Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 373: She won't do it with him

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Chapter 373   She Don't Do It With Him

Gu Ninghuan only felt annoyed. Now that they are in a state of semi-argument, how can she get rid of the quilt at this time due to a sudden impulse.

She reached out to pull the quilt and cover her body.

But her fingers had just touched the edge of the quilt and was directly overwhelmed by the man on the soft bed.

She lifted the snow-white neck and swayed her cheeks to the left with a red face and red ears: "You are heavy, get up quickly."

"Mrs. Fu, you didn't even wear pajamas tonight. Isn't it just to seduce me? Since that is the case, why should you let me go." The strength of the man's body increased, and his thin lips pressed against Gu Ninghuan's lips. Her strength is heavy.

Gu Ninghuan wanted to push away the man, but her hands were held by the man, making her unable to break free and struggling unwillingly.

The more she struggled, the two bodies got closer and closer, making Gu Ninghuan blush more.

She glared at Fu Xishen: "I didn't seduce you. I forgot to wear my pajamas. Don't wrong me."

Fu Xishen's eyes brewed a deep color: "Is it?"

"Yes, that's it, so you don't hurry up." Gu Ninghuan nodded hurriedly.

Fu Xishen finally understood why he couldn't get up. Can the two of them pose for a long time or else something will happen sooner or later.

Gu Ninghuan is not in the mood to do anything with men now.

The man looked at Gu Ninghuan who was struggling underneath him and pretended to ask casually: "What did you like about Shang Song just now?"

Gu Ninghuan was temporarily asked by Fu Xishen. She just wanted to say that she did not like Shang Song.

But then she thought that she had deliberately maddened her words.

Gu Ninghuan ticked his lips: "I like Shang Song's face. Shang Song seems to be less than 20 this year. It is just a young age, and even close to the skin, they can pinch out the water.

It’s nice to be young, and the young body just makes people look...um... Fu..."

Before Gu Ninghuan's words were finished, the man's lips closed her lips, so that Gu Ninghuan could only emit a simple monosyllable.

The man was indeed angered by Gu Ninghuan, even though he knew that Gu Ninghuan’s likelihood of falling in love with Shang Song was very unlikely, but he still didn’t want to hear the names of other men in her mouth.

Gu Ninghuan had fewer clothes on her body. Once she was not covered by the quilt, she almost barely took it off.

The man's hand went around her, rubbing her thin butterfly bone with thin cocoon fingers.

Gu Ninghuan only felt a loose bra, and then was thrown aside by the man's skillful stripping.

When the atmosphere between the two was getting stronger, a sudden ring of bells interrupted their love.

Gu Ninghuan was held in the arms by Fu Xishen. She was confused by the man. When she saw Fu Xishen reached out and took out her mobile phone, she pressed the answer button.

She clearly saw the word "Jin'er" on Fu Xishen's mobile phone screen.

The blood that burned the bones just now was quickly cooled by these two words.

She reached out and pushed away Fu Xishen indifferently.

The man is answering the phone, and his pretty brows are tight.

He stretched his hand to buckle Gu Ninghuan's wrist and did not allow her to leave.

Gu Ninghuan suddenly felt a little ridiculous. Fu Xishen followed someone else's phone and reached out to grab her. What does that mean?

Could it be that after listening to Qiao Jin'er's complaint, he would continue to do it with her?

Even if Fu Xishen had this idea, she was not willing to cooperate!

This big pervert! Madman!

Gu Ninghuan twisted his wrist and wanted to pull his palm out of Fu Xishen's hand.

But the man seemed to just hold her wrist gently, but once she waited to break free, she found that she couldn't break free at all.

Half a minute later, Fu Xi choked off the phone and lowered his eyes to see Gu Ninghuan still pulling his finger.

"Changing our clothes, we are going to the hospital." Fu Xishen loosened her wrist and stretched her hand slowly to clasp the buttons.

Gu Ninghuan saw that Fu Xishen wanted her to go to the hospital, and only then responded: "Qiao Jiner committed suicide?"

"Well, mom and they are also in the hospital, let's go for a trip too." Fu Xishen was well dressed except for his messy lower body.

But Gu Ninghuan's body, except for the trousers and trousers, the remaining one line is not unnecessary.

Gu Ning Huan didn't want to see Qiao Jin'er, but if Mrs. Fu was in the hospital, she would be too indifferent if she didn't go.

She walked slowly into the cloakroom, wrapped in a quilt, took out a new set of underwear, then put on her clothes, and put all the curls scattered on her shoulders behind her, letting her hair spread.

After she came out, the man was waiting for her outside.

Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen walked out of the villa side by side. Gu Ninghuan stretched out the car door and sat in the co-pilot.

She bowed her head and put on her seat belt: "Is Qiao Jin'er still alive?"

"I don't know." The man replied lightly.

Gu Ninghuan looked up and looked at him. The man's facial features are handsome and his facial lines are perfect. Even if his cousin enters the hospital, he can look calm.

I just don't know if he is really calm or calm.

Fu Xishen drove after Gu Ninghuan fastened his seat belt.

When he arrived at the hospital, Gu Ninghuan looked up at the signboard outside the hospital and found that it was a private hospital dedicated to the rich in Kyoto.

Why Qiao Jin'er committed suicide was sent to this hospital, Gu Ninghuan was surprised.

This private hospital is far away from Qiao Jin'er's apartment. Suicide is a matter of 100,000 anxiety. Most people will choose the public hospital nearest to the suicide to rescue.

Her assistant should not send her here anyway, what to do if there is a delay in the rescue.

Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen went to the hospital, and when they got to the ward, Fu Xishen opened the door, and Gu Ninghuan followed him in.

Qiao Jiner was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, gauze wrapped on his left wrist, and infusion on his right.

Mother Qiao was sitting by Qiao Jin'er's bed at this time, she was tears nonstop.

Qiao Jin'er looked at her lightly: "Mom, I'm wrong, but I really don't have the courage to survive."

Mother Qiao reached out to touch Qiao Jin'er's long hair and cried, "It is not allowed to say such things, but it is just a marriage contract. Even if the family has great skills, it can't go further.

You stupid boy should not bear everything, you should tell me, or tell your cousin why you can’t think about it. "

Mrs. Fu was distressed when she saw Qiao Jin'er. She looked at Fu Xishen with a cold look: "Xishen, what happened is not that it has been dealt with almost the same. Why does Jin'er suddenly commit suicide."

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