Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 379: Because i am your husband

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Chapter 379: Because I Am Your Husband

"Yes, it's just a pity that you have paid so much for Mr. Fu, but you can't let him know.

Li Qing's words can be said to have gone to Qiao Jin'er's heart.

She concealed long-term grievances, and at this moment someone finally understood.

Even if the person who knew her was not a cousin, it was enough.

"You don't need to say more of these words. Go ahead and do something." Qiao Jin'er looked a little dimly instructed.

Liqing nodded and walked out.

When Fu Xishen came home two hours early in the evening, Gu Ninghuan was learning to cook soup with the maid in the kitchen.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, she looked up at Fu Xishen in surprise, how did he come back so early this evening.

Is it too late for her to put down the spoon and go upstairs to avoid him?

But Gu Ninghuan felt that if she left now, it would seem too deliberate.

And between them, the person who did the wrong thing was not her, why she wanted to hide.

Seeing Fu Xishen, the maid smiled and said, "Sir, you are back."

"When do you eat." the man asked.

The maid replied: "You can eat right away."

"En." Fu Xishen sat at the dining table, his face cold.

After the maid finished speaking, she whispered to Gu Ninghuan: "Young lady, this soup can only be stewed for 20 minutes, or would you like to eat with the young master first."

Gu Ninghuan nodded and walked towards the dining table.

She deliberately sat opposite Fu Xishen, trying to maximize the distance between the two.

The maid quickly brought the dinner up. Twenty minutes later, Gu Ninghuan was about to eat. She spooned up the soup she made in front of her. She picked up the bowl in front of her and took a shallow sip.

I think the taste is quite good. Gu Ninghuan now feels that she still has a little talent for cooking.

Anyway, she hasn't done anything recently, so it's better to take advantage of this time and improve her cooking skills.

Gu Ninghuan went upstairs to rest after drinking. She filled the bathtub with water and added fresh rose petals.

Undressing, the whole person soaked in, not forgetting to brush Weibo with his mobile phone in his hand.

At night, the top search ranking on Weibo is still "Qiao Jin'er cut his wrist"

Take a look at this topic, most of the comments below are distressed Qiao Jin'er, and even some passers-by who are not fans of Qiao Jin'er, praise Qiao Jiner's serious feelings, not like other female stars, regard love as a mustache.

Qiao Jiner's Weibo fans, because of this incident, not only did not decline, but even rose a lot.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the phone screen and felt that Qiao Jin'er should be blessed by misfortune this time.

The news of suicidal suicide comes first, even if it later broke out that she and Ancheng had terminated the marriage contract, others would think it was Ancheng's proposal to terminate the marriage contract, instead of thinking that Qiao Jin'er was too rich for the poor.

Such a clever marketing method is really admirable.

Even Gu Ninghuan almost thought that the Qiao Jiner team had deliberately sent out pictures of Qiao Jiner in the hospital.

Gu Ninghuan put the phone aside, reached up and picked up the white bubbles in the bathtub, and waved them in the air.

The bubble just slipped off her fingertips, and the door in the bathroom was pulled open.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the man who entered the bath, withdrawn his hand indifferently, placed it in the bath and continued to soak.

Fu Xishen stepped towards Gu Ninghuan, she frowned slightly, she put a lot of bubble bath **** in the bathtub today, so when Fu Xishen came in, she didn't care much.

She thought that Fu Xishen didn't know that she was taking a bath in it and would go out later, but she didn't expect the man to go a few steps instead of going out.

"Fu... um..."

Before Gu Ninghuan finished talking, his chin was held by the man, and next second he bowed his head to cover her lips.

She suddenly widened her eyes and looked at the handsome face close to her, a little stunned. It was clear that the two of them were still in the cold war one second before, how the man kissed her next second.

The man who was kissing her was aware of her inattentiveness, and the original soft kiss strengthened instantly.

Gu Ninghuan was whimpered by his kiss and reached out to try to push him away, but he couldn't push it anyway. The man even reached out and held her small hand against her chest.

Her tender palms were slightly wet and the man's dry hands held together, which made Gu Ninghuan feel a strange feeling at the bottom of her heart, which made her couldn't help clamping her legs.

As the kiss gets deeper and deeper, the man's movements become more and more casual.

Gu Ninghuan was put on the bed by a man, her thin white arms drooping weakly. She had wanted to take a comfortable bath, but did not expect to be more tired than before washing.

She was tired, but the man didn't think it was enough. He leaned over Gu Ninghuan, and a fine kiss kept falling on Gu Ninghuan's forehead and face.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand to block the lips, the man's kiss fell on the back of her hand, the burning temperature on his lips, and she almost took her hand back.

The man's eyes were cold and he looked at her with some unpleasant eyes.

Gu Ninghuan noticed Fu Xi’s unwholesome gaze and just wanted to stare back. Did the man have no humanity? Didn’t she see that she had collapsed?

She took her hand and stared at Fu Xishen: "Why are you kissing me."

"Because I am your husband." The man's lips twitched.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and pushed him away. The whole person sat up, pulled the quilt with great effort, and wrapped her whole person.

Hearing Gu Ninghuan mentioned the word Cold War, and remembering her attitude of turning a blind eye to him today, Fu Xishen's eyes were covered with a thin layer of gloom.

He reached out and pulled away the quilt from Gu Ninghuan.

Of course, Gu Ninghuan was unwilling, and he grabbed the corner of the dead, and did not let go anyway.

But how could her little strength compare to Fu Xishen.

She just watched the quilt disappear a little bit, and finally lay naked and helpless on the bed.

Gu Ninghuan was naturally dissatisfied with Fu Xishen's overbearing behavior, but before she even spoke, Fu Xishen kissed again.

All her rebellions are worthless in front of men.

When Gu Ning woke up, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

She lowered her head to clearly see the red kiss marks on her body. After scolding Fu Xishen more than 130 times in her heart, she carefully opened the quilt and got out of bed to wash.

Gu Ninghuan was originally planning to take a bath, but found that she could even smell the fragrance of her usual shower gel.

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