Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 342: Just to protect myself

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342   Just to protect yourself

"Jin'er, your agent told me that you came to Fu with Gu Ninghuan, and I was a little worried that you would come with you. Does Gu Ninghuan embarrass you." Ancheng asked Qiao Jin'er with concern.

Qiao Jin'er shook his head gently: "No, but Uncle Ann should be fine."

"I know that my dad has returned home just now. My mom is very grateful to you. I want to let me take you home for dinner tonight." An Cheng reached out and took Qiao Jin'er's hand, his attitude was very intimate.

But when Qiao Jiner was touched by him, there was a trace of disgust in his eyes.

I don't know why, after experiencing this incident, Qiao Jin'er found that her feelings for Ancheng were a little loose.

Qiao Jin'er and friends around her thought that setting up a home was a good destination.

Mayor An is very politically competent, and Anjo is also the most outstanding among the second generation of officials in Kyoto.

More importantly, Ancheng will tolerate her unconditionally, even if she escapes marriage at the engagement ceremony, she still has not sent a temper with her.

But after the cousin shot against Anjia, Qiao Jin'er personally experienced how weak Anjia was. As long as his cousin was more cruel, his family would be over.

Is such a family home really worth marrying her?

"What's wrong, why don't you talk, is it uncomfortable." Ancheng reached out and touched Qiao Jin'er's forehead to see if she had a fever.

But the moment Qiao Jiner was touched by him, the whole person stepped back.

Facing Ancheng's concern, he walked toward the luxury car parked on the road without saying anything.

Ancheng was only in a bad mood as Qiao Jin'er. Qiao Jiner didn't like Gu Ninghuan anyway.

She and Gu Ninghuan together, in itself, is a great consumption of good mood for her.

"I know you're in a bad mood, otherwise we won't go to my house to eat at night, how about we go to the newly opened Michelin restaurant?" Ancheng took the driver's seat, still coaxing Qiao Jin'er very carefully.

Qiao Jin'er turned his head to look at the bright sunshine outside the car window, and perfunctoryly replied: "I want to rest early at night, let's go now."

Ancheng saw Qiao Jin'er willing to agree to have dinner with him, and the emotion he had been worried about finally eased a little.

No matter what happened to Qiao Jin'er, it is a good thing to be willing to eat with him.

When Ancheng and Qiao Jin'er arrived at the restaurant, they saw Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci walking in front of him.

Qiao Jin'er didn't expect to be able to meet Gu Ninghuan with a meal.

Seeing Gu Ninghuan in Ancheng, he also felt that it was too coincidental.

He was about to leave Qiao Jin'er, but he saw Song Jinnian and a woman coming out of the box and walking towards Gu Ninghuan. Apparently the four of them had made an appointment together.

Qiao Jin'er, of course, was unwilling to eat with Gu Ninghuan in the same restaurant, and was planning to take Ancheng away, but he didn't blink when he saw Gu Ninghuan's direction.

Seeing this, Qiao Jin'er was a little angry, but tried not to show it: "What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at the woman next to Song Jinnian. She is my friend. Now she is working at the American Academy of Medical Sciences. How can they meet each other?" An Cheng was puzzled.

Qiao Jin'er heard something and felt something was wrong.

Ancheng reached out and held Qiao Jin'er's wrist: "But they should just happen to have a meal. It has nothing to do with us. Let's go to another place to eat."

"No, since I found something wrong, of course I can't treat it as invisible." Qiao Jin'er stopped Ancheng.

An Cheng chuckled and looked at Qiao Jin'er: "But even if we stay here, we can't hear what they are talking about, so we might as well leave, or we might encounter Gu Ninghuan if we meet again, would it bother you again."

"But if I don't know today, what the **** is Gu Ninghuan doing, I will be even more upset." Qiao Jin'er took Ancheng into and they also chose the box next to Gu Ninghuan.

However, the soundproofing of the private rooms in this restaurant is very good, even if you sit next door, there will not be any trace of sound.

But Qiao Jin'er didn't panic. She found a waiter to come in and gave the waiter 30,000 yuan on the spot.

Then open the recording pen that you carry with you and let the waiter enter Gu Ninghuan's box, pretending to drop it inadvertently.

In this way, after Gu Ninghuan left, she was able to retrieve the recording pen and go back to listen to Gu Ninghuan what they were talking about.

An Cheng watched Qiao Jin'er do all this skillfully, and the calm lake was undoubtedly undergoing a violent storm.

He has known Qiao Jin'er for so many years, and never thought she would put a recording pen in her bag.

"You don't need to be surprised. I entered the fish and dragon mixed entertainment circle. If I don't have a little self-protection ability, I will have a bad public image." Qiao Jiner glanced at Ancheng and said calmly.

Ancheng's eyes were full of distress: "Jin'er, it's because I didn't protect you that I would force you to protect yourself like this."

Qiao Jiner ticked his lips: "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't misunderstand me, you also know how many people in the entertainment industry are jealous of the resources my cousin gave me.

I carry the recorder with me to protect myself, but I did not expect that one day it will be used by people outside the entertainment industry. "

"In this case, then wait for the news while ordering." An Cheng handed the menu at hand to Qiao Jin'er.

Qiao Jin'er took the menu with a smile.

According to Qiao Jin'er's request, the waiter threw the recording pen in the corner of the box. The waiter also did this for the first time.

He was also very worried about being discovered, but it turned out that he thought too much, because the people in the box were not very good, and their attention was not on him from beginning to end.

But the worst face among them should be the young man who sat among the three women.

The waiter was able to feel a terrible killing intention from him, so that his hand holding the plate was almost unstable.

After he came in, all four kept silent.

The waiter did not dare to delay, after putting all the dishes they ordered, he turned around and retreated.

After the waiter closed the door of the box, Gu Ninghuan had a headache and reached out to block his face: "Brother Jinnian, don't stare at me anymore, you look at me like this, I'm afraid."

Song Jinnian sneered: "You still know to be afraid? I think you are quite bold, otherwise why at the wedding reception, a stranger said to take you to see the surprises given by Mr. Fu, you will follow!"

Gu Ninghuan was angry when he heard Song Jinnian say this.

She didn't expect that Madam Ann's brother would suddenly go crazy, injecting the heartbreaking medicine into her body.

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