Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 377: But I want to hide

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Chapter 377

Gu Ninghuan said persuasively: "Song Ci, you can't always define handsome or not handsome from the outside of the man, the man still has to look at the inner."

"If Mr. Fu is particularly ugly, would you still be with him?" Song Ci grunted.

She and Gu Ninghuan have been friends for such a long time, and she also knows Gu Ninghuan.

The main reason why Gu Ninghuan was unimpressed by the men outside was because he had a better Mr. Fu around him.

Of course she would not be tempted by the men outside who were not as good as Mr. Fu.

Gu Ninghuan really thought along the question of Song Ci, but as soon as she thought of it, Fu Xishen changed a very unsightly face, and her fantasies could not continue.

"No." Gu Ninghuan almost threw this answer.

But then she added: "I like everything about Fu Xishen, including his appearance. If his appearance changes, it means that his person has also changed. How could I continue to like someone who has changed. "

If Song Ci hadn't read the book, he really had to believe what Gu Ninghuan said.

For the first time, she heard that Yan Kong said that Yan Kong was so beautiful and refined, even grand and bright.

It was enough for the two to make jokes, and Song Ci returned to earnest: "Ning Huan, do you want to coax Mr. Fu, let him agree that you go out to work, OK?

I want to enter the entertainment industry after graduation, and I hope you will be my agent. "

"Song Ci, I think you still wake up, do you think your grandfather will agree to be an artist?" Gu Ninghuan did not hesitate to break through Song Ci's dream.

Song Ci held the phone and did not give up: "I have a long time to use to convince grandpa, you still have to solve the resistance of Mr. Fu first, if he really disagrees, what should you do?"

Song Ci was a little worried about Gu Ninghuan's situation.

Gu Ning Huan was very relaxed: "What else can I do, since Fu Xishen disagrees, then I don't want to get a job because of the disharmony of our husband and wife."

She still didn't want to continue the quarrel with Fu Xishen for Shang Song.

After a few words between Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan, they agreed to go shopping together in the afternoon and hang up each other.

Gu Ninghuan was watching the news with his mobile phone, and suddenly swiped an entertainment news headline.

"The popular first-line Huadan Qiao Jin'er was trapped in love late at night, suspected of cutting his wrist and committing suicide."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Qiao Jin'er entered the hospital last night, and the news came out today, which is too fast.

Moreover, the private hospital where Qiao Jin'er lived was not always favored by the vast number of celebrities with great confidentiality.

How could it be photographed by an entertainment reporter.

Gu Ninghuan tapped into the news with his finger. Most of the pictures above were not very clear, but it was faintly visible that it was Qiao Jin'er, and the gauze wrapped on her wrist was also “intimately” drawn with a red circle on the picture.

She reached out and slid into the comment area of ​​the news. There was everything in the comments, but more fans of Qiao Jin'er said that they felt distressed.

Qiao Jin'er made his debut using Warner's resources, and he also has acting skills. Weibo also has a strong sense of literature and art every day, which is very good for recruiters and fans.

Gu Ninghuan put down his mobile phone and this matter was solved by Qiao Jin'er's public relations team.

She intends to read a book at home today, and waits to go out with Song Ci in the afternoon.

But in the afternoon, Gu Ninghuan had just touched Song Ci and received a call from Mrs. Fu.

Mrs. Fu calmly asked Gu Ninghuan to come to Qiao Jin'er's ward immediately. After Gu Ninghuan agreed softly, she hung up the phone.

She looked at Song Ci apologetically: "Sorry, Song Ci, I can't go shopping, my mother-in-law asked me to go to the hospital immediately."

"Is it because of Qiao Jin'er's business?" Song Ci also saw the news about Qiao Jin'er.

Gu Ninghuan nodded, and she also felt that Mrs. Fu let her through, it should be inseparable from the news this morning.

Song Ci was a little worried that Gu Ninghuan went alone and said that she would accompany her with everything.

Gu Ninghuan didn't refuse. The two went to the hospital together. When Gu Ninghuan walked to Qiao Jin'er's ward according to memory, she found that there were more black bodyguards outside her ward than last night.

Gu Ninghuan walked outside Qiao Jin'er's ward, probably someone explained it, so the bodyguard did not stop her.

Instead, he respectfully invited Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci into it.

Gu Ninghuan walked into the ward and saw at first glance Qiao Jin'er, who was lying on the bed and was soft and docile.

Her face was fair, and she was not too sad. Even after she saw Gu Ninghuan, she did not react.

From the moment Gu Ninghuan entered the ward, Qiao stared at her with a bad look.

She glanced at Mrs. Fu and tried her best to restrain her temper and asked, "Ms. Fu Shao, I want to ask you something. Did you take Jiner's photo to the media when you came to Xishen last night? ."

Gu Ninghuan shook his head: "I have never done this."

"Who would do such a thing besides you, Mrs. Fu Shao, we all know that you are distinguished, even if you really did leak the Jiner photos to the media, we can't take you how.

But I think if you tear the wound of an artist to the whole country for no reason, is it too much? Should you apologize to Jin'er? Qiao Jin'er's assistant glared at Gu Ninghuan, but he was not happy at all.

Song Ci stopped in front of Gu Ninghuan, leaned on his chin and said to Assistant Qiao Jin'er: "What are you fierce! Now you have evidence to prove that Ning Huan sent the photo of Qiao Jin'er's hospitalization to Yu Ji?

If you don't have evidence, why do you ask Ning Huan to apologize here? "

Assistant Qiao Jiner couldn't say anything when asked by Song Ci.

Because she really has no evidence.

But even if the assistant had no evidence, then what happened. The only person who knew Qiao Jin'er was hospitalized last night was the staff of Qiao Jin'er, the Fu family and Qiao Jin'er's mother.

Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu certainly won't take that kind of picture. The staff of Qiao Jin'er went back yesterday, and naturally they won't.

In this case, who can still be, of course, only Gu Ninghuan.

"Ning Huan, we called you over just to ask you if Qiao Jiner News is related to you. Since you said no, you don't have to doubt it anymore." Mrs. Fu said lightly.

After Gu Ninghuan came in, Qiao Jin'er, who had not spoken, raised his eyes and looked at Gu Ninghuan: "Since Ning Huan said no, then I certainly believe in Ning Huan, but if in the end, the person we found is... What about?"

Obviously it was a complete sentence, but Qiao Jin'er was half-covered.

Gu Ninghuan knew what Qiao Jiner meant.

Don’t you just want a guarantee?

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