Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 368: Why he appears

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Chapter 368  Why did he appear?

After Gu Ninghuan came home, he removed the makeup on his face.

Gu Ninghuan was lying on the bed. Although Qiao Jiner didn't like her person, Qiao Jiner said something right.

She really is a character that is easy to think about. For example, Gu Ninghuan is thinking now, who the woman next to Qiao Jin'er is.

Gu Ninghuan had a mobile phone in his hand and asked if he wanted to call Fu Xishen to ask about it, but he was worried that it would disturb his work and he could not make the call.

Just when Gu Ninghuan was tangled with his mobile phone, a phone call suddenly came in, and Gu Ninghuan answered: "Hello, hello."

"This is not Gu Ning's phone?" Shang Song's voice was a little uncertain.

Gu Ninghuan only reacted at this moment, she actually received the phone call from Shang Song.

And she just answered Shang Song's call with her original voice!

Fortunately, when she took off the voice changer, she placed it in the drawer of the bed cabinet, not far from her present.

Gu Ninghuan quickly took out the voice changer and put it on, and then picked up the phone: "Hey? I just went to dinner, but my friend answered the phone for me. What's wrong, do you have anything?"

Shang Song's heart twitched with the sweet voice before, but he didn't wait until he asked, Gu Ning himself explained her relationship with the girl.

Shang Song didn't speak. He originally called Gu Ning to ask whether Gu Ning would like to be his agent.

But now, the first sentence he said was: "Is the girl who answered my phone just now single?"

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"She is married, but you called, is it because of this matter?" Gu Ninghuan answered.

Shang Song heard the news of the girl's marriage and wondered why his heart suddenly became empty.

People who haven't even met before, where did this loss come from?

"Shang Song, do you call me if you have anything to do with me?" Gu Ninghuan coughed and pulled the topic back.

She worried that Shang Song would continue to question her. She was afraid that she would fail to lie, but it would be bad to reveal her true identity.

Shang Song seemed to remember his purpose at this time: "Gu Ning, I can't get through this matter without you this time, and you have helped me so much, but I can't get a penny.

When you do this, I always feel that I owe you a favor, so, do you want to be my agent. "

Gu Ninghuan was very patient while listening to Shang Song to thank himself, but suddenly what he said changed the style of painting.

Gu Ninghuan was caught off guard.

I don't even know why it suddenly became like this.

Gu Ninghuan was a little surprised that she did not expect Shang Song to be willing to let her act as a broker in order to thank her.

The agent can almost dominate the fate of the artist, and the agent of the popular artist has considerable rights.

"I am very grateful for your trust, but I do not currently have the idea of ​​entering the entertainment industry." Gu Ninghuan politely refused.

Shang Song was a little surprised: "Why did you refuse, your original intention to help me, was it really just because of the way?"

"Really because of the way." Gu Ninghuan answered honestly.

Joel sat next to Shang Song and didn't even need to eavesdrop. Just looking at Shang Song's blue and white complexion, he knew that the communication between him and Gu Ninghuan was not smooth.

When Shang Song's face paled and hung up, Joel said, "Well, did she refuse?"

"Well." Shang Song admitted somewhat reluctantly.

Joel couldn't help but smile: "I guess it's right. How can a person with rich family background like Gu Ning easily agree to be your agent.

Today you persuaded Gu Ning to fail, which also means that I still have some time to quit your broker position. "

Some of Joel's words were sad, but at the same time I was glad that I didn't buy a plane ticket to Canada in advance, otherwise I would have to refund it now.

"I will definitely let Gu Ning be my agent." Shang Song said word by word.

Perhaps after Gu Ning became his agent, he could also see the girl with a sweet voice.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know that Shang Song was interested in her original voice at this time, but was thankful that he had not been found.

But this really can't blame her. Shang Song started to be a little bit out of contact with girls because of Yin Jia's incident. His rejection of girls is obvious.

And now Shang Song hates girls so much, of course, after Gu Ninghuan solved Yin Jia, he naturally deleted the phone number of Shang Song.

Gu Ninghuan put the voice changer in the drawer.

Thinking of the agent that Shang Song said, it aroused her curiosity.

Would you like to try it?

Now Uncle has no way to make waves in the company, Grandpa is not as celibate as before, but can listen to the correct opinions.

In the company, what my brother said has become more and more important.

The fact that I wanted to go to graduate school to help my brother became unnecessary.

So will she try the entertainment industry?

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan was actually eager to try. With makeup on her face, no one knew that Shang Song's agent would be her.

But after all, I went to work in the entertainment industry, so I should ask Fu Xishen anyway.

If Fu Xishen agrees with her, she will go. If he disagrees, Gu Ninghuan will not go.

There should of course be a discussion between husband and wife.

Gu Ning Huan smiled and took his clothes into the bathroom. After the shower, Fu Xishen missed the call on the phone.

After seeing Fu Xishen's phone call, she sank for no reason.

After thinking for a while, I still reached out and called back. After a few seconds, the man answered: "I have something to do today. I will go back later in the evening. Rest early and don't sleep on the sofa."

"Why? Husband, you have come back so late in recent days, is the company so busy?" Gu Ninghuan sat on the bed, grabbed the quilt with dissatisfaction and ripped it.

Fu Xishen chuckled lightly: "Be a little bit more, I will be free to come back to accompany you when this time is over."

"Oh." Gu Ninghuan said reluctantly.

Fu Xishen seemed really in a hurry there, and soon hung up.

Gu Ninghuan went downstairs with his mobile phone to eat, and returned to the room to stay alone after eating, brushing his phone boringly.

The room without Fu Xishen was too quiet, so quiet that she could clearly hear her breath.

Gu Ninghuan hugged the pillow and felt that the room was really quiet and a little weird. He took the iPad and found a variety show in the recent fire. He wanted to add a little fireworks to this room.

But the excitement in the video showed her loneliness even more.

The ringing of the mobile phone rang and Gu Ninghuan connected. There is the voice of Song Ci: "Ning Huan, do you want to come to the party on the 10th?"

"No, I'm ready to sleep." Gu Ninghuan double-tipped the video twice with his finger to pause the variety show.

Song Ci was a little lost. Since Ning Huan held the wedding, she hardly ever went out with her at night.

"Then...Mr. Fu!" Song Ci just wanted to say then forget it, but he saw Fu Xishen at this time.

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