Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 366: As long as the right price is right, I will not refuse

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Chapter 366

Joel listened to Shang Song's words and seemed to have any thoughts.

He looked at Shang Song: "Don't you want Gu Ning to be your agent? But she doesn't look like she is short of money. She should not agree to such a hard thing."

Joel didn't want to decentralize. In fact, he wanted to retire very early, as if he had reached this age, he had enough money, and had enjoyed fame and fortune.

What I want now is to be able to get along with my family for a few days. But the father of Shang Song is worried that Shang Song's temper will suffer in the entertainment circle. He personally asks Joel to go out and bring Shang Song.

It is also because of this that Joel will become Shang Song's agent.

Now that Song Song wants to change his agent, Joel is happier than anything. He can finally go to Canada to see his children.

But Joel is also worried. Will Gu Ning really agree to be Joel's agent?

Shang Song hooked his lips: "How would you know if you didn't try it?"

Anyway, Gu Ning is a woman. Since she is a woman, she should like beautiful skin.

Shang Song hopes that there is a capable person in his team, he must let Gu Ning join his team.

After Yin Jia’s case was resolved, Shang Song returned to Qin Yue Company for a meeting. The atmosphere in the conference room has changed significantly compared to the last time.

Even in the conference room last time, Zhang Dong, who had been humiliating Shang Song, kept seeing Shang Song at this time, even more so than seeing his own father.

"Shang Song, you may be here. We were here waiting for you early. Now that we are here, we are also relieved. My friend recently invested in a drama, and I want to be named as a male actor.

But I also know that there have been a lot of announcements recently, and I worry that you have no time, so I will tell you in advance. "Dong Zhang said with a smile.

Now who does not know that Shang Song is a man with guilt of the people of the whole country, and the movie he participated in is definitely a big hit.

Shang Song sat in his position and raised his eyes lazily: "I'm sorry, Zhang Dong, a drama like me, I don't know when there will be a scandal again.

Still don't block your friends, or if something goes wrong with the show, Zhang Dong doesn't specify how to abuse me. "

Such soft refusal by Shang Song made Zhang Dong's face dull in front of so many directors, but he couldn't attack yet.

Shang Song is now the cash cow of their company, and any endorsement is enough for them to eat.

Where did he dare to ridicule him? Naturally it was what Shang Song said.

"Today Shang Song can successfully dispel the suspicion, this matter should also thank Gu Ning, I have invited her, and Shang Song will thank her well." Qin Yue turned a blind eye to Zhang Dong's embarrassment and instead passed Zhang Dong, said to Shang Song.

Shang Song’s slender fingers tapped the table in front of him rhythmically: “She doesn’t come, I just have something to do with her.”

"How to listen to Shang Song's tone seems to be having a holiday with Gu Ning, is it that after she has dealt with you, she will threaten you again.

Sure enough, someone like Gu Ning came here with a purpose. You can rest assured that with me, you will not let a little girl bully you! "Dong Zhang stretched his hands to the table, and the whole person pretended to be very angry.

Shang Song frowned: "Zhang Dong, can you trouble you? Do a little more investigation before you speak, and don't have any basis for it, and you will succeed."

When Shang Song ridiculed Zhang Dong, almost everyone in the meeting room couldn't help laughing.

They had never seen such a ridiculous person as Zhang Dong. When Shang Song was involved in the accident, he was the first to fall into the trap.

Now that Shang Song solved the problem and regained popularity, Zhang Dong began to kneel and lick Shang Song again.

This kind of behavior without a bottom line is really a way of going out of riches, and there is no money to cultivate and no personal training and bottom line.

After Gu Ning and Song Ci came to Qin Yue Company, they were taken to the conference room by the secretary.

Looking at the people in the meeting room, she unconsciously and Song Ci walked towards the furthest corner.

But just after a few steps, Qin Yue stopped him: "Gu Ning, Song Ci, you two sit next to Shang Song."

Gu Ning and Song Ci glanced at each other and walked towards Shang Song.

Shang Song's eyes have not moved away from her since Gu Ning entered the meeting room.

But Gu Ning never looked at him at a glance, which hurt Shang Song's self-confidence.

But then Shang Song thought, Gu Ning should be just a shy character, like a good skin like him, and a few women can refuse.

"Gu Ning, Shang Song really thanked you for this matter. If it were not for you, this matter would not be easily resolved." Qin Yue looked at Gu Ning's eyes with delight.

At first, she agreed to Shang Song's use of Gu Ning with a trial attitude, but did not expect that Gu Ning actually did it.

"No thanks." Gu Ning picked up the coffee in front of him and frowned deeply after taking a sip.

Qin Yue's coffee is too bitter, she still likes sweeter coffee.

Gu Ning silently put down the coffee cup in his hand, unwilling to touch it again.

But Gu Ning frowned at the taste of coffee, but Qin Yue misunderstood that Gu Ning was dissatisfied with her attitude.

Qin Yue hurriedly reassured Gu Ning's emotions: "I know Miss Gu Ning is not short of money, but after all, you helped us solve the matter of Shang Song, this is our company's little care for you, I hope you will accept it."

Qin Yue handed the envelope in his hand to the secretary.

The secretary took the envelope and handed it to Gu Ning. Gu Ning took the envelope and opened it, and saw that there was a cheque worth millions of dollars.

Seeing this cheque, Gu Ning closed it quietly, and even Song Ci didn't respond much.

They knew that although Shang Song had hundreds of millions of income in a year, he did not belong to him alone.

Also with his team, this incident of Yin Jia, for Shang Song, was a catastrophe. Qin Yue was willing to give out a million or so figures to thank Gu Ning, which was considered to have fulfilled his due obligations.

If you are an ordinary person, seeing this number will of course be grateful to Qin Yue.

But Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci, the two had money since they were young, and for them, millions are just the price of buying cosmetics.

It's hard to underestimate this number, but it is quite common.

Gu Ninghuan put the check on the table and pushed it in the direction of Qin Yue: "No need, just put your hands down, you don't need such a large number of thanks."

She was telling the truth, but in Qin Yue’s eyes, Gu Ning thought it was too little money.

"Is Miss Gu Ning satisfied with the price? If so, you might as well say a number, as long as it is appropriate, I will never refuse." Qin Yue said hurriedly.

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