Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 361: Are you Gu Ninghuan?

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361   Are you Gu Ninghuan?

Even the voice changer was used, and the original soft and soft voice became hoarse and ordinary at this time.

In this way, even if it is a Song Ci that is very familiar with Gu Ninghuan, if you look closely, you cannot see that Gu Ning is Gu Ninghuan.

Song Ci drank the hot tea in his hands and lied seriously: "Ning Huan has been busy recently, but Gu Ning said that if there is a way, there must be a way."

Compared to Song Ci, Qin Yue believed in the more stable Gu Ninghuan more.

But since Song Ci said that Gu Ning is worth believing, then she might as well try to believe Gu Ning.

Qin Yue smiled: "Gu Ning? Could you please tell me what you have to do with Miss Gu Ninghuan."

"Just a distant relative."

"In this case, Shang Song troubles Miss Gu." Qin Yue now has no way.

Now the shareholders in the meeting room have to give an explanation, and she doesn't want to completely offend Shang Song.

And since Shang Song agreed to this matter, she might as well believe this Gu Ning once.

If Gu Ning screwed up Shang Song, it wasn't Gu Ninghuan.

When Gu Ninghuan saw Qin Yue, they did not doubt her identity, and they left with peace.

But she had just walked out of the meeting room, and Shang Song followed up: "Gu Ning, you just left."

"Otherwise?" Gu Ning turned around. She was going to find someone to help now, but could she stay here again.

Shang Song took a step forward, Gu Ninghuan took Song Ci back and took a step back, and the two kept a long enough distance.

"You haven't given me your mobile phone number yet. I will ask Yin Jia to come out. Do you want me to face her alone?" Shang Song asked with a smile.

Gu Ninghuan remembered this time, she did not give the phone number to Shang Song.

But this can't blame her, and there is no experience in the first cross-dressing.

She has no business card and can only report her mobile phone number to Shang Song.

Anyway, Shang Song had no interest in her, and she did not think that there would be any connection between them and Shang Song after this incident.

Shang Song wrote down her number: "Then I will call you after I have appointed Yin Jia out."

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "Okay."

"Thank you for helping me, if you want anything, you can tell me, as long as I have, I can give you." Shang Song said.

Gu Ning smiled and said nothing.

She has no interest in return, and she is not short of anything.

She simply did not want to see a promising young man, framed to lose everything.

Song Ci followed Gu Ninghuan out of Qinyue Company. Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, where should we go now?"

"Go to the evidence that allows Yin Jia to tell the truth." Gu Ninghuan took Song Ci to the roadside parked sports car.

When Joel and Shang Song walked out of the company, they saw Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan on the roadside limited edition sports car.

"Looking at Gu Ning's dress and driving car, it doesn't look like she is short of money, and she doesn't know why she helped you." Joel didn't understand.

Shang Song's eyes with a casual smile: "Maybe it's for my beauty too."

After talking, Shang Song left.

But Joel became worried because of Shang Song's words.

Shang Song is now in the ascending period. Even if he is relying on his strength, it is better for an artist to not fall in love or not.

Besides, if Gu Ning's goal is also Shang Song, wouldn't it be a solution to Yin Jia, but another Gu Ning came.

Joel sighed heavily, knowing that he would not have promised Shang Song's father to take him out of the mountain to bring him this artist.

He felt he was worried about being bald now, but Shang Song was not a little nervous.

When Joel saw Shang Song gone, he hurriedly followed.

Gu Ninghuan drove Song Ci home.

Song Ci sat on the co-pilot and turned his head to look at Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, don't you mean to find evidence that can make Yin Jia tell the truth? Why did you send me home, or did you plan to go alone? ?"

"Of course not, but this incident needs a person's help. And this person is in your home." Gu Ninghuan tapped the steering wheel unconsciously and said lightly.

Song Ci frowned, not quite understanding what Gu Ninghuan was talking about: "Who can help us in my family?"

"Of course, your brother, Song Jinnian!"

"Song Jinnian? What can he such a weak and windless person be able to do. Of course he should find a few stronger bodies to find evidence." Song Ci thought of Song Jinnian's pale to sick skin and shook his head in disapproval.

Gu Ninghuan asked Song Jinnian to help, for fear of misunderstanding Song Jinnian.

"Song Ci, can you not be so violent, you only need the help of a smart person to find evidence, you don't need to find a bodyguard." Gu Ninghuan finished, reaching for the seat belt and pushing the door to get off.

Song Ci also got off with Gu Ninghuan. She reached out and closed the door: "Right, do you want me to call and ask if Song Jinnian is at home?"

"No, I already asked when I went to Qinyue Company. Your brother will do the report at home today." Gu Ninghuan walked towards the Song family gate.

She reached out and pressed the Song family doorbell, and the servant inside passed the intercom and asked politely which one.

Before Gu Ninghuan had time to speak, Song Ci said very eloquently, "I'm back and open the door."

"Okay, miss." The maid agreed and the iron door opened automatically.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci walked in and went directly to Song Jinnian's room.

Song Jinnian was sitting on the sofa at this time, the notebook was on his knee, and his finger was hitting the keyboard.

He saw Song Ci and strange women suddenly pushed open the door, eyes narrowed: "Song Ci, no one tells you, do you have to knock on the door before entering someone's room?

Moreover, who gave you the courage to make you dare to take strangers into my room. "

The stranger, Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci glanced at each other, and then looked at each other, and no other strangers were found.

"Stranger, what kind of stranger?" Song Ci's voice shivered with fear.

Maybe they did the kung fu that they just went out, and as a result, they caused something unclean to come back.

"Is there standing next to you, what do you pretend to see?" Song Jinnian's tone was already displeased.

He himself hates the character of a stranger. He hasn't had many good friends for so many years. The only one who can get him close is Gu Ninghuan.

"Ning Huan, can you see what's around me?" Song Ci leaned on Gu Ninghuan, only to feel more and more scared.

Gu Ninghuan took a close look at Song Ci and saw nothing.

When Song Jinnian heard Song Ci actually call the strange woman Ning Huan, she couldn't help narrowing her eyes and looked at the strange woman more seriously.

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