Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 365: I just don’t want to be a springboard for others

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365   I just don't want to be a springboard for others

Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan entered the milk tea shop together.

When the two of them pushed the door in, the wind chime hanging on the door made a clear sound, attracting Yin Jia's attention.

Yin Jia looked up at them. The first thing she saw was Song Ci. After seeing her so beautiful face and the bag worth 400,000 in her hand, Yin Jia withdrew her eyes indifferently.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci walked to the table in front of Yin Jia and sat down to look at her.

"I don't know what happened to the two of you looking for me?" Yin Jia looked at the two girls in front of her, and they all looked valuable.

But the difference in face value between the two was very different. She glanced at Gu Ninghuan's ordinary looks, but felt pitiful.

Standing with the beautiful girl like Song Ci is a common humiliation to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan did not go round with Yin Jia, but threw the previously printed paper in front of her: "We have obtained the evidence that you frame Shang Song. Shang Song’s jy was bought by you when you bought **** toys. .

Regarding how you got Shang Song jy, and why you should start with Shang Song, I think the diary app in your mobile phone has been written very clearly.

Yin Jia, as long as we give this material to the media, you guess what will happen if they report it.

You are the victim now, and the media will protect your information without revealing your address and school, but if you become a victim from the victim, will they also protect your privacy. "

Song Ci stretched his hand and slapped the table hard: "Yes, you're a killer, do you know how much Shang Song suffered because of you? You can do it even by stealing jy, how can you be so shameless? !"

Yin Jia looked at the paper Gu Ninghuan put on the table, and as soon as he turned white, he kept denying: "No! I didn't frame Shang Song.

He really raped me, but I'm not angry, I don't want to destroy him, I just want him to marry me, just want her to be responsible to me! "

"Responsible, bear the responsibility of your uncle, you are a person who even stolen jy, what is the qualification for Shang Song to be responsible to you!" Song Ci said more and more excited, picking up the lemonade on hand and wanting to splash Yin Jia Face.

Gu Ninghuan held her hand in time and looked at Yin Jia without delay. "Since you insist on saying this, then we don't waste time on you anymore. We will submit the original information about your slander. To the media and the police.

I don't know, when fans of Shang Song know that their idols have always been slandered by you, will they tear you up. "

"You are threatening me?" Yin Jia said sternly.

Song Ci sneered: "To threaten? This is the fact! We are looking for you privately, just to resolve this matter in the most low-key way, but now it is clear that you can't cry without seeing the coffin.

In this case, we will never leave you a hindrance. By the way, I forgot to tell you. I am a fan of Shang Song. If you frame my idol like this, it is best to go out and pay attention to it, otherwise you may be caught by others at any time. Break the leg. "

After Song Ci finished, they went out with Gu Ninghuan.

Until the two of them walked out of the milk tea shop, Yin Jia did not come out.

"Ning Huan, it seems that this Yin Jia is more difficult than we thought." Song Ci glanced at Yin Jia, only to feel that her dead duck was tough.

Gu Ning Huan smiled: "Since this is the case, then give her a lesson."

After finishing speaking, Gu Ninghuan took Song Ci away.

Three days later, Gu Ninghuan received a call from Yin Jia.

Gu Ninghuan put on Song lyrics, and the two of them sat together in the milk tea shop. At this time, Yin Jia didn't have any scars in the visible areas of her body from top to bottom, but her whole body looked very weak.

"I think clearly, I will go to the police to surrender. Can you please raise your hand and let my family go."

Gu Ninghuan smiled: "We just sorted out what you did and sent it to your neighbors. Why can't you bear it?"

Yin Jia raised her head and looked at the ordinary girl in front of her face, shaking with rage.

She originally thought that as long as she was biting Shang Song and not letting go, sooner or later, Shang Song would be dragged to death by herself.

But I didn't expect that the two girls in front of me were so vicious, not only telling her neighbors what she did, let her be discussed.

What's more, her work was interrupted. Every day when she went out of the dormitory, she would be beaten by someone who didn't know where to run.

She went to the media and wanted to make an injury report, but she didn't have the money to pay and she didn't have any superficial wounds.

"The same girls, you deal with me this way, are you too ethical." Yin Jia was indignant.

Gu Ninghuan's smile is the same: "Isn't what you are suffering now what Shang Song is going through?

You are ashamed that your family knows what you are doing, why don’t you think about how sad Shang Shang’s family was when you saw the news, and you splashed dirty water on him. "

What Gu Ninghuan did not like was that Yin Jia always turned a blind eye to the harm inflicted on Shang Song.

Yin Jia's eyes couldn't help but became red. She was able to deceive herself before. She had nothing to do with what Shang Song did.

Shang Song has a retreat. He is rich. Even if he is unwilling to marry her, he will not be able to work in the entertainment industry at most.

But she was different. If she let that opportunity pass, she would never wait again.

Moreover, she does not want to be a poor worm looking up and envious of others again.

She doesn't want to be that kind of person.

"I didn't do anything wrong, I just didn't want to be reconciled. I wasn't willing to act as a foil between the two of them. I wasn't willing to be a stepping stone to be a person..."

Yin Jia muttered to himself, but what exactly did it mean, it was no longer what Gu Ninghuan and they should care about.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci personally sent Yin Jia to the police station, watched her surrender, and admitted that she deliberately framed Shang Song.

And the chat records and diaries on her mobile phone can fully prove that the frame of Shang Song is a situation she laid down.

After the police investigation is over, the investigation results are released.

Yin Jia pleaded guilty to this incident, which surprised all the people who were concerned about it.

None of them thought that the victim, Yin Jia, would eventually become a criminal.

Shang Song was actually the victim of this **** case.

The end of this incident made Shang Song's reputation double. Those who had abused Shang Song, all went to his Weibo to thank them.

The top five searches on Weibo were all occupied by Shang Song's name.

Shang Song held the phone and watched the bad comments slowly sink, while the long-lost fan comments slowly rose.

Joel was standing in the living room at this time, walking happily because of the truth: "I didn't expect that Gu Ning really had a few brushes. If someone like her was your agent, I would not worried."

"Do you think so?" Shang Song exited the Weibo interface and played with his mobile phone.

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