Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 381: I spent the whole night with men last night

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Chapter 381

In the years of studying abroad, the wall she has encountered is so thick and so difficult.

Back home, she no longer wanted to continue this way, she wanted red, wanted to film.

She felt that the self-esteem and independence she cared about were all foolish.

So she took the initiative to ask her cousin to help her. Only if her cousin helped her would she be able to get the best resources in the entertainment circle, and no one would dare to try to unspoken her.

Qiao Jin'er really did rely on cousin's help to get so hot, but she couldn't accept it, Gu Ninghuan made the case clear.

"I admit, I wouldn't be so fast without my cousin, but I also put in my efforts. My cousin's help to me, I will never forget in my life, but Ning Huan, you don't need to humiliate me like this. Qiao Jin'er had tears in his eyes and looked both aggrieved and sad.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Work hard? Who doesn't work hard in this world, the film school graduates so many college students every year, and runs the trial group every day, just for an opportunity.

There are even more people who get up at four in the morning just to pick up the dragon set characters that other pigeons have dropped. Everyone works hard, but they don’t have your background, they will not have your achievements.

With all your good resources, you can't even manage an assistant, Jin'er, sometimes I really don't know, what's your use. "

Gu Ninghuan's words were harsh and made Qiao Jin'er blush. She could not refute Gu Ninghuan's words.

In fact, even more unpleasant, Qiao Jin'er has not heard it for so many years.

Ai Yu once said a lot of unpleasant things to her, but at that time Qiao Jin'er knew that Ai Yu was jealous.

Ai Yu was jealous of what she had, so instead of being angry, Qiao Jiner enjoyed Ai Yu's jealousy.

But Gu Ninghuan was different. She was ridiculed, ridiculed, and dismissive of her.

Moreover, Gu Ninghuan dare to humiliate her in front of so many people.

Qiao Jin'er said that Gu Ninghuan looked at her mother's eyes for help.

Mother Qiao saw her daughter who had grown up as an eyeball. When Gu Ninghuan said this, she couldn't help it.

"Ning Huan, the assistant made a mistake. You can say that there is no need to scold my daughter like this." Mother Qiao made a statement to help.

Gu Ninghuan took the coffee at hand and bowed his head to drink: "Mrs. Qiao, compared to what Jin'er Assistant told me, am I not already polite? If this level of truth is unbearable.

Jin'er still don't want to work in the entertainment industry, or if you encounter bad reviews in the future, how can it be good, you can't always let my husband protect you.

He is usually busy, and he and I are ready to have children. "

The meaning of Gu Ninghuan's words is that Qiao Jin'er is so old now that you have something to solve. Fu Xishen needs to protect his children in the future.

When Mrs. Fu heard Gu Ninghuan said she was going to have a baby, her eyebrows rose slightly, and she was overjoyed: "Ning Huan, what do you mean, do you really want to have a baby?"

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

In fact, the sentence she just added just talked casually to let Qiao Jin'er know herself clearly.

She didn't expect that Mrs. Fu, who hadn't made a noise, was actually interested in the child.

But since Mrs. Fu has asked, she certainly can't just pass it on.

Gu Ninghuan nodded and replied very conservatively: "It's true that I recently wanted to have children."

"You just figured it out. You are young now. It's good for you to have a baby early. I can also feel the feeling of being a grandma." Mrs. Fu's eyes always had a loving smile.

Looking at Gu Ninghuan's eyes was also full of joy.

Qiao's mother came over today to make Gu Ninghuan give Qiao Jiner an explanation.

But now Gu Ninghuan's light and flirty words made Mrs. Fu so happy.

If Gu Ninghuan is pregnant with Xishen's children, he can do whatever he wants.

Mother Qiao was worried, and Gu Ninghuan was not a good relationship. If one day she became more powerful in the Fu family, what would her Jin'er do?

Qiao Jiner glanced at Lixia. Lixia nodded and said hurriedly: "Mrs. Fu, I know I have said something wrong, but the information given by Yuji is true.

Mrs. Fu Shao sent photos of Jiner's cut vein hospitalization to the media. Isn't this an overkill? Shouldn't you give Jiner the responsibility? "

Mrs. Fu thought slightly, looking at Gu Ninghuan and said, "Ning Huan, you and Jin'er are a family and should support each other. Even if you have the heart to teach her, you should not use outsiders' hands to deal with her."

"Mom, I haven't done this before. I have no contact with the entertainment industry. How can I know an entertainment reporter." Gu Ninghuan gently denied that she hadn't done anything.

When Li Xia denied Gu Ninghuan, he immediately took out his mobile phone, reached out to open the album, and enlarged the screenshot of the entertainment reporter's chat on the screen.

Yu Ji said that the person who provided the news was Gu Ninghuan. These three words are also very clear on the screen of the mobile phone.

"Ning Huan, Lixia's proof is not what he wants to do, but only hopes you can realize your mistakes.

We are a family. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can say it directly. There is no need to make it in front of the public and make Qiao and Fu both humiliating. Qiao Jin'er said very gently.

Gu Ninghuan smiled and said: "Only these screenshots, I can actually make evidence. This kind of thing gives me five minutes, and I can make ten copies."

She said dismissively.

Qiao Jin'er has now reached the point where she can spoil her no matter what she finds, in order to prove that she is skeptical.

Lixia seemed to have known that Gu Ninghuan would say so, and continued with a sneer: "Since this, I don't know what Mrs. Fu Shao, who doesn't know the reporter of the entertainment circle, why do we find him and yours in Yuji's mobile phone? call records."

Gu Ninghuan stunned slightly, not expecting that they would falsify the connected records.

The pictures taken by Lixia do have short call records.

The time shown is still ten o'clock last night.

Gu Ninghuan stayed in bed with Fu Xishen all night last night. How could he answer Yu Ji's phone?

To tell the truth, in front of so many people, Gu Ninghuan couldn't say it.

"How is it, I don't know what Mrs. Fu Shao has to say." Li Xia saw Gu Ninghuan stop talking, and asked with some pride.

Gu Ninghuan said lightly: "It's just a chat record. If you want to forge it, it may not be forged. I have nothing to say. In short, I haven't done it."

Lixia: "Oh, the evidence is all in front of your eyes. You haven't admitted it yet. Since then, we have nothing to say.

It's just that Jiner feels distressed and treats people kindly, but doesn't get a good return. "

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