Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 375: Man with naked upper body

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Chapter 375: The Man's Upper Body Is Naked

Could it be that Qiao Jiner saw the video of her getting along with Ancheng in the past, and suddenly caused her to miss the past, causing her to reluctantly dissolve her marriage with Ancheng.

If this is really the case, why is Qiao Jin'er committing suicide tonight.

Gu Ninghuan just couldn't figure it out, but then, with a flash of light in her mind, she stared at Fu Xishen: "Could it be that Ancheng sent Qiao Jin'er a video of them going to bed?"

Fu Xishen nodded gently.

Gu Ninghuan frowned, and suddenly began to sympathize with Qiao Jin'er.

But at the same time, she also felt that people really can't look at their appearance. When she saw Ancheng before, she thought he was anyhow a gentleman.

I didn't expect that it would happen like this, taking the video of going to bed with Qiao Jin'er to threaten her.

Whether she likes Qiao Jiner or not, she feels that men who use intimate videos to threaten girls are bastards.

Gu Ninghuan did not ask what Fu Xishen planned to do, because she knew that even if Ancheng had Qiao Jiner's intimate video on hand.

Fu Xishen will have a solution. He will never let Qiao Jin'er and Ancheng's intimate videos circulate.

This is not only the public image of Qiao Jin'er, but also the face of the Qiao family.

More importantly, with Qiao Jin'er's character above the top, if that kind of video circulates, she will not cut her wrist next time, but other deadly places.

Gu Ninghuan was thinking about things without talking, and Fu Xishen was not a person who talked much, and the two were so silent.

When Fu Xishen had just stopped the car at Fu Jia Villa, Gu Ninghuan reached out to untie the seat belt and opened the car door to go outside.

The maid opened the door for Gu Ninghuan. When she came back to her and asked, "Young lady, the weather outside is a bit cold. I have prepared the sweet soup you like to keep you warm."

"Good, thank you." Gu Ninghuan hooked his lips.

She put on her slippers and went to the restaurant to sit down. The maid brought sweet soup and placed it in front of Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan picked up the spoon and gently stirred the sweet soup in the bowl, feeling much better than before.

The man walked in and glanced at Gu Ninghuan, who was sitting at the dining table.

Gu Ninghuan knew that the man was looking at her, but instead of looking back, he was intently drinking sweet soup.

Seeing Fu Xishen, the maid asked respectfully and asked, "Sir, do you want to drink a bowl of sweet soup and go to rest."

Gu Ninghuan listened to the maid's words, her red lips couldn't help but he waited for Fu Xishen to refuse.

Fu Xishen doesn't like sweets, and he has a good day and night, almost no supper.


Surprisingly, Fu Xishen nodded in agreement.

Gu Ninghuan gave Fu Xishen an unexpected look, and the line of sight between the two collided in midair.

She quickly lowered her eyes and concentrated on solving the sweet soup in front of her.

Gu Ninghuan could feel that Fu Xishen was sitting beside her. The distance between the two was very close. Gu Ninghuan got up unnaturally and wanted to go further with the hot sweet soup.

But she had just taken a step, and the man's cool eyes fell on her: "Sit down."

Gu Ninghuan maintained a standing posture and felt a little embarrassed.

She still has awkward feelings in her heart until now, worrying that if she continues to sit with Fu Xishen, she will control her and get tit-for-tat again.

Gu Ninghuan sat down and suddenly remembered whether she should discuss with Fu Xishen about her work.

Before she was so angry in bed, now she wanted to persuade him to let Fu Xishen unite her to be the agent of Shangsong, hoping it would be slim.

Gu Ninghuan sat down and pleased Fu Xishen first. He waited until he promised her to go to work.

Gu Ninghuan figured it out, looked at Fu Xishen with a smile, and sat obediently beside him.

Fu Xishen saw that she was so obedient, and her cold expression relaxed.

Gu Ninghuan finished the sweet soup, went upstairs and returned to the room, filled the bathtub with water, slowly took a bath, and slowly thought about it, and then how to tell Fu Xishen that she wanted to work thing.

But after she took a bath, she didn't think of a good way.

Gu Ninghuan put on his pajamas and opened the bathroom door. There was no Fu Xishen in the room.

Because she had something to tell the man, she did not rush to sleep, but lay on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

After Fu Xishen dealt with the matter, he pushed open the door and saw Gu Ninghuan's beautifully shaped calf showing a bar from his pajamas.

The man's throat tightened, and he couldn't help thinking of the joy of the two of them who was interrupted not long ago.

Gu Ninghuan heard the footsteps of the man, immediately got up, put the phone aside, knelt on the bed and looked at Fu Xishen with a smile: "You are back!"

The man looked at Gu Ninghuan's smile, something strange in his eyes.

The man in the restaurant was just skeptical before, but now he looks at the little woman in front of him, but he has already determined his thoughts.

Gu Ninghuan asked him something.

The man's eyes were slightly cold, and instead of walking to Gu Ninghuan, he walked straight to the bathroom after finishing his clothes.

Gu Ninghuan saw Fu Xishen completely neglecting her, so she was a little unhappy.

She sat on the bed, staring vigorously at the closed door in the bathroom. She felt that Fu Xishen must have been a man on purpose.

He must have known that she begged him, so he deliberately refrained from her.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and rubbed his face, feeling that her smiling face was a little stiff.

When Fu Xishen came out of the bathroom, Gu Ninghuan immediately put on a more flattering smile, but when her eyes fell on the man, she blushed unconsciously.

The man's upper body was naked, the beautiful mermaid line stretched under him, and the eight abdominal muscles were not covered by the towel he tied around his waist.

Gu Ninghuan only glanced at it, and he couldn't bear to blush.

Fu Xishen is a man who is too reserved, and he knows that his face has already seen the degree of evil spirits.

Why would you expose your face and abdominal muscles together?

This is not to seduce people to commit crimes.

As if the man didn't see Gu Ninghuan's gaze, he walked to the other side of the bed, reached out and lifted the corner of the quilt to lie down.

Gu Ninghuan hurriedly moved to his shoulder, clenched his fists with his hands to help him hammer his shoulders, and smiled very attentively: "Her husband, are you going to sleep."

"Well," the man answered.

Gu Ninghuan listened to the man's answer so short, really wanted to let go.

But now she doesn't have many university courses, and she doesn't want to be blank except for classes, so she has nothing else to do except to revolve around Fu Xi.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan hammered Fu Xishen's shoulder movement more smoothly.

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