Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 338: Enough, I don’t want to listen

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Chapter 338: Enough, I don’t want to listen

Song Ci saw Gu Ninghuan agree, and then sent her out of the villa.

Watching her car leave, Song Ci looked up at the dark sky in the sky, and his heart was like a heavy shackle.

Gu Ninghuan drove home and left Fu Xishen before get off work.

She also felt that her head was a little heavy and wanted to go back to the room to rest.

But just pushing the door into the villa, I saw Qiao Jin'er and An Cheng sitting in the living room.

Because of the reason of Bian Yi, Gu Ninghuan now sees people who are related to Bian Yi and has a kind of nameless fire.

If it was not allowed by physical reasons, she would not easily let go of anyone related to Bian.

"Ning Huan, you are back. About that matter, I still want..." Qiao Jin'er heard the door open.

She stood up and saw Gu Ninghuan. She spoke anxiously and wanted to talk to Gu Ninghuan.

But Gu Ninghuan didn't give them any chance at all, just walked upstairs as if they couldn't hear them.

Gu Ninghuan opened the door of the room and tossed the bag casually in a corner. The whole person was lying on the bed.

She has too much sorrow and stress now, these things have made her breathless.

Gu Ninghuan needed a quiet place to calm her down so that she would not make an impulsive decision to regret her life.

But at this time, there was Qiao Jin'er downstairs. Qiao Jin'er could rush up wherever she was, except for her sleeping.

Gu Ninghuan closed her eyes probably because she was really uncomfortable, so she fell asleep fast this time.

Qiao Jin'er wanted to go upstairs to find Gu Ninghuan, but the maid stopped at the stairs: "Sorry, Miss Qiao, you can't go upstairs."

"Why, did you forget my relationship with Ning Huan, why can't I go to her." Qiao Jin'er was slightly displeased.

The maid said with a smile: "Sorry, Miss Qiao, today Madam Young is in a bad mood. I think she should not want to be disturbed now."

"But I really have something to find Ning Huan now. Could you please help me tell her that I really want to see her." Qiao Jin'er looked very anxious.

The maid’s lips still had a smile that could not pick out any errors: "Sorry, Miss Qiao, can't."

"Jin'er, I think Mrs. Fu Shao is so determined that she doesn't want to see us. Since that's the case, we might as well try it tomorrow." Ancheng walked to Qiao Jin'er and comforted softly.

Qiao Jin'er bit his lip, even though he was reluctant in his heart, but he followed Ancheng's words and was taken away from Fu's house.

Ancheng sent Qiao Jin'er home, and Qiao Jin'er reached out to unfasten his seat belt: "Ning Huan doesn't want to see me now, what should Uncle An do? What if his cousin is really determined to put Uncle An in jail?"

"There will be a way, you don't have to worry." Ancheng continued to comfort Qiao Jin'er.

Qiao Jin'er nodded reluctantly, pushed the door to get off the car, and watched Ancheng's car leave.

After Ancheng left, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

She couldn't be as calm as Ancheng. She remembered how cold her face was when her cousin discovered that the person who took Gu Ninghuan was An's family.

After Gu Ninghuan was rescued, Uncle An was taken away for investigation by the Anti-Corruption Bureau this morning, which can almost be determined to be the punishment of his cousin.

But how can cousin be so ruthless, Gu Ninghuan is Mrs. Fu Jiashao, but she is also part of Fu's family.

Cousin took action against Anjia, where to put her, Anjia can rely on Mayor An today, if Mayor An was arrested because of corruption.

Then Anjia will be defeated. Is she going to marry a declining Anjia?

She must let her cousin change her mind.

If not, she must not marry into a desolate home.

After Gu Ninghuan woke up, the sky outside was already dark, she blinked, and the depression in her heart disappeared most of the time after she slept.

She had heard before that when sleeping, the human body secretes a substance that makes people excited and happy.

That's why Gu Ninghuan chooses to go to bed whenever she encounters difficulties. Only by sleeping can she wake her up and feel a little more at ease.

Gu Ninghuan sat up wrapped in a quilt and stared blankly at the front. Fu Xishen was sitting in front of the computer and processing documents.

When she saw that she woke up, he moved his hand away from the keyboard and walked to Gu Ninghuan.

"I've done my work, will we go to France for our honeymoon tomorrow?" Fu Xishen walked to the bed and said softly.

Gu Ninghuan's nose was sore, and tears dripped directly from her eyes. She shook her head desperately: "No... I'm not going to France."

"What's wrong, is it uncomfortable?" Fu Xishen apparently didn't know why Gu Ninghuan was crying, thinking she was unwell.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head. He dared not say anything except crying or crying.

She was afraid that when she opened her mouth, the only two words she said were divorce.

Gu Ninghuan had no choice, she really didn't want to drag Fu Xishen.

Seeing Gu Ning Huan cry so fiercely, Fu Xi subconsciously wanted to reach out and hug her.

But she was wrapped in a quilt and rolled hard to the other side of the bed: "I'm fine, I don't want to go to France, nor do I want to see you.'

Tomorrow I will tell the maid to ask her to help me sort out a room. I want to sleep in the room. "

Fu Xi looked at her deeply, the tenderness in her eyes gradually changed: "Why."

Gu Ninghuan raised his chin and tried to make his eyes cold: "Because the person who hurt me is Qiao Jin'er's uncle, how do I know there is no Qiao's envoy.

And I'm tired. I don't want to continue fighting with Qiao Jin'er anymore. I don't want to analyze why Bian Yi, who has never been masked, has such a big hatred towards me. "

After Gu Ninghuan said all these insincere words, he didn't say a word again, and he was even more afraid to look at Fu Xishen's expression.

"Bian also took you away, Jin'er really did not know, if she participates in it, I will definitely give you an explanation." Fu Xishen's tone was calm.

Gu Ninghuan deliberately calmed down his voice: "Enough, I don't want to listen anymore, nor do I want to see you, and every moment you stay here makes me uncomfortable.

No need to wait until tomorrow, I will leave now! "

Gu Ninghuan lifted the quilt, jumped out of bed, and even had no time to wear shoes, and walked out with his bare feet.

The man stepped forward to hug her up and put her on the bed forcibly: "If you want to calm down, then I'll just go."

After talking, the man turned and went out.

Gu Ninghuan looked at his back, and his heart was full of bitterness.

Now that she is in good health, the farther away Fu Xishen is from her, the safer it will be.

She buried her face in the pillow, picked up her phone, clicked on Dana's dialog box, and quickly typed out: "I'm ready. Please prepare for a bone marrow transplant operation as soon as possible. I haven't left you much time. "

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