Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 359: A lot of age is still so naive

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Chapter 359

Zhang Dong smiled disdainfully: "Let me apologize to your assistant? What kind of thing are you! It's just a lowly drama, and he really treats himself as a personal thing." Zhang Dong said with a disdainful face.

Originally, he didn't look down on the entertainment industry. If he didn't think that the investment in the entertainment industry has been hot in recent years, he would not invest money in Qin Yue Company.

Zhang Dong said this, not only made Shang Song's face ugly, but even Qin Yue's face sank.

Shang Song’s proud personality has never been so stubborn, he suddenly stood up from his position and looked at Zhang Dong one by one: "You have the ability, say it again."

Zhang Dong was frightened by Shang Song’s momentum and could not help shrinking back, but now that so many people are watching, he can’t show his timidity too obviously, but he also dare not continue to provoke Shang Song .

"Enough! Shang Song, you ask the assistant to go out and treat the wound first. Now is the time for the company to survive and die. We can't fight ourselves." Qin Yue broke the low pressure in the conference room.

Shang Song sent the assistant out, let him treat the wound, and then sat down again: "In short, I have nothing to say, nothing happened to me and the woman."

Joel looked at Shang Song, holding back his anger and gritted his teeth and asked, "What is your relationship with Yin Jia, why does she have your phone, and why does she have your body fluid."

"How do I know this! Who knows how the madman got it. Joel, you also took her phone and you can find out how abnormal she is!"

That woman is a lunatic, she made all this, just to let me marry her, it is absolutely impossible! "Song Song also felt suffocated.

He didn't even know how Yin Jia got his body fluid. He also felt incredible.

Qin Yue held a pen in his hand and tapped on the table without looking at it, looking at Shang Song’s eyes with a strange look: "You said, Yin Jia did all this to make you marry her? Why is there so? Simple way, but no one told me."

Shang Song glanced at Qin Yue: "Sister Yue, I know what you are counting, but it is impossible in my life to ask me to marry that kind of woman."

"Don't you want to marry Yin Jia? Do you know what you will face? There are already a number of merchants who have spoken to you and have called you to compensate you for liquidated damages.

Do you know how much the sum of liquidated damages will be? What's more, even if you lost all those, you can't go back to the entertainment industry. Qin Yue persuaded with temper and patience.

Shang Song is a good man. There were many companies that wanted to sign him, even though all the companies who wanted to sign him knew that he had a bad temper.

Under the cover of the three rays of high popularity and high face value and high acting, his bad temper also makes people think that it is just a young man's small character.

Even Shang Song's small temper is one of the favorite advantages of many agents.

Now that fans are tired of the stereotyped perfect idol set, Shang Song is not so perfect, but it is easier for him to **** powder.

But in Shang Songhong, his temper was an advantage, but now with such a big scandal on him, that temper and Qing Gao became Qin Yue's headache.

Joel also persuaded: "Shang Song, we have no choice at all now, and you have seen how many people on the Internet scold you now.

Besides, it’s just marriage, and it’s not impossible to leave. "

Shang Song's face became more and more ugly, how could he marry that kind of woman for something that did not exist at all.

Zhang Dong saw that things had changed, and looked at Shang Song's eyes not so disgusted: "In this case, then get married, sacrifice one of you, in exchange for the safety of our entire company."

Shang Song's face changed slightly: "I just quit the entertainment world! I will never marry Yin Jia."

"Okay! Of course you can quit the entertainment industry, but should you withdraw the liquidated damages before you quit the entertainment industry?

If I remember correctly, on your contract, if the artist requires the termination of the contract to be compensated with 500 million penalties, as long as you can withdraw the money, I will let you go immediately! "Zhang Dong's words are increasingly harsh.

Shang Song was blocked by Zhang Dong's words. He has indeed become a popular artist these years, but even if it is popular, there is no way to take out 500 million cash in one go.

Seeing that Song Song didn’t speak, Zhang Dong continued to ridicule: "What's wrong, you can't take it out, right! If you can't take it out, you will give me your fate and marry Yin Jia, otherwise you will blame me mercilessly."

Joel is also very anxious. Zhang Dong now looks like he is clearly trying to kill Shang Song.

Originally, Shang Song had no hardship because of his superior family background. Such a person has an arrogance in his bones.

Tell him well that there may be a turning point in this matter, but if he is ridiculed with such a tough attitude, his rebellious force will come up, and he will really choose to beat it twice.

"Yeah, either marry Yin Jia and ask her to issue a statement saying that **** is just a contradiction between your couple. Or you will pay the liquidated damages to compensate our company. loss."

"After all, this matter was brought out by you. If you were to say that you have nothing to do with Yin Jia, we will not issue that lawyer's statement."

"Do you know that lawyer's statement made us a joke across the entire network?"

"Responsible! Shang Song must be held responsible for this matter!"


The discussion in the conference room gradually became louder, and Joel could not hold their emotions.

Qin Yue wanted to help, but as the company's leader, in front of so many shareholders, as long as she said something a little wrong, she would be held in charge.

Just when she was scorched, the secretary pushed the door and walked in and walked to Qin Yue: "Boss, Miss Song Ci is here."

"You tell her that I am busy now, and I have no time to receive her. Let the driver send her back first." Qin Yue raised her hand and squeezed her brow, only to feel a headache.

The secretary did not leave, but continued: "But Miss Song Ci said that she has a way to solve the problem of Shang Song."

"What do you say?" Qin Yue was a little unbelievable.

Joel sat very close to Qin Yue, and he heard all the words the secretary said.

He turned his head and asked Qin Yue with some excitement: "Is Song Ci just the girl who told us Shang Song in Beiwan last time?

Does she really have a way to help Shang Song overcome this difficulty? "

"Joel, I said why Shang Song didn't grow so much, it turned out to be because your agent was naive at this age.

Things that no one in the professional public relations team can do, is it possible for a little girl to do it, don't you take advantage of the chaos to touch the fish! "Zhang Dong obviously didn't believe it.

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