Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 358: Husband, why are you back now?

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Chapter 358: Husband, Why Are You Back Now?

Joel frowned. He was more willing to believe in Shang Song than Yin Jia said.

Gu Ninghuan leaned on the sofa, looked at the mobile phone in his hand, and the users on Weibo had been divided into three groups with the announcement of Shang Song.

Some of them believed in Shang Song, some believed in Yin Jia, and of course some people were eating melon pie, holding their mobile phones and waiting for Yin Jia and Shang Song to release a heavier hammer. It is better to hammer each other.

Gu Ninghuan withdrew from the interface, and Yin Jia certainly had bigger evidence. It won't take long for Yin Jia to release her evidence, and Shang Song will have no room to turn over.

She leaned on the sofa and looked at the time. It was already so late, but why Fu Xishen had not returned.

Gu Ninghuan turned over on the soft sofa, picked up a pillow and put it in his arms, a little unhappy.

She had never had the habit of waiting for Fu Xishen to go home, because she could sleep well alone.

But recently she found that without Fu Xishen by her side, she has always had a good sleep quality, and it is becoming more and more difficult to fall asleep, and often needs to toss and roll several times before she can fall asleep.

Fu Xishen came back and saw that the bed was empty, and his eyes instantly condensed a dark color. He just wanted to be angry, but he saw a long sofa and vaguely fell asleep.

He opened his legs and walked to the sofa. He saw Gu Ninghuan lying on the sofa, his eyes closed, and he was clearly asleep, but still holding a mobile phone in his hand.

Fu Xishen squatted down beside her, watching her with a very gentle sight, and reached out to grab the phone in Gu Ninghuan's hand.

Gu Ninghuan's palms were empty, his eyelashes blinked, his eyes opened, and he saw the man's beautiful jaw line.

She stretched her hand around Fu Xishen's neck, and leaned her head against his chest lazily: "What time is it."

"Two points."

"Husband, why did you come back now, I'll wait for you until now." Gu Ninghuan said a little bit wrongly.

Fu Xishen lowered his head and kissed Ning Huan's forehead. He whispered: "Sorry, I will be a little late when I come back recently. You don't have to wait for me. You will sleep first when you are sleepy."

"But without you, I wouldn't sleep too hard." Gu Ninghuan raised his face and kissed the man's neck.

"Then I will come back as soon as possible."

"My husband is so nice." Gu Ninghuan smiled and hugged the man's neck even more tightly.

When Fu Xishen put her on the bed, he took the opportunity to kiss him heavily on his lips.

"Let's make trouble again, you don't need to sleep tonight." The man reached out and pinched her cheek.

Gu Ninghuan hummed disapprovingly.

But after feeling Fu Xishen's dangerous eyes, the whole person who was very counseling was hiding in the quilt.

Recently, Yin Jia may come up with key evidence to make Shang Song’s reputation reach an unprecedented trough, in order to ensure that she can save this matter in the first place.

To prevent the innocent from being injured, she needs a full spirit to do it.

But if she did it with Fu Xishen, then she should not deliberately handle the matter of Shangsong the next day.

After seeing Gu Ninghuan obediently no longer flick him, Fu Xishen took the mobile phone into the bathroom.

The phone rang and Fu Xishen connected: "What's the matter."

"Cousin, thank you so much for the matter tonight, otherwise I will have no way to face it alone."

"No need to."

"Cousin, don't tell Ning Huan about this, I don't want too many people to know."


"Thank you cousin, good night cousin."


Qiao Jin'er reluctantly hung up the phone.

Fu Xishen set aside the mobile phone with the screen still on.

When the man came out of the bathroom, Gu Ninghuan was asleep holding a soft pillow.

Fu Xishen lifted the corner of the quilt, reached out and pulled Gu Ninghuan's soft pillow out of his arms and threw it aside, and then took her whole body into her arms.

He looked at Gu Ninghuan's rosy cheeks and bowed his head to kiss.

Gu Ninghuan was woken up by Song Ci the next day.

She opened her eyes and saw the baby face that Song Ci was very nervous.

"Song Ci, what do you do." Gu Ninghuan was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes.

Song Ci was sitting on Gu Ninghuan’s bed, and put the bright mobile phone screen on Gu Ninghuan’s face: “Ning Huan, did you see it! The news released by the police just now is that the jy passing by Yin Jia and Shang Song The genetic comparison confirms that the jy in her body is indeed his.

Oh my god! How could this be the case, does Shang Song really force Yin Jia! ! I'm going to powder, no matter how nympho, I won't like a criminal. "

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and rubbed his face to make himself awake.

She reached out and took Song Ci's mobile phone in her hand, watching the police report above.

Gu Ninghuan had some surprises, and the police test results came out so quickly.

Because of this test result, Shang Song's Weibo is almost always a bad comment.

Those who temporarily believed in Shangsong because of the legal statement issued by Qin Yue Company yesterday also felt that they had been deceived.

Not only did they scold Shang Song, but even Qin Yue's Weibo suffered.

Even the product official blog of Shang Song's endorsement was scolded by passers-by and had to close the review.

Song Ci was also disappointed. She didn't expect that her favorite star was actually this kind of person.

Gu Ninghuan opened the quilt calmly, walked to the bathroom to wash, and then changed to a set of clothes that looked very ordinary, and began to sit in front of the dressing table and put on makeup.

Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan's makeup movements, thinking she was in a bad mood because she had a wrong intuition, so she wanted to reduce makeup.

But when Gu Ninghuan put on her makeup in front of Song Ci, she was shocked that her chin was about to fall.

Qin Yue brokerage meeting room

"Now what else do you have to say! You say that you have nothing to do with Yin Jia, then is the man jy on her still unable to change from nothing!" The company's shareholders smashed the documents in their hands to Shang Song In the past.

Assistant Shang Song quickly reached out to stop, and the back of his hand was smashed with a hard folder and bleed.

The painful assistant's entire face was wrinkled together, but he still had to laugh with him: "Dong Zhang, don't be angry. It's a police inspection problem, and even the police can't be sure that it's rape, how can we Can convict Song Ge so quickly."

"It's not enough to detect his jy from Yin Jia? What else do you want to check out? Is it necessary for Yin Jia to take out the video of the two of them to do that to prove that Shang Song raped the student?" Zhang Dong Chubby body trembling.

At the beginning, Shang Song was an artist they had dug out of. He originally wanted to use him to make money, but he didn't expect that the money hadn't started to make money yet.

"Who asked you to hit my assistant, apologize to me." Shang Song took out his handkerchief and covered the back of the assistant's hand with a beautiful face full of coldness.

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