Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 347: Hiss...don't bite...ache

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Chapter 347 Hiss...Don't bite...ache

Fu Xishen put down the pen in his hand and picked up the thick stack of photos in front of him.

His eyes slowly scanned every picture in front of him, and his face became more and more gloomy.

Gu Ninghuan has avoided him recently, but smiled so happy in front of Song Jinnian.

Gu Ninghuan returned home after class and saw that Mrs. Fu was sitting in the living room, slowly tasting tea.

Mrs. Fu seldom came to Fu Ninghuan without notifying Gu Ninghuan. She came to Fujia Villa today. If she came here today, what would happen?

Gu Ninghuan lowered his head, and his heart surrounded dozens of possibilities in an instant.

She stepped forward and looked at Mrs. Fu with a decent smile on her lips: "Mom, what is the matter with you coming here today?"

Mrs. Fu raised her eyes and looked at Gu Ninghuan in front of her, with a chill in her eyes: "I don't like turning around, so Ning Huan, please tell me honestly, were you diagnosed with M-T virus a few days ago? ."

Gu Ninghuan's straight body stiffened slightly, she opened her lips, but did not say a word.

If we say that Mrs. Fu started to listen to the recordings given by Qiao Jin'er, she was doubtful.

But for the sake of her son, Mrs. Fu still had to go so far today.

But the original half-belief, after seeing Gu Ninghuan's silent response, was able to make Mrs. Fu sure that Gu Ninghuan was really infected with M-T virus.

Gu Ninghuan was infected, she knew.

She also knew that it was Gu Ninghuan who owed money to her family.

But she couldn't do anything to put a Gu Ninghuan with an infectious disease beside her son.

Mrs. Fu's tone slowed down: "You are still young, and you have been confirmed to have such a disease. I know you will feel uncomfortable. I have contacted the US Institute for M-T virus research.

You go up and pack your things now, you are ready to go. "

"Start, what's the start?" The man's deep voice broke the weird atmosphere in the living room.

Gu Ninghuan turned around and looked at Fu Xishen who came back suddenly.

Seeing him coming back, Gu Ninghuan hurriedly turned his head and wiped the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand.

When Mrs. Fu saw that Fu Xishen knew nothing, she could also guess that Gu Ninghuan had not told Fu Xishen about the infection with M-T virus.

She looked at Gu Ninghuan with some dissatisfaction in her heart. How could she cover Fu Xi in the drum, didn't Gu Ninghuan know that she had an infectious disease?

In other words, because Gu Ninghuan is ill, he has to infect the healthy Fu Xishen with the virus.

Mrs. Fu put down the teacup in her hand: "Gu Ninghuan was diagnosed with M-T virus a few days ago, so I will send her to the United States for treatment."

"What time is it?" Fu Xi asked with a deep reach to hold her arm.

Until now, everything can't be concealed.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want to hide anymore.

She looked at Fu Xishen: "I... When I was taken away by Bian at the wedding reception, he injected me with the M-T virus. I went to the hospital a few days ago and the doctor confirmed that I was infected.

Sorry...I...I didn’t mean not to tell you...but I was scared, so I had to sleep with you separately, so I had to eat with you separately...Sorry...I didn’t tell you the first time..."

Gu Ning Huan Yue said more tears, she knew that Mrs. Fu was angry that she concealed Fu Xishen.

But she was just reluctant to live with Fu Xishen.

She just greedily wanted to spend more days with him.

"Gu Ninghuan, you are sure that you were admitted to Beijing University by yourself, not by someone else." Fu Xishen asked after being silent for a while.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes were crying red now, and she looked up at Fu Xishen, not understanding why he suddenly asked her this.

But she answered honestly: "No, I did it myself."

"Then you think about using your own entrance to Beijing University to think about it, I may not help you to complete the examination before taking you home on the premise of seeing you have pinholes?" Fu Xishen took out the handkerchief and helped Ning Huan wiped tears from the corners of his eyes.

Gu Ninghuan let the man move and stretched his hand to grab his arm: "You mean, you took me home after you checked me.

What exactly did Bian also use a syringe to break into my body? "

"A sleeping pill."

"A sleeping pill!? Bian also took such a big risk. The injection in my body was actually a sleeping pill. Is he sick?" Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened.

I thought that even if it wasn't for the M-T virus, it should be another medicine that made her uncomfortable, but I didn't expect it to be just a sleeping pill that would make her sleep more.

Gu Ninghuan felt very angry at this time, even very angry.

"Well." Fu Xi answered faintly.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen and thought that she was a fool or a super invincible kind.

"Xishen, are you sure Bian will also take Ning Huan away, just to inject sleeping pills into her body?" Mrs. Fu's words expressed doubt.

"I don't need to lie."

Mrs. Fu listened, but felt reasonable.

If Fu Xishen really knew that Gu Ninghuan was infected, it would definitely not be such an indifferent look.

"In this case, then I will not delay your little couple getting along." Mrs. Fu dropped this sentence and left with the housekeeper.

"Mom, I'll send you."


Gu Ninghuan put Mrs. Fu into the car, and then turned slowly towards the villa.

She reached out and touched her face, and could feel a touch of wetness.

Gu Ninghuan did not expect that everything was her misunderstanding. She knew that she had confessed to Fu Xi earlier, and would not worry about being afraid for so many days.

I don't know if Fu Xishen will kill her later. Gu Ninghuan thought of this, and her pace of movement suddenly became a little heavy.

After she thought that she was infected with the M-T virus, her attitude towards Fu Xishen seemed to be a little worse.

However, this matter was indeed the first thing she did wrong. Since this is the case, no matter how much Fu Xishen murders her, she should not have any rebuttal.

Gu Ninghuan slowly opened the door and walked in.

Seeing that Fu Xishen was not in the living room, she walked around the master bedroom and did not see anyone else.

Gu Ninghuan walked to the guest room, and just pushed the door open a small gap, the door was opened by the man.


Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen's expressionless face and knew that the man must be angry.

She twisted her fingers together: "Why are you resting in the guest room?"

"This is not what you asked for."

Gu Ninghuan looked up: "Oh, then you can continue to sleep in the room."

After talking, Gu Ninghuan turned and left.

But no step was taken yet. The whole person was carried into the guest room by the man behind him. When Gu Ninghuan reacted, the man's lips had fallen on her slender white neck.

Probably for several days without being close to Gu Ninghuan, the man kissed her quickly and fiercely.

"Hiss...don't bite...ache..."

Gu Ninghuan reached out and wanted to push away the man in front of him.

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