Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 376: Is Mr. Fu so overbearing?

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Chapter 376 Is Mr. Fu so overbearing?

"Husband, I want to discuss something with you, but I don't know if you will agree." Gu Ninghuan's black and white eyes stared at the man innocently.

Fu Xishen's unimpressed opening: "Since you think I might not agree, then needless to say."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She decided not to continue to bend around with the man, and it was better to talk to Fu Xishen directly.

Gu Ninghuan stopped the hammer on the man's shoulder: "I want to be Shang Song's agent."

After she finished, she carefully watched Fu Xishen's reaction.

Fu Xishen's reaction didn't show much. He just looked at her sideways, with a sneer on his thin lips: "It's not enough to look at the young skin for a few days at close range. Now you want to watch forever?"

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She was deeply pressed in bed by Fu Xi before, saying how happy she liked Shang Song's appearance, and how annoyed she is now.

Why she couldn't think about it at that time, she would say that kind of words deliberately and deeply.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and hugged Fu Xishen's neck, and his tone was coquettish: "You know that I said that kind of thing, just a moment of anger, how could I like Shang Song, and he doesn't look good on you.

If I really like him, when he was in the conference room during the day, his WeChat friend verification codes were all pointed at me, and I didn’t scan them. "

Although Gu Ninghuan's main purpose now is to coax Fu Xishen, she is telling the truth.

The Shang Song facial features are indeed pretty, otherwise it is impossible to reach the same age in the entertainment circle, no one can stand side by side with it.

However, Shang Song's face and Fu Xi's depth are still quite close.

"You mean, if Shang Song looks better than me, you will add his WeChat." The man reached out and squeezed her cheek with a bad tone.

Gu Ninghuan felt that Fu Xishen tonight was very difficult.

She even felt that her and Fu Xishen's discussion about her going to work was her biggest failure.

Gu Ninghuan simply cut it before he did it. Anyway, he was discovered. It was at most a few days of cold war with Fu Xi, which was not a big deal.

Gu Ninghuan, who thought this way, also loosened Fu Xishen's neck very decisively.

Gu Ninghuan will directly reply to Shang Song tomorrow, saying that she is willing to be his agent.

Fu Xishen saw Gu Ninghuan release his hand and said indifferently: "Don't deliberately go private as a broker for Shang Song. If I know you have this plan, I will block Shang Song in the entertainment circle."

Gu Ninghuan stared at Fu Xishen with wide eyes.

I just thought that Fu Xishen could read the mind, why she didn't say anything, he actually guessed her next plan.

But he guessed it, even if he still threatened her with Shang Song, Gu Ninghuan was not happy.

Fu Xishen didn't agree with her to be a Shangsong broker, but actually said that if she was a Shangsong broker, she would be banned.

This is not fair.

"Fu Xishen, even if I married you, you don't have the right to decide on my job. I have time now and I don't want to allow you to work part-time." Gu Ninghuan couldn't accept Fu Xishen's arbitrariness.

Fu Xishen's eyes were indifferent: "You want to be an agent, you can pick so many artists from Warner, but Shang Song just can't."

"I don't want to work in your company, and I don't want to bring your company's artists, do I want to rely on myself?"


The man's refusal without any limit completely made Gu Ninghuan angry.

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed with a pillow.

The man looked at Gu Ninghuan barefoot on the floor looking for slippers, and a deep displeasure rose in his heart. His cold eyes narrowed unpleasantly: "Gu Ninghuan, what the **** are you doing? time."

"Aren't I the one who fooled between us tonight?" Gu Ninghuan found the slippers, and when he put them on, he dropped the words coldly.

Instead of staying in the master bedroom, she took the pillow and went to the room where she often sleeps.

Because Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen were in constant friction some time ago.

Even if the relationship between the two of them is relaxed, the maid will still clean the room every week and help the room with a new set of beds to prevent them from quarreling and sleeping in separate rooms.

Gu Ninghuan opened the door of the guest room, then closed the door and locked it, and fell on the soft bed with the pillow.

She didn't know why, and suddenly she would worry about Shang Song today.

What she clearly planned was that if Fu Xishen didn't agree with her as the agent of Shang Song, then she would not go to Qin Yue Company.

But why noisy, her meaning changed.

Gu Ninghuanping lay on the bed, depressed the troubled thoughts in his heart, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

This night, Gu Ninghuan didn't sleep well, and when he woke up to freshen up, he looked at the haggard self in the mirror, feeling a little depressed.

She only felt that she was not having a good time, but it was just a little awkward between the husband and wife. How could she be as sad as a divorce.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and turned on the faucet, and began to brush his teeth and wash his face, so that he could wake up a little.

After washing, Gu Ninghuan did not hurry to go downstairs to eat, but stayed in the room for a long time, and waited until Fu Xishen left, before going downstairs to eat.

Gu Ninghuan was having breakfast downstairs, and Song Ci's phone came over.

She reached out to connect, and said in a low spirit: "Hey."

"Ning Huan, I want to congratulate you, do you know you are on fire now?" Song Ci sounded excited.

Gu Ninghuan didn't understand what she was saying: "What's going on?"

"Qin Yue called me just now, hoping that I could give Gu Ning her contact information. As a result, I asked her what she wanted from you, and guess what Qin Yue answered."

"Did she answer and want Gu Ning to join their company?" Gu Ninghuan didn't guess much.

Song Ci heard Gu Ninghuan guessed that there was no disappointment, but still said happily: "Ning Huan you guessed it! Then do you know that Shang Song also wants Gu Ning to be an agent."

Gu Ninghuan sighed softly: "It's useless to know. Fu Xishen doesn't agree with me to work at Qinyue Company.

He also said that if I went to work in Qin Yue Company, he would ban Shang Song.

I think that I want to work is my business. I can't let Shang Song pay for the quarrel between my husband and my husband. "

Gu Ninghuan said very seriously that she finally rescued Shang Song from the scandal, how could he get him blocked again.

"Gosh, is Mr. Fu so overbearing? This is too handsome!" Song Ci's nymphomaniac voice came from the phone.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

What does Song Ci think about!

An overbearing arrogance like Fu Xishen is not handsome in any way.

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