Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 374: How can you lie

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Chapter 374: How Can You Lie?

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen's eyes with inquiry.

She also wanted to know why Qiao Jin'er suddenly changed her mind.

But Fu Xishen has not spoken yet.

Qiao Jin'er struggled and replied: "Auntie, please don't blame your cousin, cousin helped me a lot.

Besides, since I returned to China, I have always caused trouble to my cousin, and my cousin's family has also suffered...and I have suffered a lot of problems...

So, in my future, please stop letting my cousin intervene, otherwise, otherwise I really..."

For the rest, Qiao Jin'er didn't say anything. She was crying into tears.

Gu Ninghuan knew that things were not that simple. Qiao Jin'er turned for a long time, but he still turned the topic to himself.

Sure enough, after hearing Qiao Jin'er say it, Qiao's mother looked at Gu Ninghuan's eyes, all of which were strange.

But taking into account Gu Ninghuan's identity, Mother Qiao did not have the courage to speak out in front of Fu Xishen and Mrs. Fu Ninghuan.

But the complaint at the bottom of my heart is estimated to be indispensable, and it is even possible that she will carry her bad words in front of Mrs. Fu.

Qiao Jin'er committed suicide and went to the hospital to recuperate, but he still didn't forget to act online at any time.

She wanted Gu Ninghuan to take the pot so "lovefully", but Gu Ninghuan couldn't accept it.

"Jin'er, I don't understand what you mean. Do you mean that you committed suicide?" Gu Ninghuan made the question clear.

Qiao Jin'er was stunned. He didn't expect Gu Ninghuan to say so straightforwardly.

The speed of her tears was more fierce: "I am suicidal because I can't think of it, it has nothing to do with anyone."

Qiao Jin'er replied in this way, neither denying her suicide was related to Gu Ninghuan, nor acknowledging it.

This unclear answer made Gu Ninghuan more difficult to explain.

Gu Ninghuan pretended to be sad and said: "Jin'er, why don't you use me as an excuse instead of telling your mother your real reason, you know, you will make your elders more worried."

Mrs. Fu raised her eyes and looked at Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, what do you mean by this, what do we don't know."

Gu Ning Huan sighed, so he looked at Qiao Jiner as a difficult one, and he looked like he didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Fu said: "The family is together, there is nothing that cannot be said, you can rest assured."

"Actually, I blame my studies so much lately that I don't know that Jin'er and Ancheng are dealing with the marriage contract. But tonight, my friend said that he saw Xishen on the 10th.

Out of concern for my husband, I also went to Huanhuan, and everything was going well tonight.

Ancheng is also preparing to sign an agreement to terminate the marriage under the analysis of Jin'er's friends, but I don't know why. Before signing, Jin'er stopped. Gu Ninghuan said slowly.

First of all, she affirmed that she was very busy recently, and she did not know that Fu Xishen was helping Qiao Jin'er.

Since she didn't know, of course, it wouldn't even stop it. Qiao Jin'er previously complained that Fu Xishen had helped her and caused family disharmony, which in turn caused her to commit suicide.

As for privately, did Gu Ninghuan quarrel because of Qiao Jin'er and Fu Xishen? This is also the matter between their husband and wife.

When Mrs. Fu heard that Qiao Jin'er had prevented Ancheng from dissolving the marriage contract, she was a little surprised: "Jin'er, is this really the case? Why are you doing this. Do you still have feelings for Ancheng?"

The tears in Qiao Jin'er's eyes were not dry yet. Of course, when I heard Mrs. Fu's question, of course I wanted to deny it the first time.

But just before she opened her mouth, Fu Xi's deep eyes fell on her with a warning meaning, so scared that she did not dare to lie and could only nod.

Qiao's mother could not understand her daughter's behavior. Qiao Jiner knelt in front of her and said that she was unwilling to marry Ancheng and wanted to dissolve his marriage.

But even though Anjia's family had fallen, the thin and dead camel was bigger than a horse, and the broken ship still had three thousand nails. The marriage contract between Qiao's family and Anjia's was not something they could dissolve if they wanted to dissolve it.

Mother Qiao couldn't bear to force Qiao Jin'er into a marriage she didn't want, and didn't say much, so she asked Mrs. Fu to let Xishen help.

Now Qiao Jin'er committed suicide and was hospitalized. These elders, of course, think first. Ancheng did not agree to dissolve the marriage contract, and Qiao Jin'er committed suicide only when he had nowhere to go.

But now I never imagined that Qiao Jin'er didn't agree with Ancheng's signature.

Qiao Jin'er did not answer Mrs. Fu's words, but kept crying.

Her cry made the mother Qiao and Mrs. Fu in the room speechless.

But Mrs. Fu was still a little disappointed with Qiao Jin'er. Mrs. Fu was not confused. What Qiao Jiner said before was clearly suggesting them. Her suicide was related to Gu Ninghuan.

If it weren’t Gu Ninghuan’s explanation at the end, I’m afraid she would have been misunderstood so indistinctly.

Qiao Jin'er cried for a while and gradually fell asleep.

Mother Qiao saw her and asked Mrs. Fu to go back first.

Mrs. Fu is gone, and of course Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen will not stay long.

When Mother Qiao sent them away, she fell asleep on another bed beside the VIP ward.

Mother Qiao closed her eyes for a moment, then she fell asleep, and when her surroundings were quiet, Qiao Jin'er, who should have fallen asleep, opened her eyes suddenly.

Her eyes were colder than the moonlight outside the window, and there was a hint of unwillingness in her eyes.

Gu Ninghuan sat in the co-pilot and looked out of the car window, even in the middle of the night, the store was still lit.

"What are you thinking about."

Gu Ninghuan heard the man’s voice and did not look back at him, but said lazily, "I was thinking, Qiao Jin'er cried so much just now, whether he would drink water madly."

Gu Ninghuan admired some girls like Qiao Jiner and Gu Shi, their tears seemed to be inexhaustible.

No matter when and where, no matter what, as long as they want to cry, the tears can fall instantly.

Gu Ninghuan feels that this is a very useful skill, and she should learn it someday.

"You really care about her." The man sneered.

Gu Ninghuan said seriously: "Of course, anyway, Qiao Jin'er is also your cousin. Of course I should care about her, but why should Qiao Jiner stop Ancheng from signing?"

Gu Ninghuan's last question was completely curious.

After asking the question, she regretted it. Fu Xishen didn't even want to tell Qiao Jin'er how to deal with the dissolution of her engagement.

How could she be willing to tell her.

Gu Ninghuan said quickly: "If you are inconvenienced, just forget it."

"The video Ancheng sent to Jin'er in the box was the video when they got along." Fu Xi said lightly.

At first, Gu Ninghuan didn't understand when he heard Fu Xishen say this.

How did the video of getting along between the couple make Qiao Jiner suddenly change his mind.

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