Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 341: Does he love her?

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Chapter 341 Does he love her?

After Gu Ninghuan finished speaking, he stood up without looking at Fu Xishen's expression.

The current problem between the two of them was never Qiao Jin'er nor her family, but her, but the virus in her body.

"The better for you, the harder you are." The man's eyes dimmed, and he stood looking at her coldly, repeating these words in a cool tone.

Gu Ninghuan had a slight footstep, but he didn't stop and moved forward.

Fu Xishen stepped forward and stretched his hand to buckle her arm. Some forced her to stay: "Gu Ninghuan, tell me what you want and why are you unhappy."

Gu Ninghuan didn't answer, reaching for Fu Xishen's hand, but it was in vain.

She looked up at him and opened her lips slightly: "I don't want anything, and I'm not unhappy because of it, but I'm going to do a bone marrow transplant for Grandpa Chu. At the time of the operation, I want someone Wait, that's all."

"When are you going to transplant bone marrow for Master Chu." Fu Xi asked deeply.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes: "Wait for Chu's notice, but it should be soon."

"I want to accompany you into the operating room."

Gu Ninghuan said, suddenly raised his head, almost immediately refused: "No!"

If Fu Xishen accompanied her into the operating room, wouldn’t she know that she was sick, or would it be meaningless to hide her current condition.

"why not."

Faced with Fu Xishen's questioning, Gu Ninghuan stared at the toes with his eyes, and did not answer.

There was a long silence between the two, and it was time for Fu Xishen to think that Gu Ninghuan would not answer.

She suddenly said: "I don't quite know how the grievances of the Fu family and the Chu family have been settled, but I think if you and the Chu family meet, the scene will definitely not look good at that time. Right."

Gu Ninghuan said it was reasonable, but I don’t know why Fu Xishen felt that Gu Ninghuan at this time was very different.

Every word she said seemed to give him a perfect answer, but it made him feel that Gu Ninghuan was running away.

The man's beautiful eyebrows were heavily wrinkled, and there was an obvious inquiry in his eyes: "What did he say to you during the time you were taken away by Bian?"

Fu Xishen thought that the injection that Bian had given Gu Ninghuan had already been confirmed as a sleeping pill.

After undergoing detailed examinations, Gu Ninghuan's body was also confirmed to be healthy.

Then only Bian Yi said to her what she should not say.

Gu Ninghuan's heart tightened, and finally he seemed to say plainly, "What can he say to me, but it's just some threats of insults that I've tired of hearing?"

It's not too early now, and I have made an appointment with Song Ci to go shopping, can you let me go. "

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen with a touch of impatience in his eyes.

Fu Xishen let go of his hand: "Come back for dinner at night?"

"If you go shopping too late, you probably won't." Gu Ninghuan dropped the sentence, opened the office door, and went out.

When she walked out of the office, Qiao Jiner was already waiting for her outside.

Seeing her coming out, Qiao Jiner's eyes flashed a little bit of grievance, but he still had to walk in front of her and asked, "Did your cousin say anything?"

"You want to know that, wouldn't you ask him yourself?" Gu Ninghuan walked past Qiao Jin'er without stopping.

Qiao Jin'er walked a few steps and stopped her: "If my cousin is willing to see me, do I still need to find you?"

Gu Ninghuan, you are now the victim, everyone in the Fu family is sympathetic to you. Now in this case, whatever you say is right, and what I say is partial. "

"It seems that you are very dissatisfied with this treatment for me. Since it is not as good as I am at your wedding, how about arranging the family members to take you away and let Ai Yu face you face-to-face?

Do you want to? As long as you want, I will arrange so that Fu's family will sympathize with you. Gu Ninghuan stopped and looked at Qiao Jin'er.

Qiao Jin'er seemed to be frightened by the words Ai Yu, and took a step back slightly without speaking.

"Speaking of this, Ai Yu has been in the entertainment industry for so long, and has always been a popular star. How could a scandal suddenly burst out, leading to a complete withdrawal from the entertainment industry.

Is there something in your mind about this? Gu Ninghuan asked as if he had suddenly thought of something.

Qiao Jin'er looked at her coldly: "Gu Ninghuan, if you don't have evidence, don't talk nonsense."

"Really? Then I guessed wildly." Gu Ninghuan bypassed Qiao Jin'er who was standing in front of her and walked towards the elevator.

Qiao Jin'er did not keep up, but walked towards Fu Xishen's office.

Gu Ninghuan walked into the elevator and did not respond to Qiao Jin'er's follow-up.

Qiao Jin'er probably couldn't ask any news from her, so she asked Fu Xishen.

But Gu Ninghuan guessed wrongly that since Qiao Jin'er couldn't ask anything from her, the first person who wanted to ask was not Fu Xishen.

It is Ji Bai.

"Have my cousin said let me return to work?" Qiao Jin'er stood in front of Ji Bai, his light face and expression faint.

Ji Bai hung up the phone: "I haven't heard from the president, but I think that since the wife of the president has spoken for you, you shouldn't worry about it."

Qiao Jin'er heard Ji Bai say that, his look was even more ugly.

She actually needed Gu Ninghuan's help to intercede before she was able to resume her work, which was too humiliating.

"Ji Bai, you have been with your cousin for many years. What kind of feeling do you think your cousin has for Ning Huan?" Qiao Jin'er asked.

Ji Bai thought slightly and then replied: "I don't dare to speculate on the president's mind, but from the president's attitude towards the president's wife, the president should be extremely concerned about the president's wife."

Qiao Jin'er paled and nodded: "I know, thank you Ji Bai."

After finishing talking, Qiao Jin'er turned away from Ji Bai's office area.

Does it mean that cousin will treat her this time, not because of sympathy for Gu Ninghuan's experience, but because he loves her...

Just thinking about this, Qiao Jin'er found it difficult to accept.

The one who deserves her cousin should be the most beautiful woman in the world. She should be pure, beautiful, and reasonable.

Instead of Gu Ninghuan, there is a good-looking skin bag, but the heart is even more ruthless than the viper.

Not to mention anything else, Gu Ninghuan's ruthlessness can be seen at a glance in dealing with Meng Jingwen.

Qiao Jin'er didn't want Gu Ninghuan to stay beside Fu Xishen, but he was helpless about this situation.

When she walked out of the Fu's building and saw Ancheng standing beside her car, her lips smiled softly.

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