Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 370: Fu Xishen is hers

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370 Fu Xishen is hers

But the mayor's position, but he could not sit back long ago.

Because the evidence that Fu Xishen handed over to the Anti-Corruption Bureau is true.

Mayor An can avoid the scourge of prison, and Fu Xishen has given his family a last resort.

The biggest wish before Ancheng was that his father could be released from prison, even if there was no position of mayor.

What Ke Ancheng didn't expect was that his father's release from prison would open their home, a new round of despair and collapse.

An Cheng didn't even think that he had loved girls for so many years, and his fiancee was actually about to rescind the marriage soon after his father was released from prison.

How can he agree, how can he be reconciled.

"Ancheng, I don't love you anymore, no, maybe I never loved you. Our engagement was originally not what I wanted, otherwise I wouldn't run away if I got engaged for the first time.

Now I beg you, whatever you want, please let me go. Qiao Jiner covered his face with his hand and sobbed in a low voice.

Ancheng looked at her with an unbearable look in his eyes. He stood up and wanted to appease Qiao Jin'er, but he had just moved and involved the physical pain.

He remembered how Mr. Fu's people beat him, and how Qiao Jin'er was indifferent to turn a blind eye.

Thinking about this, Ancheng’s eyes suddenly became resentful, and the pain caused by Qiao Jin’er’s tears just now disappeared for a moment: “I will not dissolve the marriage contract, I want you to stay with me all your life, of course you can Let Mr. Fu kill me, but I tell you that if I die, everyone will suspect that you did it.

Settling down, I died in a desperate situation. Guess if your opponents in the entertainment industry will seize this and make you black, and you will be a literary goddess in the eyes of the public. "

Qiao Jin'er suddenly looked up, his eyes were red, and he looked pitiful.

She shivered her lips and couldn't say a word.

The woman who has been standing in the dark has a sneer: "Really? If you die, what will your father do? If I remember correctly, your mother has recently divorced your father.

With the help of outsiders, I believe that your mother will soon get what you want, when you are killed in an accident, and your mother has left your father again, you might as well guess how miserable your father will be in his later years. "

Ancheng's pupils dilated in an instant, his face trembling with extreme anger.

As a child, even if you usually have friction with your parents, as long as there is no deep hatred, it is difficult to look at the desolation of parents in their later years.

Gu Ninghuan followed the clear female voice and wanted to see her face clearly, but she wore a hat on her face and covered herself tightly.

From Gu Ninghuan's point of view, she can only see that she has extremely white and slender fingers.

Qiao Jiner saw that Ancheng did not speak, and knew that he was persuaded by Mo Xian.

She took out an agreement from her bag and slowly said: "Your current image is not suitable for appearing in public, so you sign this agreement and we will have no relationship since today.

You will take good care of Uncle An in the future. I can help you with any money you need. "

Ancheng sneered, moved his body with the pain of his body, reached for Qiao Jin'er's agreement, briefly glanced at it, and then Ancheng dropped the agreement.

He reached for his phone, tapped Qiao Jin'er's WeChat, and sent a video to her. Then he didn't speak anymore, but looked at Qiao Jin'er calmly.

Ancheng's eyes made Qiao Jin'er feel scared, but she still picked up her phone and looked at the video he sent on WeChat.

But she didn't even open it, just glanced at the video cover, and hurriedly put the phone upside down.

Ancheng's gaze has always been on Qiao Jin'er: "Do you still want to dissolve the marriage contract with me?"

Qiao Jin'er's hand tightened and relaxed, and finally said: "Ji Bai, let your people come in and send Ancheng out."

"Jin'er, I'm waiting for you to change your mind." Ancheng dropped this sentence and struggled to get up and leave.

Fu Xi frowned deeply.

Gu Ninghuan didn't understand Qiao Jin'er's thoughts, and it was clear that this thing had to be done, but she stopped halfway. Why?

Qiao Jin'er raised his crying eyes and looked at Fu Xishen with pity: "Cousin, can you alone...talk alone."

Fu Xi nodded deeply and walked towards the balcony.

Qiao Jiner followed Fu Xishen to the balcony. She reached out and closed the balcony door, isolating the two of them.

Gu Ninghuan looked through the glass, watching the two of them standing far enough to stand and chat.

But I don't know why there was a bit of grief in my heart.

Gu Ninghuan knew that the relationship between Qiao Jin'er and Fu Xishen was only a cousin.

Fu Xishen can also easily block Qiao Jin'er because of Gu Ninghuan's words.

But Gu Ninghuan was still not happy.

She never minded that Fu Xishen helped Qiao Jin'er, but that every time Qiao Jiner encountered difficulties, the first thing she thought of was Fu Xishen.

Fu Xishen is her husband, even if she wants to be a patron saint, she should be hers, not Qiao Jin'er.

"Ning Huan, why doesn't Qiao Jin'er wait for a while to dissolve the marriage contract with Ancheng. Now it's too obvious to mention this with Ancheng." Song Ci reached out his hand and poked Gu Ninghuan's hand, quietly. Asked in Gu Ninghuan's ear.

Song Ci didn't think that Qiao Jin'er proposed to dissolve the marriage. It was just that he was so anxious to break up that it was a little too disrespectful, which was not in line with Qiao Jin'er's character of always asking for face.

And who is Qiao Jin'er, but has always been high in performance, does not care about fame and fortune.

She actually proposed to dissolve the marriage due to the loss of her family. Song Ci was surprised by this alone.

Gu Ninghuan tapped his knees rhythmically with his fingers: "I think it must be what An Jia has done to make her intolerable.

Didn't you hear that girl just now? Ancheng's mother also filed for divorce with Ancheng's father, but Ancheng's father disagreed.

If the divorce situation of Ancheng's parents becomes serious, then Qiao Jin'er wants to dissolve the engagement in the future, and the media will naturally compare her and Ancheng's parents for the divorce of money. "

Song Ci nodded: "The arrogant Qiao Jin'er is naturally unwilling to compare himself with the mother and mother. It is better to dissolve the marriage contract. After that, no matter how big the parents are in Ancheng, the public will understand.

They will even be attracted to the attention of the mothers, and Qiao Jin'er's attention will be divided. "

"Moreover, Qiao Jin'er took a film from Zhang Dao and had to retreat to film for six months. When the film came out, it was almost certain that he would be able to get a heavyweight award internationally.

She will become a young shadow, and the public will forget her sex. The six-month time plus the shadow award will be enough for her to wash away the gold label that was generated by the dissolution of the marriage contract. Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Song Ci nodded: "Qiao Jin'er is really too smart."

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