Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 363: Even if you raped me, I still love you

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Chapter 363: Even if you raped me, I still love you

Song Ci sat down beside Gu Ninghuan, watching the yogurt she had put on her desk.

Can't help but reach up and pick up, and raised a gesture to Gu Ninghuan, meaning to ask her if she could drink.

Gu Ninghuan nodded gently, Song Ci smiled, opened the yogurt, and drank slowly.

Yin Jia in the computer screen is a very ordinary female growth phase, her skin is not white, her eyes are not big, her short hair is even more messy.

The coat she wears is old-fashioned, giving people a sense of obsolescence for a long time.

The jeans have become slightly whitened because they have been washed too many times, but fortunately they are very clean.

But she was so dressed, but Song Ci couldn't help frowning.

After seeing Shang Song, Yin Jia's cheeks were red all the way.

Shang Song looked at her with a cold look, and pointed his finger to the location of the living room: "Sit there."

"Thank you." Yin Jia whispered.

After speaking, Yin Jia was sitting on the sofa, and Gu Ninghuan was in their screens from all angles of her body.

Shang Song was sitting opposite Yin Jia. Recently, he slightly disliked contact with girls. He faced a woman face-to-face and only felt uncomfortable.

"I asked you to come out this time, I want to talk to you, I have found a professional lawyer, you will definitely lose in this case, and now you have time to look back." Shang Song said perseverance.

Yin Jia heard Shang Song saying this, and his obsession with him was a little weak, and even a little sad: "Shang Song, I don't know why you said that, it was you who raped me, why do you always refuse to admit it!"

"What do I admit? Nothing happened between me and you!" Shang Song has been smirked.

He didn't even know where Yin Jia came from. He said that he raped her again and again.

Yin Jia’s small eyes were full of spoiling, she looked at Shang Song like this, her pale lips twitched, and she showed a smiling smile: "Shang Song, don’t deny denying me anymore, or I will have to inform The media, what do you think if the media saw us here?"

"Are you threatening me?" Shang Song sneered.

Yin Jia continued softly: "No, I just don't want to hear you continue to deny our relationship. I love you Shangsong. Even if you **** me, I still love you."

Shang Song closed his eyes and really didn't want to see Yin Jia in front of him.

He felt that this woman was a lunatic, so mad that he had no way of understanding.

Under the table in front of Shang Song and Yin Jia, bugs were placed, and what they said was also passed to the ears of Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci.

Song Ci was frightened by Yin Jia's weird voice.

She took off her headphones and whispered to Gu Ninghuan: "You said this Yin Jia, is it chasing the stars and chasing the devil, or how could she look so crazy."

"If she is not crazy, she will not do such a thing as slandering Shang Song." Gu Ninghuan looked at the picture on the screen in front of her and concentrated on it.

Outside the living room, Shang Song's patience with Yin Jia also reached the extreme.

He smiled reluctantly, looking at Yin Jia and said: "There are meals prepared by the nanny for us in the kitchen. I'll go out and we will chat while eating."

"Are you going to eat with me?" Yin Jiaman asked in surprise.

Shang Song nodded.

Yin Jia immediately stood up: "How can I let you cook such a thing, I'll do it!"

Shang Song heard that, but did not refuse to let Yin Jia walk to the kitchen.

Yin Jia walked into the kitchen and brought out the meals prepared by the nanny.

Shang Song’s babysitters didn’t make many dishes, but two people ate enough.

Yin Jia wants to sit down with Shang Song for dinner in her dreams. Of course, she will never be fussy about the lack of dishes.

When she brought the dishes to the coffee table, she sat across from Shang Song again.

Shang Song didn't know where to take a bottle of red wine. He reached out to open the bottle of red wine and slowly poured red wine in front of the two goblets.

Later, he extended his finger and pushed one of the glasses of red wine in front of Yin Jia.

Yin Jia looked at the red wine in front of her and said a little unnaturally: "But I don't know how to drink. I feel dizzy when I touch it."

"You don't want to marry me, how can you not drink red wine if you marry me." Shang Song's beautiful eyes seemed to reflect the galaxy.

Yin Jia was fascinated, and she whispered, "Then I will try it."

After that, she picked up the goblet in front of her and sipped it in a sip.

Shang Song looked at her manner, and a dark color condensed in her eyes: "You can't drink like a small family like gas. It is a joke when seen by outsiders."

Yin Jia listened, and sipped away the wine left in the stemware.

She doesn't want to be looked down upon, nor does she want to be joked.

Shang Song's lips raised a smile, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

He quickly picked up the red wine bottle and poured another glass for Yin Jia.

Of course Yin Jia would not refuse the red wine that the idol poured her, but she finished drinking it all at once. After two glasses of red wine fell down, her eyes were already spent.

She tried hard to open her eyes and tried to see the idol before her eyes, but found that she couldn't do it at all.

Yin Jia finally couldn't support it, his cheek hit the table heavily, and the whole person slept to death.

When Shang Song saw Yin Jia fainting, he got up and took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her jacket and inserted it into Gu Ninghuan's little thing.

After a few seconds, Shang Song reached out and pulled out the USB stick, and then put Yin Jia’s phone back in her pocket as it was.

Gu Ninghuan saw that he was done, and took off his headphones and went out.

Shang Song saw Gu Ninghuan and gave her the little thing in her hand: "Can her mobile phone really help us? If so, why don't we just take her mobile phone."

"Taking her mobile phone will kill the snake, and Yin Jia's mental state you can see is not normal, no one will know, what she will do after knowing that the mobile phone was taken by us." Gu Ninghuan After that, took the U disk and left.

After they left, Shang Song poured the bottle of red wine and the wine in the goblet in front of him into the pool together.

There is a drug in the red wine in order to faint Yin Jia and get her mobile phone.

After pouring the wine, Shang Song threw the wine bottle and stemware into the trash can in the room.

After closing the door, he came out, took out the same red wine and new glasses from the wine cabinet, and sat across from Yin Jia to drink slowly.

When Yin Jia woke up and looked at Shang Song, whose face was colder than before, she didn't understand how he suddenly fell asleep.

"What's wrong with me?" Yin Jia asked, somewhat at a loss.

Shang Song hooked his lips: "Drinking too much results in drunkenness."

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