Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 357: Of course I should marry me

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357   Of course I should marry me

Shang Song looked at his assistant, and proudly snorted: "You don't need to ask, I will tell you now, I didn't **** Yin Jia!"

"But she said you violated her, and she has now taken your jy in her body for testing. Brother Song, if it's really something.

No girl would bet on her reputation and explode. I think you should admit it, just say that you are just male and female friends, but there is a conflict, so..."

"You leave me! Things I haven't done, no one wants to force me to admit it! Let her test, I still don't believe it, she can really test something!" Shang Song sneered again and again.

When the assistant saw Shang Song so determined, his originally uneasy heart also stabilized a lot.

Now it's time to burn the brow, and Shang Song doesn't need to lie.

And when the girl was in contact with their company employees, the alarm awareness was not strong.

The words even reveal a bit of reconciliation, and there is no anger and despair when ordinary girls encounter violations.

Perhaps all this is really just the smear of that girl.

When Shang Song arrived at Qin Yue's conference room, an entire PR team was waiting for him.

Shang Song and assistant pushed the door and walked in, and countless people's eyes fell on him.

He sat in the empty space left, his long fingers fell on the table, and gently tapped: "It should be said, I believe that when I was in the car, the assistant had already called and said that I did not **** Yin Jia. As for How should you respond, you shouldn’t need me to teach.”

When Qin Yue saw Shang Song so determined, he was a little uneasy at first, and he calmed down at this time: "Are you sure that the liquid on Yin Jia has nothing to do with you?"

"Even if I'm hard-working, even if I don't learn anything, I absolutely disdain to do such low-level things as forcing women and me to go to bed." Shang Song's words were slow with mockery and disdain.

Qin Yue and colleagues glanced at each other, and they also made sense.

There are many female celebrities who like Shang Song on weekdays, and there are a lot of secrets sent to him, but Shang Song is just playing on the surface, and nothing actually happened.

Today, Yin Jia's incident is probably just a slander against his company.

After all, in the entertainment industry, the small fresh meat of the same generation is no longer as hot as Shang Song. Others are jealous of him and want to splash some dirty water on him. This is normal.

"Lawyer Zhang, since Shang Song has said so, I would like to trouble you to issue a lawyer statement for us immediately. I will formally prosecute those rumored marketing numbers." Qin Yue sat in his seat and decided to fight back.

Half an hour later, the company's Weibo account under Qin Yue's name issued a lawyer's statement, vehemently denying Shang Song's infringement of female students at school, and at the same time stated that he would be held accountable for the marketing number of the publisher Song's violation of female students. In the future, they will be formally prosecuted.

The lawyer's statement came in a timely manner, temporarily diluting the heat of Shang Song's invasion.

When the public saw such a strong statement from Shangsong Brokerage Company, their doubts on Shangsong also disappeared.

Song Ci brushed the news from Weibo and was very excited. He hurriedly called Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, have you seen Ning Huan? Shang Song is innocent, and their company will even sue the rumors. "

Gu Ninghuan said with a lip: "If I tell you, this lawyer statement issued by Shangsong Brokerage will soon be beaten, will you be sad?"

"How is it possible, Shang Song is not so stupid, it is impossible to know that he made a mistake, and let the company issue such a statement." Song Ci said with some disbelief.

Gu Ninghuan chuckled: "Shang Song made no mistakes, but what he encountered this time was indeed very tricky."

"Ning Huan, is this time, is Song Song destined to have no way to turn over?" Song Ci's voice was somewhat low.

Gu Ninghuan didn't answer Song Ci's question. She was also thinking about how to help Shang Song without exposing her identity.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci didn't chat for long, and Song Ci hung up the phone depressed.

She also set her phone aside and began to fold her clothes intently.

This is a habit that Gu Ninghuan has recently developed. She and Fu Xishen's clothes are not handled by others, but they are all folded by her and put in the closet.


"Come in."

The maid pushed the door in and looked at Gu Ninghuan and said, "Mrs. Young, Assistant Ji Bai called just now and said that Mr. Mr. will not come back to dinner at night."

Gu Ninghuan nodded and said he knew.

Recently, Fu Xishen came back later and later. Every time he came back, there was a faint tired color in his eyebrows, which made Gu Ninghuan feel strange.

But she only thought that the company was busy recently, and did not think deeply.


Late at night, Shang Song came home, just turned on the phone, and called in as soon as he called.

Shang Song sneered and hung up her phone directly.

Agent Joel looked at Shang Song’s move and stepped forward to pull Shang Song’s mobile phone out of his hand. He glanced at the number: “Why not answer the phone, is this Yin Jia’s number, why do you Know her?"

"I had a few interviews before going to school, so I left the phone. What happened?" Shang Song said casually.

But his answer did not reassure Joel.

Before, almost everyone assumed that if Shang Song didn’t know Yin Jia, they would have made such a lawyer's statement without leaving behind.

But if Shang Song knows Yin Jia, is it true that Shang Song's words are credible? I'm afraid I will have a question mark.

The agent pondered, and the number hung up by Shang Song was called again.

The agent Joel connected without hesitation, a female voice came out: "Is it Shangsong?"

"Hello, I'm Shangsong's agent. Are you Miss Yin Jia?"


"This is the case. You have wronged Shang Song's infringement, which has caused great reputation damage to Shang Song. We will formally sue you in the near future.

Advise Miss Yin that you should stop in time before everything becomes more serious. Said the broker.

Yin Jia said with a lip: "What the agent said happened to be what I wanted to say. I have provided the jy in my body to the police. I believe that the test results should be able to come out soon.

Hundreds of domestic media will follow up on the report, and Shang Song’s reputation will be completely over. In this life, he should not wish to be an artist. "

The agent heard his heart sinking: "What the **** do you want!"

"I want Shang Song to marry me and be responsible for me."

"what did you say?"

"Shang Song raped me, and of course he should marry me. If he is unwilling, I will let the law give me justice. Since you are his agent, please persuade him to agree to be responsible for me." Yin Jia hung up the phone.

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