Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 369: Do I need to leave?

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Chapter 369 Do I need to leave?

Song Ci blurted out the three words of Mr. Fu in surprise.

Afterwards, I felt that my reaction was really a little overwhelming. Such places as Ten Days have always been a place where celebrities gather.

There is nothing surprising about seeing Mr. Fu here.

"Song Ci, did you see Fu Xishen?"

Gu Ninghuan, who was talking to Song Ci, of course, heard the name she just blurted out.

Song Ci: "Yeah, I saw Mr. Fu and his assistant walked into the elevator, but Mr. Fu came here for ten days. He should have come to talk about business. You don't have to think too much."

Gu Ninghuan rubbed his lips, and she didn't really need to think too much before seeing everything.

But after seeing all the things, I still have to think too much, which is not certain.

"Song Ci, you are waiting for me for a while on the 10th, and I will be there immediately." Gu Ninghuan said, cut off the phone, changed a set of clothes and went out.

Song Ci still wanted to say something, but the phone had been hung up. She silently found a place in the ten-day Huan Hall to sit down.

Not knowing why, she vaguely felt that today, she should not have mentioned Mr. Fu in front of Ning Huan.

If Ning Huan really sees what he shouldn’t see, what can he do then?

Song Ci was very worried, but he felt that if Mr. Fu really had something nasty, then Ning Huan knew earlier if it was better than late.

However, as a friend of Ning Huan, she did not hope that Mr. Fu would be anything stupid.

Song Ci leaned on the seat and felt very tangled, if she didn't subconsciously call Mr. Fu's name.

Gu Ninghuan arrived soon. In the early winter night, the air was cold.

In such weather, people who are not afraid of cold like Song Ci wear long sleeves.

However, Gu Ninghuan came to Tokahuan in a black dress with a halter strap.

Song Ci looked at Gu Ninghuan, and his eyes lit up: "Ning Huan, you look so beautiful! But aren't you cold?"

"It's good to be beautiful." Gu Ninghuan raised his red lips, and his spirit was pressing.

Song Ci understands why Gu Ninghuan, who often doesn't wear makeup when he goes out, will bring makeup to Tokahuan today.

Mr. Fu showed up at Tokahuan at night, before it was unclear whether he was working or got bored.

Of course, Gu Ninghuan could not lose his temper without permission. Even if there were doubts between the rich couples, they would never put the word doubt on the bright side.

This will not only lose your demeanor, it will also make people look down upon, and it will also become the laughing stock of others after tea.

No matter what, Gu Ninghuan will not let himself fall to this point.

Song Ci followed Gu Ninghuan and walked into the elevator: "Ning Huan, I have asked in the group just now. They said they saw Mr. Fu go to Box 302."

"Are you sure?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Song Ci nodded vigorously: "Of course I'm sure. People like Mr. Fu who can't forget at a glance will not be mistaken."

Gu Ning smiled, but Song Ci made sense.

Fu Xishen's picky face is so difficult to be mistaken.

She wanted to know. Fu Xi said to her clearly that he will be very busy tonight, but why is he so busy, he will appear in Tokahuan in a few minutes.

The two of them walked out of the elevator and walked toward Box 302. Before the door was knocked, the box door was opened.

Ji Bai was holding the phone in his hand and was opening the door to prepare to go out, but after opening the door, he saw that the wife of the president was looking at him with a smile, almost scaring him to throw the phone.

"Mrs. President, why are you here." Ji Bai asked anxiously.

The smile on Gu Ninghuan's lips was more obvious: "Excuse me, can I go in?"

Ji Bai knew that Mrs. President asked this question, just politely.

How dare the Madam President want to enter the box, but the situation in the box now also makes Ji Bai not dare to agree without permission.

"Can't I go in?" Gu Ninghuan's voice has become somewhat dangerous.

Ji Bai shook his head hurriedly: "No, of course not, Mrs. President... of course you can go in."

Ji Bai gave way.

Gu Ninghuan said, "Thank you."

After talking, Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci walked in. The box was brightly lit and the light was bright, and there was no atmosphere of dating and conversation at all.

Seeing this bright light, the small emotions in Gu Ninghuan's heart gradually subsided at this time.

Gu Ninghuan walked in, the high heels stepped on the floor, making a slight noise, attracting the eyes of the people in the box at this time.

The sudden appearance of Gu Ninghuan surprised the people in the box.

Qiao Jin'er stood in front of the sofa, the tears on his face were clearly visible.

And her fiance Ancheng, who appeared hand in hand some time ago, was sitting on the sofa panting with a visible wound on her face.

And Fu Xi turned his back to them, standing in the corner, unable to see his expression clearly.

When Qin Jiner saw Gu Ninghuan appear, he turned a little awkwardly and stretched out his hand to quickly wipe the tears from his cheeks that had not dried up.

She should not show a little embarrassment in front of Gu Ninghuan.

After Qiao Jin'er wiped the tears off his face, he turned to look at her: "Ning Huan, why are you here."

Hearing Gu Ninghuan's voice, Fu Xishen turned around and saw her appearing, somewhat surprised.

The man approached her, looked down at her, and asked, "How do you know I am here."

"Song Ci friends said that I saw you here, and I wanted to come over and see, without disturbing you." Gu Ning's gentle smile didn't seem to be a little irritable.

Song Ci stood next to Gu Ninghuan, looking at the strange atmosphere in the box, and some did not understand what was going on.

But no matter how many questions, Song Ci is at the bottom of her heart. The current atmosphere is not something she can ask.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen: "Do I need to leave?"

"No," the man said lightly.

Qiao Jin'er closed her eyes. She knew that it could not be concealed, but she didn't expect Gu Ninghuan to know so quickly.

But even if she wanted to expose her wounds in front of Gu Ninghuan, she must solve the matter today.

Qiao Jin'er looked at Ancheng with no feelings in his eyes, but his words were very soft: "Ancheng, the feelings of the two of us have come to an end. If you agree to terminate the marriage contract now, the two of us will be friends in the future."

"Be friends? Qiao Jin'er, what you said is so ridiculous, you make me cough like this, but you still want to be friends with me?" Ancheng gasped, as long as he was a little excited, he coughed more than.

At a glance, I knew it was seriously beaten.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes, because his uncle Ancheng had taken him away.

Fu Xishen moved his anger to Mayor An, and later Mayor An was released because of Gu Ninghuan's pleading.

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