Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 380: Does the assistant want my husband to teach?

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Chapter 380 Does the assistant want my husband to teach?

It seems that Fu Xishen has not forgotten to take a bath for her after using her body.

Gu Ninghuan rubbed his lips, even if so, she would not forgive Fu Xishen.

After washing, she returned to the room, picked up her mobile phone and went downstairs to eat slowly.

"Young lady, my wife asked me to invite you back." The housekeeper of Fu's old house, after seeing Gu Ninghuan walking downstairs, bowed and said respectfully.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the housekeeper sent by Fu's old house and wondered why there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

Without delaying time, she went up and changed a set of clothes and did not even eat breakfast, so she went out with the housekeeper.

Along the way, Gu Ninghuan's performance was very silent.

She was thinking about what happened to Mrs. Fu looking for her today.

"Yesterday I saw my mother-in-law, and today I was trying to let me go again." Gu Ninghuan asked lightly.

The housekeeper replied truthfully: "I don't know the specific reason, but I guess it should be related to Miss Qiao."

Gu Ninghuan sneered, Qiao Jin'er again.

She didn't understand that Qiao Jin'er had everything now, but how could she have more interest than she could not get through.

At Fu Zhai, Gu Ninghuan's car door was opened by the housekeeper, and she got out of the car.

Just a few steps away, there was a figure in front of me, Qiao Jin'er's female assistant.

Li Xia looked at Gu Ninghuan's open coat, revealing two long, straight legs, which were more beautiful than the entertainers who used to use legs for marketing. She was jealous in her heart.

It's almost winter, and Gu Ning Huan wears so nice to do.

She doesn't mix in the entertainment world, and the flowers she dresses up all day are really eye-catching.

"Mrs. Fu Shao, don't you know what you said in the hospital that day?"

"It's just been a day, how can you forget that you are so young, why do you like to ask nonsense so much?" Gu Ninghuan glanced at Lixia and said.

Lixia He had been so straightforward, and there was great dissatisfaction in my heart: "Mrs. Fu Shao, I am here today, but I just want to remind you well, why do you talk so rushing.

Moreover, I am not afraid that you have forgotten, or you will pretend to forget, which is not good. "

Assistant Qiao Jin'er spoke yin and yang strangely, which made Gu Ninghuan feel uncomfortable.

But when she thought that Mrs. Fu was still waiting for her, she didn't want to stay here and wasted time with Assistant Qiao Jin'er.

"The more you are like this, the more I feel that Qiao Jin'er is useless. She doesn't dare to show me even if she doesn't like it. It always makes her dog legs come in front of me to disgust me. This is too weak." Gu Ninghuan said Mercilessly.

Li Xiaqi's face was flushed, her hands clenched tightly: "Who are you talking about!"

"Whoever is angry is the dogleg." Gu Ninghuan sneered and left.

She followed the housekeeper into the hall. The people who had come were already waiting in the living room. Even Qiao Jin'er who was recovering from the hospital appeared here.

It seems that today is a fight against her, but it does not matter, no matter what she will encounter, she will not have any flinch.

Gu Ninghuan stepped on high heels and looked indifferent.

Qiao Jin'er's hand on the armrest was slowly clenched into a fist. Why did she feel that Gu Ninghuan's face was cold just now, but she was a bit cousin-like.

No, she couldn't accept Gu Ninghuan's cousin, she simply didn't deserve it.

Qiao Jin'er let go of her hand to restore her calm and elegant appearance.

Mrs. Fu and Qiao mother drink tea on the throne.

When Mrs. Fu saw Gu Ninghuan, she reached down and put the tea cup down, with a smile on her lips: "Ning Huan is here, sit down."

Gu Ninghuan shouted and sat beside him.

Assistant Qiao Jin'er trot and came behind Gu Ninghuan. She glared at Gu Ninghuan and turned to Qiao Jin'er. She bowed her head and whispered something next to Qiao Jin'er.

As he said, he even looked at Gu Ninghuan with evil eyes.

Gu Ninghuan didn't have to guess, she knew she was talking about her bad words.

"Ning Huan, the person we sent to investigate Yuji yesterday, has returned with the answer." Mrs. Fu said softly.

Gu Ninghuan took a sip of the coffee at hand: "Really? Then I don't know what the final result was."

When Li Xia saw Gu Ninghuan still loading garlic, he couldn’t help but ridicule: “I really don’t know if someone likes to pretend or not to see the coffin without tears. Until now I’m not telling the truth. Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts?"

Gu Ninghuan said, put down the coffee cup in his hand, with a little coldness in his eyes: "What kind of thing are you, when it is your turn to speak in Fu Zhai's way."

"Lixia, she is a childish character. I usually indulge her in order to develop such a lawless character. If anything offends Ning Huan, I first apologize for her." Qiao Jin'er pretended to speak anxiously and showed it Her guts were terrified, just as if she was too late to speak, Gu Ninghuan would fight against Xia.

Originally, Qiao Jin'er talked about this, and pleaded in the presence of the two elders.

In any case, Gu Ninghuan should show her generosity and open up the offense net of Li Xia.

But she doesn't want to be like this today.

Yesterday, she was deeply pressed into bed by Fu Xi for midnight. After waking up today, she saw Fu Zhai’s housekeeper, and she came to Fu Zhai without any delay.

After coming here, Lixia had not long-sightedly angered her once when she got off the bus. Now that she has arrived in the lobby, she still does not know how to converge.

Why, she usually let Qiao Jiner too much, let Qiao Jiner think she is a kind person.

It's ridiculous!

Gu Ninghuan looked at Qiao Jin'er coldly: "I originally thought that Jin'er had just committed suicide and was in a low mood, so your assistant has repeatedly offended, and I just forget it.

But now it seems that instead of letting your assistant learn well, my retreat has let her get in the way.

As the saying goes, what kind of boss and what kind of assistants are trained. Jin'er, your career depends on the resources given by my husband. Engagement depends on my husband. Does the assistant want my husband to teach you? "

After Gu Ninghuan spoke lightly, Qiao Jin'er's complexion was so ugly that he couldn't see it.

Qiao Jin'er is an extremely strong person. She wanted to enter the entertainment circle since she was a child. Before that, because she was too young, her family always disagreed.

When she was a little older, she spoiled in front of Mrs. Fu and said she wanted to act.

Mrs. Fu always hurt her, of course, she would not refuse, but she couldn't bear her to enter the entertainment circle so early, so she arranged her to play some drama to exercise acting skills.

Because I heard others saying that she was dependent on her relationship, after going abroad, Qiao Jiner refused to help Mrs. Fu and tried to run the crew. The only result was ridicule and disregard, and even unspoken rules.

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