Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 362: She is serious to be ugly

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362   She is serious

"Are you Ning Huan?" Song Jinnian's voice was a little uncertain.

Song Ci heard Song Jinnian asking this question, and then realized that Gu Ninghuan had not removed makeup at this time.

"It turns out that the stranger you said before was Ning Huan, scared me, what did I think it was!" Song Ci glared at Song Jinnian with some complaints.

Song Jinnian ignored Song Ci. He looked at Gu Ninghuan and asked very gently, "How to dress yourself like this."

"I was dressed like this to hide my eyes and ears. Sorry, brother Jinnian, I was planning to knock on the door before, but I forgot because of the emergency." Gu Ninghuan explained.

"It's not that. I didn't let Ning Huan knock on the door. We are all so familiar, what kind of door do we knock on?" Song Ci said seriously.

Song Jinnian was slightly startled, and could not refute.

Gu Ninghuan hugged a chair and placed it in front of Song Jinnian, and said with a smile: "Brother Jinnian, I heard that you are a computer expert. That hacker will invade other people's mobile phones, will you."

"What do you want to do." Song Jinnian stopped typing and asked lightly.

Gu Ninghuan stopped his smile and said very seriously: "Promote justice! Also give those innocent good people an innocence."

"Yes, brother, we really are not doing bad things, we really want to help." Song Ci nodded vigorously beside Gu Ninghuan.

Song Jinnian looked at them, then got up and walked to the drawer to open it.

He reached out and took out a long thing that looked like a USB flash drive and handed it to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan took the long thing like a USB flash drive and looked up at Song Jinnian with some incomprehension.

"This is a small program developed by my university. As long as you plug her into the electronic device of the person you want to copy, it takes only three seconds to copy all the records and apps on that person's electronic device." Song Jinnian explained The purpose of this thing.

Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan with some surprise. She couldn't believe it. This seemingly unremarkable USB flash drive actually had such a great effect.

Gu Ninghuan also felt very magical. She put this little thing in her pocket, said thank you, and got up to leave.

But Song Ci took her by the arm: "Ning Huan, after you use it, can you borrow it for me? I want to see what is in Su Muzhe's computer."

"Song Ci, you want to see Su Muzhe's computer, do you still want to use this? You just say that Su Muzhe shows you everything." Gu Ninghuan disagreed with Song Ci's intention to use this to peep at Su Muzhe computer.

Song Ci slightly hummed his lips: "But peeking will make you feel that way."

"Song Ci, you promised me not to make trouble anymore? Su Muzhe loves you so much, don't make trouble for the two of you, or if you really break up, you have no place to cry." Gu Ninghuan continued to persuade Song Ci.

Song Ci heard Gu Ninghuan say this, and then reluctantly let go of Gu Ninghuan's arm.

She didn't actually believe in Su Muzhe, she just wanted to play with it.

Song Jinnian said with reprimand: "Ning Huan is right, Su Muzhe likes you, it is already an incredible thing, you will be divided, don't play with his sincerity."

"Why is Su Muzhe like me is an incredible thing? Song Jinnian you say! What the **** am I!" Song Ci suddenly stood up from the position, staring at Song Jinnian's white thin neck, let him make it clear Looks like.

Song Jinnian looked at Song Ci's bad eyes and smiled slowly: "Isn't the gap between you and Su Muzhe not obvious yet?

You have such a loli face that ordinary people do not like, no stature, average height, and lustful, every time the professional grades have crossed the line.

I don’t want to talk about Su Muzhe externally. The score of his college electives has never been lower than 98. When I went to Colombia as an exchange student, every subject was full marks.

Don't you understand the gap between you and him? "

"You!!! You are ruthless!" Song Ci's face was flushed by Song Jin's youthfulness. She reached out to Gu Ninghuan and walked out of Song Jinnian's room.

"Ning Huan, do you say I'm as bad as Song Jinnian said?" Song Ci asked Gu Ninghuan as he went down the stairs.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head: "No, although your grades are not good, you are still admitted to Beijing University.

And you look good, the childish appearance is particularly liked by the second element. In addition, you are also very smart, but not exposed.

Su Muzhe likes you because you deserve him. The reason why Song Jinnian said this is that he wants you to learn to cherish it. "

"I'll say it. Actually, I'm not that bad at all. Right! Hum! Song Jinnian actually said this to me this time, I decided, I want to fight him cold!" Song Ciguang felt angry.

Gu Ning smiled and did not speak.

Song Ci is just a child's temper. I believe that the anger of Song Jinnian and the two will not last long.

What is more imminent now should be Yin Jia's business.

"Ning Huan, if Shang Song calls you, you have to notify me, otherwise you will be in danger to face Yin Jia alone." Song Ci was a little worried.

Gu Ninghuan has always been a person who loves to carry herself. She likes to bear everything by herself.

It was also because of this that Song Ci specifically told her this sentence.

Song Ci knew she was not as smart as Gu Ninghuan, but she still wanted to help her share.

Gu Ninghuan smiled: "Okay, if Shang Song informs me, I will definitely call you together."

"Uh um, then we're done."

"Okay, you're done."

After finishing speaking, Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci waved goodbye, and walked towards the roadside parked sports car, reaching for the car door and taking the driving seat to drive away.

At three in the afternoon, Song Ci received a call from Gu Ninghuan informing her to go to Beiwan Senior Apartment.

Song Ci quickly packed up and asked the driver to send her there.

She walked to the floor where Gu Ninghuan sent her, reached for the doorbell, and Shang Song opened the door to greet her.

"Miss Gu Ning is in the innermost room." Shang Song reached out his hand and guided Song Ci.

Song Ci walked into the room, opened the door, and saw Gu Ninghuan, who had been "black several times". He was sitting in front of the computer, and the computer displayed the living room images in various directions.

"Ning Huan, are you too ruthless about yourself? How do I think you are getting uglier the more you are." Song Ci was really unbearable and felt that Gu Ninghuan was so distressed about his face.

Gu Ninghuan slightly lifted his lips: "It doesn't matter. When I'm busy with this, I don't have to continue to be ugly. Please sit down and Yin Jia is coming."

Song Ci obediently found a place to do well.

About ten minutes later, Shang Song opened the door again, and a girl appeared on their screen.

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