Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 346: It is the wife of the president and Song Jinnian...

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Chapter 346: The wife of the president and Song Jinnian together...

She slowly broke free from the man's arms and walked forward without even turning her head back.

If, if the results of her inspection next to Luo Ling come out this time, it proves that she has not been infected with the M-T virus, she will compensate Fu Xishen.

But now that the inspection has not been done, everything is unknown, and she can't use this to gamble on Fu Xishen's life.

Gu Ninghuan returned to the room, came out after taking a shower, sat on the sofa, and looked at the lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The phone on the table beside the sofa rang, it was the phone number of the Chu family.

Gu Ninghuan picked up the phone and pressed the answer button: "Is there anything?"

"Ning Huan, when I saw you in the hospital that time, you looked a little bit poor. I thought you might be because you had just held a wedding and were weak.

So I plan to send you a batch of good supplements in the past, so that you can make up your body well. "Chu Nian's voice was very gentle on the phone.

Gu Ning Huan'an listened quietly, she knew that Chu Nian lied to her, and Chu Nian didn't love her at all.

But when she answered the phone and heard Chu Nian's soft voice, she was still in a trance.

It's as if Chu Nian really cares about her body, not acting in a show.

"Okay, then send it, thank you in advance." Gu Ninghuan returned to his mind rationally, said lightly.

Chu Nian apparently did not expect Gu Ninghuan to agree so simple, with some joy: "Okay, then I will arrange for Chu Hua to send it to you. Oh no, let's change someone else. Mom remembers you don't like Chu Hua."

"It doesn't matter, since Chu Hua is someone you trust, then let Chu Hua send it over." Gu Ninghuan said.

Chu Nian tightened his hand on the retro phone, and it seemed that he could not believe that Gu Ninghuan was so good at speaking this time.

"Ning Huan, didn't you particularly hate Chu Hua before? Why didn't you reject him suddenly." Chu Nian's words were timid.

She has always been unable to grasp Gu Ninghuan's character. In the previous investigation, she said she was stupid. She had been playing with Gu Shi, who was adopted by Gu's family, for many years, and she couldn't understand Gu Shi's strategy.

But after she got married, her approach to Gu Shi was quick and ruthless, leaving the adopted daughter helpless, and she is still in jail.

Chu Nian did not believe that Gu Ninghuan suddenly discovered that Gu Shi was not right, so he shot her.

Gu Ninghuan must have had doubts long ago, and later he would deal with Gu Shi.

But before she treated Gu Shi, she actually tolerated her for as long as she was okay. I can imagine how bearable it was.

Gu Ninghuan rubbed his lips, Chu Nian would ask, is it trying to test whether he suspected them?

"I have been feeling a little sick recently, so I feel that there are not many things in my life that need to be taken too seriously.

Since you like Chu Hua, let him send me supplements, you must be more at ease.

And I am dissatisfied with any qualifications. "Gu Ninghuan's reasoning was reasonable and dispelled Chu Nian's doubts."

"Ning Huan, you finally understand my pains. In fact, I didn't want to care about you and Gu Yan at first. I just didn't have time because of busy work..."

Gu Ninghuan did not listen to Chu Nian's words, and then cut off the phone call.

Oh, no time.

This kind of boring speech is only for those who are willing to believe.

The next day, Chu Nian's tonic was delivered.

Since Gu Ninghuan hadn't gotten up in the morning, Chu Hua went back after putting down the supplement.

Gu Ninghuan looked down at the tightly packed tonic. The ghost messenger chose three to take it away. He was ready to let Luo Ling test it together to see if there was anything that Chu Nian should not put.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Gu Ninghuan did not make an appointment with Luo Ling at the Song family, and even less likely to be in the hospital.

Instead, I chose the small apartment that Song Jinnian bought at the university.

The environment there is quiet, and it is not within the scope of the activities of the rich. Even if Gu Ninghuan went there, the chance of being found is not high.

What's more, Gu Ninghuan deliberately brought a big mask in order not to let people know.

After arriving at the apartment where Song Jinnian was located, Gu Ninghuan reached out and knocked on the door, and Song Jinnian opened the door.

Gu Ninghuan was surprised when he saw Song Jinnian: "Why are you here?"

"The company is fine today, and I am worried that the two of you girls will be together. If something unexpected happens again, you will not be able to cope." Song Jinnian said.

Gu Ninghuan nodded and understood why Song Jinnian had this concern. After all, she and Song Ci were almost killed when they last lived here.

By the time Gu Ninghuan entered the room, Luo Ling had all the things needed for the inspection ready.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the syringe and felt a tingle in his heart.

But he still gritted his teeth and sat across from Rowling.

Luo Ling was very quick and did not hurt much. The sampling and blood drawing were all over. The next step was to wait for the test results.

Gu Ninghuan opened the bag and handed out the tonic to Luo Ling: "This is the tonic that someone gave me. I think there may be something that should not be there. Could you please help me test it together?" "

"Is this something Chu Nian sent to you?" Song Jinnian stood aside and asked.

Gu Ninghuan nodded.

Luo Ling collected Gu Ninghuan's supplements and collected them, ready to wait for the laboratory to be tested together: "You can rest assured that I will tell you immediately when there is news."

"Thank you."

Gu Ninghuan is very sincerely grateful.

The next thing was fine. Just in the afternoon Gu Ninghuan also had classes. Song Jinnian took Gu Ninghuan to school by the way.

Gu Ninghuan pushed the car door and got off the station and thanked Song Jinnian in the car at the school gate: "Brother Jinnian, I really thank you. I have troubled you recently and I am really embarrassed."

"It doesn't matter, but I hope you don't mind Song Ci telling me about things you might get sick." Song Jinnian said kindly.

Gu Ning laughed a little: "Relax, I know Song Ci is for my own good. Besides, Jinnian brother, you are not an outsider. I have time to go to class, so I will leave first, bye."

"See you."



Secretary indoor

Ji Bai held an opened kraft paper bag in his hand and kept looking at the president's office. He didn't know if he should send this document in.

But Ji Bai did not dare to hide this kind of thing.

After thinking about it, Ji Bai walked toward the president's office with a paper bag.

Ji Bai reached out and knocked on the door, and entered after getting permission.

"President, I just received an email and clicked to see... it was a picture of the President's wife and Song Jinnian together..."

The finger that Fu Xishen was signing took a slight pause and said quietly: "The photo is left, you go out."

Ji Bai heard that, as Meng Amnesty put the photo on Fu Xishen's desk, he then carefully retreated.

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