Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 371: He just felt she was angry

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371   He just felt she was angry

Gu Ninghuan looked at Qiao Jin'er from a distance through the glass door.

Yeah, Qiao Jin'er is really smart, but why she's smart makes her feel so uncomfortable.

It is not that she is intolerant, but that she does not like Qiao Jin'er to plan Fu Xishen into her plan.

Or it should be said that Fu Xishen was originally part of her plan. Without Fu Xishen, this plan would not succeed at all.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes, and his husband became a protector of others, even if he was a relative protector, it would be unpleasant.

Women really no matter how calm they look, they are all small-minded when it comes to problems with men, and even she is no exception.

Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and looked at his watch. Now Qiao Jin'er and Fu Xishen have been chatting on the balcony for five minutes. If they can't come out after another five minutes, she will go in and catch someone.

Gu Ninghuan pretended to look at the balcony in the box as she was light and breezy, she looked at Qiao Jin'er's shoulders trembling, and seemed to cry.

And Fu Xishen stood there, and did not make a comforting gesture of embracing her, which made Gu Ninghuan's depressed heart slightly relieved.

By the seventh minute, Gu Ninghuan couldn't help it.

She stood up and thought about the excuse to open the balcony door to be more suitable, or simply did not use any excuse, just lifted her foot to kick the door open.

"Ning Huan, you have to calm down. Now you rushed in and lost your temper." Song Ci reached out to Gu Ninghuan, firmly not letting her do stupid things.

Gu Ninghuan was pulled back to reason by what Song Ci said. She bit her lip and barely calmed down for three seconds. Her eyes fell on the red fire extinguisher. She still thought it would be better to pick up this pretend to inadvertently hit the balcony glass door.

I was worried about what to do if the broken glass broke Qiao Jin'er's face.

Hmm... I don't know why Gu Ninghuan thought Qiao Jiner's face was scratched by the glass.

There is no way for Qiao Jin'er to appear in Zhang Dao's movie. At the same time, she can't do it after the film.

Gu Ninghuan was still eager to try.

Just as Gu Ninghuan thought about whether to use a fire extinguisher, the balcony glass door that had been closed was pulled open.

Fu Xishen stepped out, his handsome and noble face looked as usual, and Qiao Jin'er who came out behind him was not as calm as Fu Xishen.

Her eyes are red, she looks crying fiercely, and she is helpless.

But as a girl, Gu Ninghuan really has no way to sympathize with her.

Qiao Jin'er originally had the opportunity to get rid of her marriage with Ancheng. When she first ran away from marriage, she could refuse the next engagement.

Even Fu Xishen also told her that if you don’t like it, you can not get engaged.

But she still chose to be engaged to a man she didn't love, no matter what she was for, it was her choice.

She should be responsible for her choice, which is the consequence she should bear.

"Let's go back." Fu Xishen took off his suit jacket and put it on Gu Ninghuan.

The heating in the box is sufficient. Men don't have to worry about Gu Ninghuan getting cold before, but after leaving the box, the cold air outside will make Gu Ninghuan uncomfortable.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the man, and then looked at Qiao Jin'er who was staring at her with red eyes and not forgetting to watch her with caution.

Suddenly, an irritability rushed into her heart, and she felt that she was ridiculous today.

Fu Xishen is Qiao Jin'er's cousin, he should help her, she should not feel disliked, but in fact she just doesn't like it.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and pulled Fu Xishen's jacket down, then threw it aside.

She pulled Song Ci's head out of the box without closing, closing the door heavily.

Fu Xi's eyes were deep and cold, slightly dim.

"Cousin, is Ning Huan angry because you helped me? If so, then go to Ning Huan as soon as possible.

I'm sorry, I always trouble you. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I think it's clear. If... If I don't solve the Ansung incident this time, I won't solve it.

I express my innocence as a dead mind, and I will never be ashamed of the Fu and Qiao families. Qiao Jiner said while crying.

Fu Xishen's voice was low: "I will help you resolve this matter in Ancheng."

"Thank you cousin, cousin, I'm really sorry, I always trouble you" Qiao Jiner looked at Fu Xishen with tears in his eyes.

But the man did not look at her at a glance, but walked out of the box.

Qiao Jin'er kept staring at Fu Xishen until he left, and she withdrew her gaze.

"It turns out that this is Mr. Fu's wife, but his face looks very beautiful, but this temper is too bad, that is, Mr. Fu's temper is good to spoil her." Mo Xian took off the hat on his face, revealing exquisite face.

Qiao Jin'er pulled out a tissue and wiped his tears. He heard Mo Xian mentioning Gu Ninghuan, with a slight disdain on his face: "People like Gu Ninghuan who came from a small wealthy family have no good tempers themselves.

I don't know who told her cousin here today. It made her read a joke in vain. "

Mo Xian walked to Qiao Jin'er and asked in a puzzled way: "Speaking of which, I want to ask you why you suddenly changed your mind and refused to let Ancheng sign?"

When Qiao Jiner heard Mo Xian asking this, it seemed a bit difficult to say: "Don't ask about this. In short, I have little time left. I need to sever ties with Ancheng as soon as possible.

As for you, you have to complete your task as soon as possible, understand? "

"Huh." Mo Xian answered.

After Gu Ninghuan walked out of the box, he returned home.

Song Ci originally wanted to go to the party and accompanied Gu Ninghuan home, but Gu Ninghuan refused.

Song Ci was originally played out today. Now that she has lost the time for the party, she should not delay the rest of the time for her.

Gu Ninghuan walked into the room, took off the little black skirt, and threw it on the ground. He didn't even have the mood to put on his home clothes. He opened the quilt and slept in bed.

She now only felt a fire burning in her chest.

At the beginning, the dispute between Qiao Jin'er and Ancheng caused her not to have time to think about things, but she thought about them all while driving.

Fu Xishen has been so busy recently, it should be busy with Qiao Jin'er.

But he never told her and kept her in the dark.

So, for Fu Xishen, is she not qualified to have the right to know about things between him and Qiao Jin'er?

Oh, what is she for Fu Xishen?

Gu Ninghuan became more and more angry, just when her anger reached its peak, the door was opened, and the man came in.

Gu Ninghuan looked up and glanced at him, then charged the phone and set it aside, and fell directly to bed.

Fu Xishen watched her movements, and Gu Ninghuan's reaction was dull, even calm.

But he just felt she was angry.

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