surging out.

Song Ci saw Gu Ning Huan crying, and stepped forward to hug her distressedly: "No! You are still so young, and the technology is so developed now, how could it be cured.

I believe you will be fine, you will be alive and there will be children. "

Gu Ninghuan knew that Song Ci was only comforting her, but the more she listened to comfort, the more she cried more fiercely.

She doesn't want to be cured. She also wants to be a healthy person to live well. She wants to have her own children.

But it didn't work. When she came, she had checked with her mobile phone.

There is no medicine to cure the disease she has. She can only continue life by taking medicine.

Even so, people who have this disease have never survived for more than three years.

How could she be the exception.


"Miss, I baked some cakes. Do you need them?" the nanny in Song Ci Villa asked.

Song Ci wiped her tears and replied: "No more."

"Okay, miss." The babysitter turned to leave, holding a plate of delicate cake with some doubt.

Although Song Ci looks like an adult, he actually likes to eat these desserts for children.

I eat a lot of sweets almost every day until Mr. Su comes home to stop it, but today it seems like a different person.

Isn't it something that caused a big change in temperament?

The babysitter had just thought about it, and then thought she really thought too much.

What could happen to Miss Qianjin such as Song Ci.

"Ning Huan, do you really want to hide Mr. Fu? I don't think you can hide it. Then..."

Song Ci didn't continue to say anything more hurtful.

But at the same time, I felt that Ning Huan could choose not to hide Mr. Fu.

Isn't it just to make someone happy to love someone?

As Ning Huan said, she told Mr. Fu that she was sick, and then? It's nothing more than one worry and one more pain.

Besides, if Ning Huan can never be cured, can the Tang family allow a young lady who can't bear children for a lifetime?

"Ning Huan, do you want to live here tonight, I will accompany you, let's talk together." Song Ci reached out to Gu Ninghuan's wrist.

Gu Ninghuan withdrew her hand. Even if she checked, the daily contact with the M-T virus would not spread, but she still dared not get in touch with Song Ci.

She now feels like a big virus that can move and doesn't want to be touched by anyone, for fear that they will become like her.

"No, I have to go back. I want to make it clear with Fu Xishen." Gu Ninghuan's voice was dumb.

Song Ci looked at her: "Okay, but you don't want to mention divorce easily. Even if you want to mention divorce, wait until Mr. Fu knows everything."

"I can't promise you. I know Fu Xishen. If he knows everything, he will never agree to divorce me." Gu Ninghuan's eyes were red.

Song Ci couldn't say anything for a while: "Then don't hide from me, no matter what decision you make, you must tell me, I will accompany you to face."

Gu Ninghuan nodded and agreed with Song Ci's request.

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