Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 364: Even trying to take away his marriage

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Chapter 364   Even Wanting to Take His Marriage

Yin Jia did not believe that she was not smart, but she still had some common sense.

But it's just two glasses of red wine. Does it really make her drunk?

She reached out and touched her pocket, opened the phone, and was relieved to see that the screen was not unlocked.

Yin Jia’s actions fell on Shang Song’s eyes. He didn’t speak, but he felt that Gu Ning really knew the woman.

After Yin Jia woke up, she was checking the phone as soon as possible.

"Shang Song, many people on the Internet are scolding you now. I am very distressed when I read it. I know you have money, and you will not starve to death if you are not in the entertainment industry.

But I remember more, you like acting, and want to be a good actor, but now our affairs are so fierce, there will be no director who will go to you for a film, do you understand? Yin Jia continued to persuade.

She looked at Shang Song's eyes full of longing for him.

Yin Jia likes Shang Song, she wants to be with him.

Even she thought, if that person could be with Shang Song, why she couldn't.

Shang Song put down the goblet: "You really know me well, then you know that I am now, are you reluctant to agree to your proposal?"

"I don't know." Yin Jia answered honestly.

Shang Song looked at Yin Jia and slowly said: "My future wife does not need to look good or have a high education level, but there is only one thing that she must have. That is good enough.

But you look at yourself, frame me to **** you, splash me with a pot of dirty water, and don’t even know what tricks to use to get my jy, so shameless you, what is the right to marry me ? "

Yin Jia's eyes widened, looking at Shang Song in disbelief.

She thought she had heard it wrong, Shang Song actually said she did not know shame.

"What's wrong, didn't you hear it clearly? Or did I need to repeat it again." Shang Song looked at Yin Jia, his eyes full of contempt for her.

Now Shang Song has completed the task given to him by Gu Ning, and he does not need to deal with Yin Jiaxu and Wei Snake again.

Faced with the fact that Shang Song ruined his work and career with one hand, he was still not enough. He even tried to take away his marriage. How could he still have a good temper.

Without hands-on, it was Shang Song's last tolerance.

Even if Jia Yin is stupid, she understands that Shang Song asked her to eat today, not a summation in her imagination.

"It turns out that you asked me out today to humiliate me, Shang Song! You are really kind." Yin Jia's voice was angry.

There was no longer the cautious treatment of sweethearts on her face, but a resentment.

Shang Song saw that since he had torn his face, then of course he was able to vent his suffocation for many days: "Aren’t you saying that I raped you? Since that is the case, you should have known that I have grown, why? Only now?

Or, you’ve been lying from the beginning, so you don’t even know if I have any kind. "

"Shang Song, do you know who you are offending now? Before I liked you, I always restrained my words and deeds in front of the media. It was not too much.

But now looking at your attitude towards me, I don’t seem to have to continue to treat you kindly. I want you to be the worst idol ever! Yin Jia stood up and said the most vicious curse in her mouth.

The man in front of her, when she obeyed her, was the most distant dream in her heart, and the person she wanted most.

But now, Shang Song no longer listens to her, she is likely to never get Shang Song again. In this case, she will destroy him!

She wants Shang Song to survive, and she wants Shang Song to lose everything.

Shang Song's eyes were full of coldness: "Okay, then let me see what you really have."

Yin Jia was so angry that Shang Song took the door and threw the door heavily.

Shang Song saw that Yin Jia was so angry with him that he had always felt uncomfortable, and it was finally smoother.

The matter of Yin Jia has always been a disaster for Shang Song. He didn't even know what he did, and somebody accused him of rape.

And for some reason, he was not able to tell where he was that night, but is it that he would be wronged and treated as a **** of a strong young girl?

Especially, Yin Jiaming knew why he could not tell the truth, so he seized the opportunity to wrong him.

No one even wants to believe him, no, at least one woman.

Shang Song opened his eyes and remembered the ordinary looking Gu Ning with beautiful eyes.

Among so many people who do not believe in him, she is the only one who believes in him.


Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci lay on the computer table together, watching Song Jinnian's fingers flying on the keyboard.

There are many apps displayed on the screen, but most of them are those apps that girls are used to downloading, but there is nothing special about them.

Gu Ninghuan was not in a hurry. She reached over and took a mouse to find it slowly. Soon she saw a software. The mouse clicked twice and found that a password was actually needed.

She looked at Song Jinnian and hadn't spoken yet. Song Jinnian moved her finger and the software password was cracked.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the opened app, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Even Song Jinnian, who has always been calm, couldn't help but frown.

Song Ci is the least calm among them. She screamed directly and pointed at the super-large screen: "My God! I think Yin Jia is not normal, but I did not expect her to be so perverted!"

"It's really abnormal." Gu Ninghuan nodded in agreement.

Song Ci put his hand on Gu Ninghuan's shoulder: "Since we now have evidence, should we go to the media to reveal the news. Such a big star like Shang Song was actually put into this look by a student, which is really miserable Now."

"But something is wrong. Shang Song clearly explained the problem easily. Why didn't he say it?" Gu Ninghuan turned the Yin Jia's chat record with his mouse, a little puzzled.

Song Ci didn't care about those that Gu Ninghuan cared about: "Maybe Shang Song thought we could solve this problem at first, so he hides some details.

But this is not important, we are right to give this news to the media as soon as possible. "

"No, we can't give this information to the media. Not all media have a conscience. If they get out of context, we lose the best chance to expose this evidence." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Song Ci was a bit distressed: "What should I do?"

"Yo Yin Jia came out and told her to tell the truth." Gu Ninghuan selected a few pictures and printed them with a printer.

Then they went out with Song Ci. They learned from Yin Jia's chat history that she would go to a chain milk tea shop to work part-time.

The milk tea shop happened to have Gu's shares. After Gu Ninghuan took the voice changer and made a call, the matter was done.

When she arrived at the milk tea shop, Yin Jia was already sitting on her seat, waiting anxiously.

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